Nykyajan AntiCristukset jotka INRI loi alkujaan 2016 Ruotsissa


Immanuel Jesus azaretian INRI toinen tuleminen oli Suomessa Huhtikuu 2016 ja silloin 123.4.-15.5.2016 Hän loi minun Geeniperimälläni minun valitun silloisella nimelläni olin Tarja-Leena omaa Sukua Ranta Silvasti ja nykyinen nimeni on Tarja-Leena omaa sukua Ranta Suckman Bartelemenov vihki minut avioliittoon ja loi lapsia INRE jä minusta INRI2, INRI3, INRI4, INRI5, INRI6, INRI7 lisäksi hän loi lapsia minulle Mikael jotka nimettiin Mikael Gabriel 1, Mikael Gabriel 3, Mikael Gabriel 4, Mikael Gabriel 5 ja useita heitä ja Rea tyttäriä hieman myöhemmin ja kannattajia kuten Matteuksia, Kari Oksasen ja edesmenneitä Kari Oksanen ja muita. Ruotsiin INRI meni 15.5.2016 ja teki aviorikoksia Ruotsissa ja saamieni tietojen mukaan joita on analysaattorillakin analysoineet tietyt tahot Bernadotte geeniperimästä ja ne kyseiset INRIT kaikki joita on tänä päivänä ja eilen 24.7.2023 yhteensä ainakin 73 kappaletta ovat Bernadotte Anticrist teja. He kutsuvat itseään valheellisesti jopa 'herrasmiehinä' mutta taivaiden hyvyyksiä he ovat tapattaneet paljon näiden vuosien aikana, he aikaansaavat kaaosta ja tuhoa monin tavoin herrasmiestyylilläänkin. Rukoilkaa mieluum minun Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretain INRIn minun geeniperimälläni luotuja INRIjä Vapahtajinaa, Jeesuksina, Kristuksina ja INRInä INRI2,INRI3,INRI4,INRI5,INRI6ja INRI7 :ää. Muistakaa Bernadotte INRI:t ja vapahtaja ja Jeesus tai kristuksenakin Bernadotte Geeniperimä kaikki ovat Bernadotte Aticristuksia. kunnioittaen ja Valalla Vannoen Tarja-Leena Suckman omasuukua Ranta (ovessa Suckman Bartelemenov) syntynyt 24.9.1960 nämä olen tiedottanut edellisen Suomen Hallituksen ministerille ja Eduskunnan oikeuskanslerille vuosina 2021-2022 ja Mooseksen jatkosopimus ss Valtiosopimus vuodelta 2007 jonka sain silloiselta Jumalalta seuraavaksi 4000 vuodeksi. Valittu kansa Suomi ja valittu sukupuu Suckman nimellä minun geeniperimälläni nimesin tuon Sopimukssen vuonna 2018 ja lähein Sopimuspaperi kopiot Arkkipiispa Tapio Luomalle Kirkkohallitukseen. Valalla Vannoen Tarja-Leena omaa sukua Ranta Suckman Bartelemenov




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi

      Siis Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian InRI toinen tuleminen on ollut 13.4-14.4.2016 jälkeen Kristuksen alkuperäisen syntymänja hän tekilapsiaminulle 13.4-14.4.2016 intiimikanssakäymisellä ja senkinjälkeen ainakin 27.6.2016 jKr asti minun geeniperimästäni minun Tarja_leena omaasukua Ranta silloinen Silvasti (nimen muutos Suckmannin sukunimelle kesti yli 5kk) nykyinen Suckman Bartelemenov. Sovimme ikuisuusavioliitosta huhtikuu 2016jKr Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI kanssa ja se on vieläkinvoimassa tänään 16.10.2023jKr. Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI huorasi ja teki perisyntiä Ruotsissa saamieni tietojen mukaan hänen itseminulle ilmoittamien tietojenmukaan alkujaan 15.5.2016jKr ja kesällä heinäkuu 2016jKr Suomessa aamulla kello 5-6 maatärisi kun huoraamista ja Perisyntiä tapahtui Ruotsissa. Se on todistettu jo vuosina 2016jKr ja 2017jKr hänitse myönsi sen.

    • Anonyymi

      Minä Tarja-Leena omaasukua Ranta Suckman Bartelemenov (Suckman on the apartment door) olen siis ikuisuusavioliitossa Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI:n kanssa hänen toisen tulemisensa 13.4.-14.4.2016jKR(alkuperäisen Jeesus Nazaretian syntymän jälkeen) ja huhtikuusta 2016jKR lähtien olenmme olleet Ikuisuusavioliitossa muut senjälkeen hänen kanssaan jälkeläisiä henkiolentoja, kehollisia ja ei kehollisia jälkeläisiä hänenkanssan saaneet naiset ovatkaikki Perisyntisiänaisia ikuisesti!

      • Anonyymi

        Tarja-Leena Suckman on elänyt aiemmin Charlotte Engelinä ja Kaarina Maununtyttärenä Suomessa sekä Maria Magdalenana Jerusalemin alueella Neferititinä Tutankhamonin äitinä sekä Vanhan Testamentin Raakelina ja Leana Jumalan ainoana tyttärenä. Näin hänelle on kerrottu 1990 luvulla Kaarina Maununtyttärenä elämisenä, Leana, Vanhan Testamentin raakelina Maria Magdalena ja Charlotte Engelinä on kerrottu 2010-luvulla.

      • Anonyymi

        To Holy Pope Franciscus of Vatican: In Finland has born Matilda called young woman on 2000-2003 approximately 20 -24 years ago she has been in Lohja calledtown in finland on 24.9.2021 at shop called Prisma as cashier. She has done as in Holy Bible's New Testament Apocalyptic book Whore and Beast does. She had nd beginning of May 2022 last year sins Karma sins so many that Matilda had then 3 time full Phelsepuph sins Karma sins full and on November 2022 Matilda had 400 times full Phelsepuphsins Karmasins.There on that Matilda's sins Karma sins have increacead more. I Tarja-Leena nee Ranta Suckman and I use also name Tarja-Leena nee Ranta SuckmanBartelemenov I am Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian ImmanuelJeesus Nazaretian INRI's eternally married wife by him on April 2016 7 years and 8 months ago in Lohja district (in Latin this area is called Loio and in close Siuntio Finland too).on April 13th and 14th of April 2016 Immanuel had intimate intercause 30 minutes per each 3 times during that night with me in Siuntio Spa Hotel and I got pregnant. immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI on his second coming has created me of my baby start cell's and embryous children. You find their names in Internet on Suomi24.fi with my name as search words from Internet.Many of them have been and are with biological bodies.
        First in July Bernadotte Sweden and I got knowledge and Immanuel confesed that he had went to Sweden on July and created children there at list in Spirit body children,that have been flying in sky but also body chilren may have been created by him without permission and then They are all Anticrist Bernadotte creations according to Holy Bible's New Testaments Apocalypsis last book of New Testament and their mother of whom the baby start cells or embryo's are created She is whore Original Sinner woman too.
        The young Matilda Woman that is approximately 20-24 yaers of age that is written of above she has ordered killings to be done at least by nodding, She has robbed Planets and area on western Milkyway (Linnunrata) area,She has orderered robberings on space carriers, space vehicles and space helicopter robberies, She has also ordered very many torturings and many has turturings has caused premature past aways of the tortured.

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        To Holy Pope Franciscus of Vatican: In Finland has born Matilda called young woman on 2000-2003 approximately 20 -24 years ago she has been in Lohja calledtown in finland on 24.9.2021 at shop called Prisma as cashier. She has done as in Holy Bible's New Testament Apocalyptic book Whore and Beast does. She had nd beginning of May 2022 last year sins Karma sins so many that Matilda had then 3 time full Phelsepuph sins Karma sins full and on November 2022 Matilda had 400 times full Phelsepuphsins Karmasins.There on that Matilda's sins Karma sins have increacead more. I Tarja-Leena nee Ranta Suckman and I use also name Tarja-Leena nee Ranta SuckmanBartelemenov I am Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian ImmanuelJeesus Nazaretian INRI's eternally married wife by him on April 2016 7 years and 8 months ago in Lohja district (in Latin this area is called Loio and in close Siuntio Finland too).on April 13th and 14th of April 2016 Immanuel had intimate intercause 30 minutes per each 3 times during that night with me in Siuntio Spa Hotel and I got pregnant. immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI on his second coming has created me of my baby start cell's and embryous children. You find their names in Internet on Suomi24.fi with my name as search words from Internet.Many of them have been and are with biological bodies.
        First in July Bernadotte Sweden and I got knowledge and Immanuel confesed that he had went to Sweden on July and created children there at list in Spirit body children,that have been flying in sky but also body chilren may have been created by him without permission and then They are all Anticrist Bernadotte creations according to Holy Bible's New Testaments Apocalypsis last book of New Testament and their mother of whom the baby start cells or embryo's are created She is whore Original Sinner woman too.
        The young Matilda Woman that is approximately 20-24 yaers of age that is written of above she has ordered killings to be done at least by nodding, She has robbed Planets and area on western Milkyway (Linnunrata) area,She has orderered robberings on space carriers, space vehicles and space helicopter robberies, She has also ordered very many torturings and many has turturings has caused premature past aways of the tortured.

        Young woman Matilda has had 3 serious boyfrends prior 19 years's of age.

    • Anonyymi

      To Holy Pope Franciscus of Vatican: In Finland has born Matilda called young woman on 2000-2003 approximately 20 -24 years ago she has been in Lohja calledtown in finland on 24.9.2021 at shop called Prisma as cashier. She has done as in Holy Bible's New Testament Apocalyptic book Whore and Beast does. She had nd beginning of May 2022 last year sins Karma sins so many that Matilda had then 3 time full Phelsepuph sins Karma sins full and on November 2022 Matilda had 400 times full Phelsepuphsins Karmasins.There on that Matilda's sins Karma sins have increacead more. I Tarja-Leena nee Ranta Suckman and I use also name Tarja-Leena nee Ranta SuckmanBartelemenov I am Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian ImmanuelJeesus Nazaretian INRI's eternally married wife by him on April 2016 7 years and 8 months ago in Lohja district (in Latin this area is called Loio and in close Siuntio Finland too).on April 13th and 14th of April 2016 Immanuel had intimate intercause 30 minutes per each 3 times during that night with me in Siuntio Spa Hotel and I got pregnant. immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI on his second coming has created me of my baby start cell's and embryous children. You find their names in Internet on Suomi24.fi with my name as search words from Internet.Many of them have been and are with biological bodies.
      First in July Bernadotte Sweden and I got knowledge and Immanuel confesed that he had went to Sweden on July and created children there at list in Spirit body children,that have been flying in sky but also body chilren may have been created by him without permission and then They are all Anticrist Bernadotte creations according to Holy Bible's New Testaments Apocalypsis last book of New Testament and their mother of whom the baby start cells or embryo's are created She is whore Original Sinner woman too.
      The young Matilda Woman that is approximately 20-24 yaers of age that is written of above she has ordered killings to be done at least by nodding, She has robbed Planets and area on western Milkyway (Linnunrata) area,She has orderered robberings on space carriers, space vehicles and space helicopter robberies, She has also ordered very many torturings and many has turturings has caused premature past aways of the tortured.

    • Anonyymi

      Written Freday 28th December 2023 To Holy Pope Franciscus of Vatican: In Finland has born Matilda called young woman on 2000-2003 approximately 20 -24 years ago she has been in Lohja calledtown in finland on 24.9.2021 at shop called Prisma as cashier. She has done as in Holy Bible's New Testament Apocalyptic book Whore and Beast does. She had nd beginning of May 2022 last year sins Karma sins so many that Matilda had then 3 time full Phelsepuph sins Karma sins full and on November 2022 Matilda had 400 times full Phelsepuphsins Karmasins.There on that Matilda's sins Karma sins have increacead more. I Tarja-Leena nee Ranta Suckman and I use also name Tarja-Leena nee Ranta SuckmanBartelemenov I am Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian ImmanuelJeesus Nazaretian INRI's eternally married wife by him on April 2016 7 years and 8 months ago in Lohja district (in Latin this area is called Loio and in close Siuntio Finland too).on April 13th and 14th of April 2016 Immanuel had intimate intercause 30 minutes per each 3 times during that night with me in Siuntio Spa Hotel and I got pregnant. Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian Immanuel Jeesus Nazaretian INRI on his second coming has created me of my baby start cell's and embryous children. You find their names in Internet on Suomi24.fi with my name as search words from Internet. Many of them have been and are with biological bodies.
      Then Secondly in July 2016 Bernadotte Sweden and I got knowledge and Immanuel confesed that he had went to Sweden on July 2016 and created children there at list in Spirit body children,that have been flying in sky but also body chilren may have been created by him without permission and then They are all Anticrist Bernadotte creations according to Holy Bible's New Testaments Apocalypsis last book of New Testament and their mother of whom the baby start cells or embryo's are created She is whore Original Sinner woman too.
      The young Matilda Woman that is approximately 20-24 yaers of age that is written of above she has ordered killings to be done at least by nodding, She has robbed Planets and area on western Milkyway (Linnunrata) area,She has orderered robberings on space carriers, space vehicles and space helicopter robberies, She has also ordered very many torturings and many has turturings has caused premature past aways of the tortured.

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