Vapaa kuvaus

Tärkeitä asioita minulle ovat kristillinen usko, läheiset, ystävät, seurakunta, terveys, kirjat, musiikki, liikunta, ruoka, puhdas vesi ja luonto sekä rauha.





  1. *kosmiset
  2. On se ainakin selkeä. Ja suomeksi. Ja ainakin komiset vakiot kertovat nähdäkseni suunnittelusta.
  3. McGrath ei hyökännyt esseessä, johon viittasin, ateismia vastaan vaan kirjoitti tietyistä ateismiin kallellaan olevista teologeista. McGrath oli itsekin ateisti ennen kuin kääntyi kristityksi. McGrath on kansainvälisesti arvostettu historiallisen teologian sekä teologian ja tieteen vuoropuhelun tutkija. Hän opettanut mm. Oxfordin yliopistossa. Otan lainauksen McGrathin teoksesta joka käsittelee Dawkinsin teosta Jumalharha:

    Dawkins insists that Christian belief is ‘a persistently false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence’. The problem is how to persuade ‘dyed-in-the wool faith-heads’ that atheism is right, when they are so deluded by religion that they are immune to any form of rational argument. Faith is thus essentially and irredeemably irrational. In support of his case, Dawkins has sought out Christian theologians who he believes will substantiate this fundamentally degenerate aspect of religious faith. In earlier writings, he asserted that the third-century Christian writer Tertullian said some particularly stupid things, including, ‘It is by all means to be believed because it is absurd.’ This is dismissed as typical religious nonsense. ‘That way madness lies.’

    He’s stopped quoting this now, I am pleased to say, after I pointed out that Tertullian actually said no such thing. Dawkins had fallen into the trap of not checking his sources, and merely repeating what older atheist writers had said. It’s yet another wearisome example of the endless recycling of outdated arguments that has become so characteristic of atheism in recent years.

    However, Dawkins now seems to have found a new example of the irrationalism of faith—well, new for him, at any rate. In The God Delusion, he cites a few choice snippets from the sixteenth-century German Protestant writer Martin Luther, culled from the Internet, demonstrating Luther’s anxieties about reason in the life of faith. No attempt is made to clarify what Luther means by ‘reason’, and how it differs from what Dawkins takes to be the self-evident meaning of the word.

    What Luther was actually pointing out was that human reason could never fully take in a central theme of the Christian faith—that God should give humanity the wonderful gift of salvation without demanding they do something for him first. Left to itself, human common sense would conclude that you need to do something to earn God’s favour—an idea that Luther regarded as compromising the gospel of divine graciousness, making salvation something that you earned or merited.

    His inept engagement with Luther shows up how Dawkins abandons even the pretence of rigorous evidence-based scholarship. Anecdote is substituted for evidence; selective Internet-trawling for quotes displaces rigorous and comprehensive engagement with primary sources. In this book, Dawkins throws the conventions of academic scholarship to the winds; he wants to write a work of propaganda, and consequently treats the accurate rendition of religion as an inconvenient impediment to his chief agenda, which is the intellectual and cultural destruction of religion. It’s an unpleasant characteristic that he shares with other fundamentalists.

    McGrath, A., & McGrath, J. C. (2007). The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine (pp. 5–6). SPCK.
  4. Tässä ei ole kyse luomisen hylkäämisestä vaan tulkinnasta.

    Syntiinlankeemus on voinut tapahtua jo paleoliittisella kaudella vaikka osa, kuten Eero Junkkaala, ajattelee sen tapahtuneen neoliittisella kaudella.

    Näkisin Raamatun alkuluvut kuvakielenä jonka teologinen sanoma on totta. Käärmeen näkisin symboloivan kiusaajaa jne.

    Sovitus ei siitä turhennu vaikka alkukertomuksia tulkitsisi väljemmin. Kristus kantoi kaikkien aikojen synnit ristille.

    Uudestiluomisesta meillä ei ole vielä kovin paljoa konkreettista tietoa, lähinnä aavistamme Raamatun pohjalta että se on jotain todella hienoa. Ehkä siinä on sekä jatkuvuutta että eroa tähän luomakuntaan verrattuna.