Kaiken saa ilmaiseksi kun jaksaa puhua tarpeeksi.

Free tickets bitch!

Kuten Pertti Spede Pasanen aikoinaan lausahti eräässä sketsissään:
Kaiken saa ilmaiseksi kun jaksaa puhua tarpeeksi.

Tässä esimerkki jossa kiskasin 10dolsun tiketin 10minuutin chättäilyn päätteeksi:
(Minulle ei siis oltu koskaan luvattu mitään lippua..)

Welcome to xxxxx's Customer Service. Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
You have been connected to Patrick.
Patrick: Hi ! How may I help you?
Customer: What about that free ticket 5 50?
Customer: Can i get that already?
Patrick: May I have your usename so I can pull up your account?
Customer: xxxxx
Customer: I allways raise ya know..
Customer: ya get it? xxxxx..
Patrick: Please give me 2-3 minutes to check your account.
Customer: Ok Sir.
Patrick: Thank you for patiently waiting.
Customer: Im cool.
Patrick: Were you promised a free ticket?
Customer: I really dont know
Patrick: What ticket are you asking for?
Customer: Is Xxxxx there?
Customer: He knows, ask him
Patrick: He is no longer with xxxxx.
Customer: xxxxx xxxxx or shit..
Customer: How many years i have to wait that ticket?
Patrick: We do not give free 5 0.50 tickets. You can exchange your points for tickets.
Customer: Why you peoples then promise me i can get that
Customer: This is relly weird, i say
Customer: Im confused rite now. I dont know what to do anymo
Customer: You make me sad, by the way
Patrick: Can you please tell me if you got an email for this free ticket and please tell me why you were promised a free ticket?
Customer: I really dont remember anymo, it is have been over a year
Customer: Maybe i just hang my motherfuckin self. Always same bullshit every where i go. Is this it? I afraid my life is ending.
Patrick: I will see what I can do for you.
Patrick: Please give me 2-3 minutes.
Customer: I got all the time you need brother
Customer: If you ask me, time is on my side
Patrick: Thank you for waiting.
Patrick: I will give you a generic $10 1 ticket.
Patrick: If you make a deposit now, I will also give you a reload bonus.
Customer: Maybe i try to play that ticket first, then we see. Is that ok?
Patrick: Bear in mind that gaming takes on a form of leisure and entertainment. However, you need to know how much time and money that you can afford to spend when playing. xxxxx.com acknowledges that gambling can be a cause for concern and harm to some individuals if not controlled and kept in moderation. These problems can range from over-spending to pathological gambling addiction. In connection with this, we require a waiver stating that xxxxx will not be liable of any gambling problem/ addiction that you may have.
Patrick: Yes that is fine.
Customer: Have a nice evening, brother
Patrick: DO note that we will only do this once, since you are a valued player here at Xxxxx.
Patrick: * Do
Patrick: Is there anything more that I can do for you at this time?
Customer: Yes, No that is that. Bye for now bro!




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