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  1. Edellisestä nähdään, että sikavirus voi viedä aivan terveätkin.

    Turhaa aliarvioida moista.


    Luin uutisen vasta äsken ns. lehtienlukukierrokseni yhteydessä.

    Olo on hutera nyt, olen sairas.

    Nukkumaanmenon yhteydessä otin keuhkolääkkeeni kuten normaalisti ja aamuyöllä heräsin karmeaan oloon, kun sydän hakkasi ja keuhkoputket ja kurkku olivat kipeänä.

    Nousin ylös ottamaan omat droppini, eli kolme kaliumsitraatti- ja magnesiumsulfaattitablettia sydäntä tukemaan kromin lisäksi kyytipoikanaan kaksi kalkkitablettia, koska kyseinen kalium- ja magnesiumvalmiste polttelee tyhjässä vatsassa, vaikka joisi ohjeen mukaan paljonkin vettä.

    Otin myös keuhkolääkkeet uusiksi, Buventolia kaksi annosta, samoin Pulmicortia.

    Tuon jälkeen siirryin ns. pöpöosastoon, eli otin vielä edelläkin mainittua AntiWiriä yhden tabletin ja yhden myös LactoSeven-maitohappobakteeria.

    - Uni onneksi vielä tuli, mutta aamulla herätessäni olin yhä edelleen sairas. Otin lisää ainakin AntiWiriä ja keuhkolääkkeitä, mutta olo oli yhä edelleen raskas. Ilma ei kulkenut hyvin ja käsivarret särkivät niin, että aamusivujen kirjoittaminen oli raskasta, vaikka olin syönyt myös aamupalani.

    Ei tullutkaan mistään hommista mitään, vaan oli painuttava takaisin sänkyyn, jossa myös niskani alkoi särkeä. Vedin peiton korviin lämmittääkseni kolottavia jäseniäni... Aivan kuin minulla olisi ollut myös lämpöä, mutten jaksanut nousta etsimään kuumemittaria.

    - Nyt on iltapäivä jo pitkällä, mutta olo on samanlainen. Olisi ollut tarvetta ottaa keuhkolääkkeet taas uudestaan, mutta päätin sinnitellä vielä hetken.

    AntiWirin kanssa en ole kuitenkaan pihistellyt. Onkohan sitä mennyt tähän mennessä jo viisi kappaletta?

    Menköön mitä menee, sillä eilen löysin vielä muovipussin, jossa oli kaksi avaamatonta AntiWir-pakkausta ja niin ikään kaksi Buventol Easyhaler -pakkausta. Oli iloinen asia löytää niin paljon droppeja. Lääkkeet ei ainakaan lopu kesken...
  2. Niinhän luulet.
  3. Lukekaa vaikka enklanniksi, jos soomi ei kelpaa.


    Wild Olive Leaf is a natural and potent Tamiflu for (H5N1), swine flu (H1N1) with more functions and no side effects

    Saturday, May 2, 2009 1:50PM / Standard Entry


    Here are the facts:

    If you read exactly the following 1-5 walkthroughs, you will understand the power of Wild Olive Leaf -it is crucial to remember that unless you take the Wild variant you will experience side effects because it is not wholly made by nature. Anytime anything is cultivated, nasty things happen and so to fight H1N1 (which was cultivated by wrongful farm-raising practices, we need to use a more powerful approach which comes from selecting the proper peer reviewed plant that is created with respect to nature).

    1. PEER REVIEW JOURNAL: Olive Leaf is shown to contain HT (hydroxytyrosol) (released February 2008)

    2. PEER REVIEW JOURNAL: HT is shown to block H1N1, H5N1 via blocking N1 (neuraminidase) receptor (released Japan 24 March 2009)

    3. PEER REVIEW JOURNAL: Oleuropein shown to anticancer activity (Hamdi et. al. Oleuropein, a non-toxic olive iridoid, is an anti-tumor agent and cytoskeleton disruptor, 2005)

    4. NON COMMERCIAL EVIDENCED BASED WEBSITE: Olive Leaf Extract is a potent and well kept secret

    5. PEER REVIEW JOURNAL: Oleuropein is indicated to reduce breast cancer and even increases efficacy of Trastuzumab (Herceptin) when used in combination study.

    I have taken Wild Olive Leaf for myself on dangerous travels into Africa, Mexico, Wetlands, parts of USA, China etc. It has an amazing capability to block neuraminidase activity using HT (hydroxytyrosol) and then boost the immune level with oleuropein. The wild variant is much more powerful without pesticides or chemicals while being truly balancing (since it isn't cultivated to over produce just one or two ingredients). This is important because only nature provides the best weapons against diseases (it can create the best balance). Against virus and molds, I would only use and choose the wild variant to provide a fail-safe modality. Why would you trust something that is altered using man-made purposes when the best marathon run is to be balanced. I consider wild olive leaf to be a maximal choice against powerful organisms whereas the cultivated olive leaf to be non-ecofriendly and a minimalist insurance against germs.


    A virus is like a key. Your cells are like a door. You want to prevent the key from fitting into the door - you will need to utilize a neuraminidase blocker (i.e. Wild Olive Leaf, Tamiflu = Oseltamivir). Wild Olive Leaf does not contain side effects. Cultivated Olive leaf causes Herxheimer reactions and overshoots the body's balancing system leaving gaps in protection. Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) is documented to have the following side effects:

    * allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
    * anxiety, confusion, unusual behavior
    * breathing problems
    * hallucination, loss of contact with reality
    * redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth
    * seizures

    * cough
    * diarrhea
    * dizziness
    * headache
    * nausea, vomiting
    * stomach pain

    I spent lots of time starting in 2006 to create this when I found out that H5N1 could produce a future combo virus that came from chicken, pigs and human genetics. I predicted the swine flu would appear in the next 4-5 years. I wish it was later rather than earlier.

    Adding to this arsenal is also the N95 8210 mask made by 3M.

    And now I have anti-anthrax weaponry using peroxide chemistries (100% ecofriendly since this particular peroxide breaks down into water, CO2, O2). You guessed it hydrogen peroxide. The reason BioNeutral Group has a powerful weapon is because Dr. Kielbania's invention has enabled hydrogen peroxide's safety to be maintained while using combinatorial chemistry to create a super stable (holds for 2 years) yet 5,000x more powerful hydrogen peroxide that will still breakdown into water, CO2, O2. Hydrogen peroxide in stores cannot breakdown spores or anthrax but everyone knows hydrogen peroxide is known to be the safest and most ecofriendly ingredients -the body even used hydrogen peroxide to heal ourselves. BioNeutral Group's Ygiene has the ability to take out all six levels of bacteria, virus and fungi (including anthrax) as safe as the old hydrogen peroxide and effectively now as hydrogen peroxide 2.0!!

    Welcome to my series of weapons to fight against nasty germs. H1N1 has just been born to the world. Let's track its behavior as it grows up and starts to take a foothold. Citizens of the Earth, if you arm yourselves properly, you will have nothing to fear =D