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  1. Miksei täällä puhuta näistä mitään tai ollaan about noin kymmenen vuotta jäljessä?


    Mayo Clinic Study Implicates Fungus As Cause Of Chronic Sinusitis

    ScienceDaily (Sep. 10, 1999) — "We can now begin to treat the cause of the problem instead of the symptoms"

    ROCHESTER, MINN. -- Mayo Clinic researchers say they have found the cause of most chronic sinus infections -- an immune system response to fungus. They say this discovery opens the door to the first effective treatment for this problem, the most common chronic disease in the United States.

    An estimated 37 million people in the United States suffer from chronic sinusitis, an inflammation of the membranes of the nose and sinus cavity. Its incidence has been increasing steadily over the last decade. Common symptoms are runny nose, nasal congestion, loss of smell and headaches. Frequently the chronic inflammation leads to polyps, small growths in the nasal passages which hinder breathing.

    "Up to now, the cause of chronic sinusitis has not been known," say the Mayo researchers: Drs. David Sherris, Eugene Kern and Jens Ponikau , Mayo Clinic ear, nose and throat specialists. Their report appears in the September issue of the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

    "Fungus allergy was thought to be involved in less than ten percent of cases," says Dr. Sherris. "Our studies indicate that, in fact, fungus is likely the cause of nearly all of these problems. And it is not an allergic reaction, but an immune reaction."

    The researchers studied 210 patients with chronic sinusitis. Using new methods of collecting and testing mucus from the nose, they discovered fungus in 96 percent of the patients' mucus. They identified a total of 40 different kinds of fungi in these patients, with an average of 2.7 kinds per patient.

    In a subset of 101 patients who had surgery to remove nasal polyps, the researchers found eosinophils (a type of white blood cell activated by the body's immune system) in the nasal tissue and mucus of 96 percent of the patients.

    The results, the researchers say, clearly portray a disease process in which, in sensitive individuals, the body's immune system sends eosinophils to attack fungi and the eosinophils irritate the membranes in the nose. As long as fungi remain, so will the irritation.

    "This a potential breakthrough that offers great hope for the millions of people who suffer from this problem," says Dr. Kern. "We can now begin to treat the cause of the problem instead of the symptoms."

    More research is underway at Mayo Clinic to confirm that the immune response to the fungus is the cause of the sinus inflammation. The researchers are also working with pharmaceutical companies to set up trials to test medications to control the fungus. They estimate that it will be at least two years before a treatment will be widely available.

    The researchers distinguish chronic sinusitis -- sinusitis that lasts three months or longer -- from acute sinusitis, which lasts a month or less. They say that the cause of the acute condition is usually a bacterial infection.

    Antibiotics and over-the-counter decongestants are widely used to treat chronic sinusitis. In most cases, antibiotics are not effective for chronic sinusitis because they target bacteria, not fungi. The over-the-counter drugs may offer some relief of symptoms, but they have no effect on the inflammation.

    "Medications haven't worked for chronic sinusitis because we didn't know what the cause of the problem was," says Dr. Ponikau. "Finally we are on the trail of a treatment that may actually work."

    Thousands of kinds of single-cell fungi (molds and yeasts) are found everywhere in the world. Fungal spores (the reproductive part of the organism) become airborne like pollen. Some people develop allergies to fungi. The new evidence from the Mayo study suggests that many people also develop a different kind of immune system response.
  2. Minulla on ollut taas aikaa tutkia asioita...

    Nukuttuani jo pari viikkoa kolmen neljän tunnin yöunia menin eilen lopen uupuneena jo kymmenen maissa nukkumaan. Ihan hyvä yritys, paitsi että heräsin puoli neljän tienoilla ;)

    Outo homma on... Nenästänikin on tullut viime aikoina verihippuja taas. Sehän vaivasi siellä homeasunnossa ja loppui tänne muutettuamme.

    - En osaakaan yhdistää näitä uusia oireita muuhun kuin täällä viljelemiini hometesteihin ja niiden tarkasteluun. Niissä kasvaa myrkkyjä eikä pilipali-hengityssuojain suojaa mitään.


    Meillähän on se homeasunnosta tehty testikin vielä tuolla kaapissa. Se on kyllä metalloidun suojapussin sisällä ja vielä pakkauksensa ja paketinkin sisällä, jonka hökötyksen olen laittanut vielä ilmatiiviisti muovipussin sisään.

    Tarkastelin testiä viimeksi, kun näyte oli kahdeksan päivän ikäinen. En ole kuitenkaan lähettänyt petrimaljaa vielä Biofactoon, sillä tarkoitukseni on käydä tekemässä homeasunnossa vielä toinenkin hometesti (ja valita niistä kahdesta Biofactoon lähetettävä testi).

    Ihmettelen nimittäin, miksi homeasunnosta tekemäni testi kasvaa pelkkää mustaa, kun täällä otettu näyte oli niin erilainen. Tein kyllä testinkin eri lailla: täällä sivelin petrimaljaan viisi viivaa Biofacton ohjeiden mukaan, mutta homeasunnossa sudin pumpulipuikolla varmuuden vuoksi (ja väärin) geelin pintaa kauttaaltaan. Ehkä se vaikutti testin tulokseen tai sitten sädesieni homeasunnon testissä on tappanut kaikki muut sienet.

    Uudella oikeaoppisella testillä onkin tarkoitus selvittää, kuinka asiat ovat.


    - Jatkuu... Tullimääräyksistä piti kirjoittaa.
  3. Linkki ei näköjään toiminut vieraskävijöillä, mutta tämän pitäisi toimia:
  4. Ai niin, jälleen kerran...

    Oliivipuusta ja oleuropeiinistä tietämättömille taukeille: ja hakusana "oleuropein" (ilman lainausmerkkejä) kohtaan "All fields".

    - Mätkähtää näköjään 650 suomettumatonta tutkimusta, joukossa mm. tämä:

    ( )

    Oleuropein, a non-toxic olive iridoid, is an anti-tumor agent and cytoskeleton disruptor

    Hamdi K. Hamdi and Raquel Castellona

    aH2RC Corporation, 1920 E. Katella Avenue, Suite U, Orange, CA 92867, USA

    Received 11 June 2005.

    Available online 11 July 2005.


    Oleuropein, a non-toxic secoiridoid derived from the olive tree, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-angiogenic agent. Here, we show it to be a potent anti-cancer compound, directly disrupting actin filaments in cells and in a cell-free assay. Oleuropein inhibited the proliferation and migration of advanced-grade tumor cell lines in a dose-responsive manner. In a novel tube-disruption assay, Oleuropein irreversibly rounded cancer cells, preventing their replication, motility, and invasiveness; these effects were reversible in normal cells. When administered orally to mice that developed spontaneous tumors, Oleuropein completely regressed tumors in 9–12 days. When tumors were resected prior to complete regression, they lacked cohesiveness and had a crumbly consistency. No viable cells could be recovered from these tumors. These observations elevate Oleuropein from a non-toxic antioxidant into a potent anti-tumor agent with direct effects against tumor cells. Our data may also explain the cancer-protective effects of the olive-rich Mediterranean diet.

    Keywords: Mediterranean diet; Actin; Matrigel; Polyphenol; Elenolic acid; Hydroxytyrosol; Chemotherapy; Oncology; Cancer; Chemoprevention


    "Oleuropein completely regressed tumors in 9–12 days."

    Soomeksi: Oleuropeiini hävitti täydellisesti kasvaimet 9 - 12 päivässä.


    Etc. etc. Lukekaa lisää, jos kielitaitoa piisaa.