You only want things

No keys.

you can't have. You only love when it's safe and the object of your feelings does not love you back. You want to hunt and you hardly enjoy the catch. I know you. And that is why you will never ever enter into my life again. This is what I decided some months ago and I will not revisit that decision. I' m sure you have understod that by now.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • I'm a ghost for u

      I have, yes. I have disappeared from you irl. We never met, we never felt. It was only in my head. I was mad, guilty and loser.

      • ap.

        Those are your words not mine. I will not diss you. But as far as I am concerned this is how it' s going to be. Do not try to make contact. Do not give the impression that we know oneamother. Do not try to get close to people that are close to me. Do not speak of me. And I will do the same. I will do the same.

      • Shit happens
        ap. kirjoitti:

        Those are your words not mine. I will not diss you. But as far as I am concerned this is how it' s going to be. Do not try to make contact. Do not give the impression that we know oneamother. Do not try to get close to people that are close to me. Do not speak of me. And I will do the same. I will do the same.

        You're dramatic and it makes me laugh. Thanks for that.

      • ap.
        Shit happens kirjoitti:

        You're dramatic and it makes me laugh. Thanks for that.

        Well, I' ll see you laughing then. Let's see if I' ll laugh. Not with you. But that you already now.

      • Anything can happen
        ap. kirjoitti:

        Well, I' ll see you laughing then. Let's see if I' ll laugh. Not with you. But that you already now.

        Why do YOU talk to strangers here? Tell me your story, why here? Amuse me please.

      • ap.
        Anything can happen kirjoitti:

        Why do YOU talk to strangers here? Tell me your story, why here? Amuse me please.

        No, my story has been told. Many times. It's an old story. And no one, I repeat no one, that ever heard it laughed. You should talk to others if you are looking for amusement. I' m not available.

      • Serious primadonna
        ap. kirjoitti:

        No, my story has been told. Many times. It's an old story. And no one, I repeat no one, that ever heard it laughed. You should talk to others if you are looking for amusement. I' m not available.

        I'm tired. Good night. Be as unavailable as you can.

      • ap.
        Serious primadonna kirjoitti:

        I'm tired. Good night. Be as unavailable as you can.

        Yes. Now we have an understanding.

    • Merkillistä.

      Mamuja vai vaihto-oppilaita

      • ap.

        F off.

    • easy way

      So sad. Loving someone else is not so easy. But it isn't about hunt, nothing like that.

    • on se nyt ihme

      No nyt sit suomeksi kele, kun suomessa ollaan. Itse en koskaan pelaisi kenekään tunteilla enkä tykkää ihmisitä jotka niin tekevät. hetken hauskan pito jonkun kanssa voi olla ok. Mutta tunteilla ei leikitä. Ja minulle on ihan sama mitä joku minusta omassa päässään ajattelee. Tärkeintä on, että itse tiedän mitää teen ja että tunteeni ovat aina aidot.

      • tunteet heittää mua

        Eiköhän kaikki ole sitä mieltä että tunteilla ei leikitä. En tiedä kuka leikki sun tunteilla. Sanon vaan tässä lopuksi, että tunteet voi olla monimutkaiset ja nekin heittää joskus laidasta laitaan. Varmaan tunteetkin saa paremmin jäsenneltyä kun ootte puhuneet niistä. Toivon ettei kukaan tuomitse toisen tunteita leikkimisenä, jos ei ole itse selvittänyt mitä se toinen tuntee.

    • Thank you.

      I've done my best to wipe you out of my system. I noticed from the moments, that you became this maddening poison inside me. It sticked to the very worst parts inside, eating them off like a leech. This I am grateful for and becoming ready to carry on again. I thank you, respect and love you for it.

      • ap.

        I never gained no respect no love from you. Do not try to offer them now. Because I do not want them from you. Thank you but no thanks.

      • Do you only
        ap. kirjoitti:

        I never gained no respect no love from you. Do not try to offer them now. Because I do not want them from you. Thank you but no thanks.

        Love and hate one person only? Is it you or someone else? Because love might teach more about you by other many than you loving someone else. It's only a mirror. Bow one and you bend ass to other.

      • ap.
        Do you only kirjoitti:

        Love and hate one person only? Is it you or someone else? Because love might teach more about you by other many than you loving someone else. It's only a mirror. Bow one and you bend ass to other.

        I failed to understand your point. I learned a lot from my experiences. I don't hate that person. I just don't want him in my life. Is that alright for you?

      • Taas tätä
        ap. kirjoitti:

        I failed to understand your point. I learned a lot from my experiences. I don't hate that person. I just don't want him in my life. Is that alright for you?

        Miksi esiinnyt naisena kun olet mies....

      • Yes, but I
        ap. kirjoitti:

        I failed to understand your point. I learned a lot from my experiences. I don't hate that person. I just don't want him in my life. Is that alright for you?

        wonder what are you doing here anymore? If you want something cool and new there's many possibilities to choose from. There's no princes and princesses here. Just black and white.

    • joskus luovuttava

      Tiedäthän ap, että vahvat tunteet sekoittavat ihmistä jonkin verran. Itsekin kaipaan tasaista elämää, mutta pitäisihän siellä olla niitä lämpöisiä ja vahvojakin tunteita mukana. Mutta tottahan se on, että sellaisesta jolla sinua kohtaan ei ole tunteita kannattaa luopua. Puhuminen kannattaa aina, mutta jos puhuttavaa ei ole niin sitten sitä ei ole.

    • ap.

      I never said you should not move on. Find someone you love. It is not my business. And these days I only mind my business.

      Move on. But what I'm saying is that you may not try to make contact with me. It is not allowed. In any circumstances whatsoever. We can say hi. We can say thank you when appropriate. But that is all.

    • Oh no dear

      Melkein neljäkymmentä vuottako sinun piti kulkea, että törmäsit peiliin? Joku toimi sinun säännöilläsi, tunsi sinun pelkosi, epäilysi, epävarmuutesi. Oli vahva, kun sinä olit. Perääntyi sinun perääntyessäsi, hymyili hymyysi. Et kestänyt kuvaasi vaan halusit särkeä sen. Löit, iskit, potkit. Ei se kokonaan rikki mennyt, mutta säröille murtui pinta. Ja nyt näkemäsi kuva on entistä vinompi ja säpäleisempi.

    • huhhuh huijaa

      En tiedä ap:n tapauksesta hölkäsen pölyä, mutta sen verta voin herkästi neuvovana naisena sanoa, että kerro nuo ajatukset suoraan, mutta kohteliaasti irl sille kohteellesi ja nuo aiemmat juttusi tuolla viittasivat, että yritit kohdettasi estää tekemästä jotain juttuja ja näkemästä jotain ihmisiä. Tuolla tavoin et kuitenkaan voi ketään kohdella! Kuulostat lapselliselta. Toisen kanssa ei tarvitse olla ylimääräisiä tekemisissä, mutta et sinä voi toisen elämää kontrolloida.

    • ap.

      Looks like I got my message through. I will not discuss that relationship or whatever. I will not diss you. I will not miss you. I fear no more. You can not hurt me again. I will not hurt you again.

      • ohohoo

        Message through vmp. Hei ap, jos tosissaan haluaisit tulla ymmärretyksi et sinä täällä viestiäsi julistais.

    • ap.

      There is a reason I use English. I'm pretty sure that person would find this here if he wanted to. And he would recognise. Whether he ever found this we will not know. Not me nor the rest of you. So don't get upset. In a way this is more gentle than telling it to somebodys face when other people are watching. I will never see him alone again. I will never try to embarrace him in front of others. I will never approach him.

      So if you people have made peace with your past, you can skip this one. And if you haven't you can still feel safe to get on with your lives.

      • vai m-->m?

        Aloittaja on mies, miksi yrittää provota?

      • x-->y
        vai m-->m? kirjoitti:

        Aloittaja on mies, miksi yrittää provota?

        Aloittaja on jumiutunut toistamaan samaa levyä. Vaihtaisit jo maisemia ei täällä ole ketään johon uhittelusi uppoavat. Kukaan ei ota itselleen noin tönkköjä viestejä.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

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    3. Mitä oikein

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