Kirjoitus Sanna Marinin toilailuista Britannian Sunnuntaiaamun mediassa


Ohessa on kirjoitus Sanna Marinista tämän aamun brittiläisestä “The Sun” lehdestä. Kaikille niille jotka puolustelevat Sannan bilettämistä ja ajattelavat että hänestä kirjoitetaan pahaa ainoastaan koska hän on nainen, niin huomatkaa että jutun kirjoittaja on nainen ja suunnilleen Sannan ikäinen.

Jutun otsikko menee muuten suomeksi suunnilleen näin:
“ Suomen Pääministerin kännitoilailut sopivat enemminkin Mykonoksella rave-bileissä lukion päättymistä juhlivalle teinille kuin vakavasti otettaville maailman johtaville poliitikoille...”

" Finnish PM’s boozy antics more akin to a teenager raving on Mykonos after their A-levels than a serious world leader"

Karren Brady
0:05, 28 Aug 2022Updated: 0:14, 28 Aug 2022

I WOULDN’T begrudge anyone a private life. But the booze-soaked antics of the Finnish Prime Minister were more akin to a teenager raving it up on Mykonos after their A-level results than a serious world leader In the past few days we have seen videos of married Sanna Marin slow-dancing with a hunky pop star and grinding against a mini-skirted model Perhaps most shockingly of all, was the leaked picture of topless women kissing in the bathroom of the Prime Minister’s official residence.

Now that’s what I call a Partygate.

The fun-loving PM was on the verge of tears on Wednesday as she defended herself, insisting that she is “also human” and complaining that “this week has not been easy”.

Finland PM’s topless pals kissed at desk she uses for calls with world leaders
OFFICE PARTY Finland PM’s topless pals kissed at desk she uses for calls with world leaders
People all over the globe have rushed to defend the 36-year-old’s right to party.
A social media campaign of women posting their own dancing videos in sympathy with Sanna was even started.
Which is all very well, yet I can’t help but wonder what the implications would have been for our own Prime Minister. It’s not hard to remember the po-faced furore over Boris Johnson’s warm glass of wine in his garden. There was palpable outrage over the soggy sausage rolls and sauvignon. The reports of so-called “parties” mired his government in a seemingly unshakeable scandal, which eventually led to the PM being marched out of office by his own MPs.

Yes, I know that Boris was breaking his own rules at a time of lockdown.
But can you just imagine the public reaction if Boris had had two topless women in his toilet? Sanna Marin’s exuberant partying reminds me of the Nineties It Girls.
The likes of Tara Palmer-Tomkinson and Amanda de Cadenet partied their way through a decade, drinking fizz and dancing on tables — often with disastrous results. But the obvious difference is that being an It Girl was more or less their job. They didn’t have to get up in the morning to run a country of 5.5million people. And Sanna’s tenure as Prime Minister comes at a crucial time for her nation’s future.


Finland is on its way to Nato membership as the threat of Vladimir Putin looms large. The country, which borders Russia, applied to be part of the military alliance in response to the invasion of Ukraine. Finland also has the highest petrol prices of all EU countries as a result of the ongoing war. To put it mildly, Sanna’s voters have rather a lot to be worried about at the moment. And what may concern them most is her lack of judgment. Her ragtag social circle of party-loving influencers and models is eyebrow-raising.
The truth is that politics is, increasingly, a world of scrutiny. It’s also a world in which it is difficult for women to make their mark. But, male or female, Sanna’s behaviour is hardly that of a role model, which we expect our public servants to be. Maybe this “right to party” is something that leaders have to put on ice for the duration of their leadership. Most periods of office only last for a few years.
And perhaps it’s a lifestyle that just isn’t compatible with being taken seriously as PM?
If Sanna is not careful, the party may soon be over."

Hyvä Sanna...




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