Afraid of death...Or your ego?

Anteeksi että kirjoitin englanniksi, en osaa tätä kieltä riittävän hyvin vielä.

Most of us don't want to die, we want to exist and dealing with death can be unpleasant, or dealing with one's ego. Death itself is nothing to be afraid of because death is nothingness and you don't have any complaints about your nonexistence before you was born right? I know you can't be dead if you haven't been born, it was just a kind of metaphor. I think many people fear the process of dying rather than death itself.

I know, it's not easy to drop your ego, but nothingness is not evil, it is actually a central reality in this universe. You know, particles come into existence and dissapear back. ”But I am here and I want to live forever and forever and forever!.” Come on, try to drop your ego, just give it a try. Countless millenniums passed before you were born. When you are dead, you will ”return to nothingness” and time will pass by.

Yours sincerely.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Jesuslovesyou

      Jesus said unto him, I AM the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me.
      Jesus Christ is the answer, please read the New Testament.

      • lisäänvielä

        Brendan ...

        The Gospel of John (WEB World English Bible)

        Käännä tämä sivuThe Gospel of John (WEB World English Bible). On Early Christian Writings.

      • suresuresure

        I agree, you are telling the truth of death! Be sure that you belive before you die! There is`s not for human beings!

    • Teemies

      Gonna roll baby. Please hear me and good night.

      Smif-N-Wessun - Wreckonize

      tekijä: DiggindCratez

      3 358 230 näyttökertaa

      Smif-N-Wessun - Wreckonize

      tekijä: DiggindCratez

      3 358 230 näyttökertaa

    • Thanks for your replies but this was not meant to be a god vs science debate. Anyway, I quote myself.

      What is a god? What is the colour of Monday? Is it a necessary agent? It doesn't make any sense right? A god is omnipotent, which is a paradox. A god lives forever, which means it can not die and not kill itself or doesen't have the ability to kill itself. A god is everywhere, it is omnipresent, which means it doesen't have the ability to be absent or to leave a place. I guess the list goes on.

      By surrounding yourself with ritual paraphernalia, you are encircling yourself with things that you beleive in, but...Is faith stronger than the forces of nature? I don't think so. Are there any other possibilities? If there are any, I guess they present themselves.

      As a child I was involved in an accident and was clinically dead for about almost two minutes. My body was not taken to the morgue because I was resuscitated. So literally, I returned from the dead. No light in the end of a tunnel. Nothing. A "nothingness" is not dangerous. Like Freud wrote: ”Religion is a neurosis based on wishes.”

      • I have to reject the term "divine omnipotence", it suffers from the limitation of definition.

        A step-by-step example: A god either can or cannot create a rock that is so heavy that it cannot lift it. If it can create a rock that is so heavy that it cannot lift it, then god is not omnipotent. If it cannot create a rock that is so heavy that it cannot lift it, then it is not omnipotent.

        Therefore: A. God is not omnipotent. B. If a god exists then it is omnipotent. Therefore: C. God does not exist. The omnipotence paradox still remains.

        We can't convince each other, and it's not my point either, if you believe in a god, it is totally fine with me. Take care.

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