LR5 ja kameran tarkennuspiste...


Olen muistaakseeni joskus löytänyt LR:sta ominaisuuden jossa voi katsoa mihin olet tarkentanut kuvan eli kameran tarkennuspisteen.
Nyt en löydä sitä mistään, olenkohan nähnyt unta kyseisestä ominaisuudesta vai löytyykö se kuitenkin jostakin ??
Kiitos etukäteen vastauksesta !




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • g,smkgk

      LR:stä en tiedä, mutta kameranvalmistajien omissa ohjelmissa on sellainenkin ominaisuus.

    • p.l.
      • ps.

        How to use the plugin
        You can use the installed plugin as follows:

        Make sure you are in the Library Module of Lightroom. The plugin currently works only in the Library module.
        Select any photo from your catalog made with any Canon or Nikon DSLR camera. Make sure you select a photo (RAW, JPG, DNG) which comes directly out of the camera and has not been exported/saved in another format (photo which have changed Develop settings in Lightroom are OK), as that will often destroy the focus information metadata.
        Now, start the plugin by going to the „Library“ Menu. Select the last menu entry, „Plug-In Extras“, and there „Show Focus Points“. Important: Note that you need to use the submenu "Plug-In Extras" in the "Library" menu, not the submenu "Plug-In Extras" in the "File" menu.
        The plugin dialog opens (as in the screenshots above). When you are finished with looking at the information for a particular image, you can select another photo from the photo strip below, or from another catalog directory. The plugin dialog will load and process the new photo (which takes a moment).

      • pps.
        ps. kirjoitti:

        How to use the plugin
        You can use the installed plugin as follows:

        Make sure you are in the Library Module of Lightroom. The plugin currently works only in the Library module.
        Select any photo from your catalog made with any Canon or Nikon DSLR camera. Make sure you select a photo (RAW, JPG, DNG) which comes directly out of the camera and has not been exported/saved in another format (photo which have changed Develop settings in Lightroom are OK), as that will often destroy the focus information metadata.
        Now, start the plugin by going to the „Library“ Menu. Select the last menu entry, „Plug-In Extras“, and there „Show Focus Points“. Important: Note that you need to use the submenu "Plug-In Extras" in the "Library" menu, not the submenu "Plug-In Extras" in the "File" menu.
        The plugin dialog opens (as in the screenshots above). When you are finished with looking at the information for a particular image, you can select another photo from the photo strip below, or from another catalog directory. The plugin dialog will load and process the new photo (which takes a moment).

        Focus Points plugin works for all past-2002 Canon EOS DSLR and all Nikon DSLR. It was successfully tested with images from the following cameras.

        Canon: EOS 1D X / 1D C, 1D Mark 4, 1Ds Mark3, 1D Mark3, 1Ds Mark2, 1D Mark2 N, 1D Mark2 - 5D Mark 3, 5D Mark 2, 5D Mark2, 5D, 6D, 7D - 70D, 60D, 50D, 40D, 30D, 20D, 10D - 700D, 100D, 650D (Rebel T4i), 600D (Rebel T3i), 550D (Rebel T2i), 500D (Rebel T1i), 450D (Rebel XSi) , 400D (Rebel XTi), 350D (Rebel XT), 300D (Rebel), M, EOS 1100D, EOS 1000D. Most Canon Powershot models should work fine too.

        Nikon: D4s, D4, D3S, D3X, D3, D2Xs, D2HS, D2X, D2H, D1X, D1H, D1 - D750, Df, D810, D800, D800E, D700 - D610, D600, D300S, D300, D200, D100 - D7100, D5300, D5200, D5100, D7000, D5000, D90, D60, D40X, D80, D70s, D50, D70 - D3300, D3200, D3100, D3000, D40.

        Nikon 1 series cameras will be added shortly.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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