Indian woman at Teide, Tenerife - Greets from Finland


First I really wanted to post this, then I decided that I won't post this. But as after thought, why not? So you people can learn from my lame mistake.

-- The story --

Then you all can have a laugh at my lame failure. Like I wouldn't have been already feeling lonely and anxious, the following happening didn't help at all.

I met a really nice cute Indian girl with gorgeous chocolate eyes on the tour of Teide national park on 19th day March 2024 whom seemed to liked me a lot. Or maybe she was just as amazed about my short straight blond hair and blue eyes as I loved her eyes and hair. She really made me smile. The first eye contact lasted at least around 10 seconds with a cute smile.

At first stop, I didn't know where she went first. But after I saw her sitting at the cafe outside terrace bit later. Didn't bother to talk to her yet. Yet I kept thinking about her, when getting some coffee and a sandwich. After a while I went to look for her, but she wasn't there anymore.

At the national park visitor center we bumped into each other, and I asked what was in the down stairs, she was looking for the second video about volcanoes at the center. I really wanted to continue the discussion and were hoping to get some contact, but then there was some info screen which was clearly very interesting for her, and I wasn't completely sure if she was with a friend whom seemed to be there as well. I got slightly annoyed and headed out of the center to take long walk at the main sights.

After the tour was almost completed and we went back to the coach pickup point. She came to me and started to talk. It was really nice talk, got lots of information. But I kept the discussion probably on too high level, discussion about things in Finland, India and differences between (boring) EU and about email pen pals (friends).

As afterthought this was probably huge mistake, she had been very positive and engaging. Then I used slightly negative words in my sentences. Nor did I ask anything about her self, not even name. We did very slightly cover topics like Northern Lights and Iceland. She also asked if I have any plans, and I just said that I'm heading to Santa Cruz tomorrow. She also had booked Star Gazing at Teide. Which probably wasn't that great, because I did hear from some guys that the 20th day wed star gazing wasn't great due cloud coverage. Yet different plans and schedules probably did sink any thoughts about potential to hang around.

We continued to talk for a while in the bus, but then the tour guide started to talk about rest of the tour and discussion just ended there. After that she was mostly engaged with her cellphone, and I didn't try to bother her again.

How bad luck and bad timings. Duh.

We both stayed in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife which is small tourist town and it would have been so easy to meet again.

-- And week later, some thoughts --

I really like her. From the initial impression, I assume I should have probably asked more details about her, and at least ask if she would like to have a dinner. For sure I would have had time for dinner that evening. And even getting clear "with you? no way!", would still have been better answer than these thoughts wondering about what if.

I know it's insanely improbable that she would ever even read this, but I'll still post it. And what can we learn from this? Maybe it could be a good idea to move little faster and just ask and then there's no need to keep thinking about things later.

The silly blond Finnish guys,
madeira24 (at-sign)
The email address is valid until end of the year. And sure, it's Madeira, not Tenerife, because I tried to book trip to Madeira, but all sane direct flights from Helsinki to there were totally sold out.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi

      I'm so sorry that I'm not Casanova or Don Juan, if you're used to that kind of guys. "I'm even very held back (sexually) by Finnish standards" could be rephrased for better By Finnish standards, I am even very reserved or conservative when it comes to certain things.

    • Anonyymi


      💋 K­­u­u­­m­­a­­t­­­ ­­­t­­y­­­t­ö­­t­­ ­­o­d­­o­t­­t­­a­­­v­­­­­a­­­t­ ­s­i­­n­­u­­a­­­ ->


    • Anonyymi


      💋 K­­u­­u­­m­a­­­t­­­ ­­­t­­­y­­­t­­ö­­t­ ­o­d­­­o­­­t­t­a­­v­­­­a­­­t­ ­­s­i­­­n­­u­­a­ ->


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