Avaa silmäsi!


Karen Straughan on yksi mielenkiintoisimmista miestenoikeusaktivisteista! Katso tämä silmiä avaava puhe miesten oikeuksista ja feminismin varjopuolista. Vaikka olisit feminismikriittinen, saatat edelleen yllättyä kuinka aivopesty olet!

Warren Farrell on sekä feministi, että miestenoikeusaktivisti.

Erin Pizzey, feministi joka uskalsi puhua miesten puolesta. Kostoksi feministit ampuivat hänen koiransa ja pakottivat hänet muuttamaan pois maasta.

Nyt on viimein aika ottaa selvää missä maailmalla mennään. Levitä tietoa feminismin myrkyllisyydestä ja ohjaa ihmiset tiedon äärelle. Ei riitä, että tulette tännä palstalle haukkumaan feministejä! Teidän pitää tietää ja haastaa feministit keskusteluun.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • about equality
    • tasa-arvoa!
    • Savior of the poor



      Lisäksi myös perhe on hyökkäyksen kohteena.
      Monestikko olet kuullut, että lasten hankkiminen on pahin ympäristörikos?


      Älä tee niin kuin globalistit harhauttajat haluavat.
      Hanki perhe ja vähintään 4 lasta.
      Se on oikein ja parasta mahdollista vastarintaa harhauttajia vastaan.

      • tasa-arvoa!

        Video liittyy huoltajuuoikeudessa tuhotun miehen itsemurhaviestiin, jonka A Voice For Men julkaisi. Nyt entinen aviovaimo yrittää saada lakimiehineen itsemurhaviestin pois netistä, koska heidän mukaan vaimolla omistaa itsemurhaan ajamansa miehen tekijänoikeudet.

        Tässä kyseinen viesti luettuna:


      • quote Chris Mackney
        tasa-arvoa! kirjoitti:

        Video liittyy huoltajuuoikeudessa tuhotun miehen itsemurhaviestiin, jonka A Voice For Men julkaisi. Nyt entinen aviovaimo yrittää saada lakimiehineen itsemurhaviestin pois netistä, koska heidän mukaan vaimolla omistaa itsemurhaan ajamansa miehen tekijänoikeudet.

        Tässä kyseinen viesti luettuna:


        "The love that my daughter and I shared was truly special. She is a such a sweet, kind and gentle spirit. I am so sorry that I will not be there to see her grow into a beautiful woman. It absolutely crushed me to not be in her life over the last three years. I worked very hard as a father to build her confidence and self-esteem. She is smart, funny and considerate, but she didn’t know it yet. I pray that she realizes her strengths and her confidence in herself will continue to grow. I love you dearly, [name redacted].

        My son [name redacted] was just entering Kindergarten, when I lost access to him. He is gregarious, outgoing and a great athlete. He is smart and fearless. He could have just as much fun by himself as he could with other kids. Even the older boys in our neighbourhood wanted to play with [name redacted]. It absolutely breaks my heart that I will not be able to help him grow into a man. I love you to, [name redacted]. I miss you both so much.

        My identity was taken from me, as result of this process. When it began, I was a commercial real estate broker with CB Richard Ellis. I lived by the Golden rule and made a living by bringing parties together and finding the common ground. My reputation as a broker was built on my honesty and integrity. When it ended, I was broke, homeless, unemployed and had no visitation with my own children.

        I had no confidence and was paralyzed with fear that I would be going to jail whenever my ex-wife wanted. Nothing I could say or do would stop it. This is what being to death or ‘targeted’ by a psychopath looks like. This is the outcome. I didn’t somehow change into a ‘high-conflict’ person or lose my ability to steer clear of the law. I’ve had never been arrested, depressed, homeless or suicidal before this process. The stress and pressure applied to me was deliberate and nothing I could do or say would get me any relief. Nothing I or my attorneys said to my ex-wife’s attorney or to the Court made any difference. Truth, facts, evidence or even the best interest of my children had no affect on the outcome.

        The family court system is broken, but from my experience, it is not the laws, its the lawyers. They feed off of the conflict. They are not hired to reduce conflict or protect the best interest of children, which is why third parties need to be involved. It should be mandatory for children to have a guardian ad litem, with extensive training in abuse and aggression. "

      • quote Chris Mackney
        quote Chris Mackney kirjoitti:

        "The love that my daughter and I shared was truly special. She is a such a sweet, kind and gentle spirit. I am so sorry that I will not be there to see her grow into a beautiful woman. It absolutely crushed me to not be in her life over the last three years. I worked very hard as a father to build her confidence and self-esteem. She is smart, funny and considerate, but she didn’t know it yet. I pray that she realizes her strengths and her confidence in herself will continue to grow. I love you dearly, [name redacted].

        My son [name redacted] was just entering Kindergarten, when I lost access to him. He is gregarious, outgoing and a great athlete. He is smart and fearless. He could have just as much fun by himself as he could with other kids. Even the older boys in our neighbourhood wanted to play with [name redacted]. It absolutely breaks my heart that I will not be able to help him grow into a man. I love you to, [name redacted]. I miss you both so much.

        My identity was taken from me, as result of this process. When it began, I was a commercial real estate broker with CB Richard Ellis. I lived by the Golden rule and made a living by bringing parties together and finding the common ground. My reputation as a broker was built on my honesty and integrity. When it ended, I was broke, homeless, unemployed and had no visitation with my own children.

        I had no confidence and was paralyzed with fear that I would be going to jail whenever my ex-wife wanted. Nothing I could say or do would stop it. This is what being to death or ‘targeted’ by a psychopath looks like. This is the outcome. I didn’t somehow change into a ‘high-conflict’ person or lose my ability to steer clear of the law. I’ve had never been arrested, depressed, homeless or suicidal before this process. The stress and pressure applied to me was deliberate and nothing I could do or say would get me any relief. Nothing I or my attorneys said to my ex-wife’s attorney or to the Court made any difference. Truth, facts, evidence or even the best interest of my children had no affect on the outcome.

        The family court system is broken, but from my experience, it is not the laws, its the lawyers. They feed off of the conflict. They are not hired to reduce conflict or protect the best interest of children, which is why third parties need to be involved. It should be mandatory for children to have a guardian ad litem, with extensive training in abuse and aggression. "

        "It is absolutely shameful that the Fairfax County Court did nothing to intervene or understand the ongoing conflict. Judge Randy Bellows also used the Children as punishment, by withholding access for failing to fax a receipt. The entire conflict centered around the denial of access to the children, it was inconceivable to me that he would use children like this. This is exactly what my ex-wife was doing and now Judge Bellows was doing it for her.

        To all my family, friends and the people that supported me through this process, I am so sorry. I know my reactions and behavior throughout this process did not always make sense. None of this made sense to me either. I had no help and the only suggestion I got from my attorneys was to remain silent.

        At first, I did what I was told, remained silent and listened to my attorneys. Then after I had given my ex-wife full custody to try and appease her, I learned about Psychopathy and emailed Dr. Samenow about my concerns and asked him for help. Of course, I was ignored. As the conflict continued, I was forced to defend myself. When that didn’t work, I thought I could get the help I needed by speaking out. There is no right or wrong way to defend yourself from abuse. Naively, I thought that abuse was abuse and it would be recognized and something would be done. I thought speaking out would end the abuse or at least get them to back off. It didn’t. When no one did anything they were emboldened.

        I took my own life because I had come to the conclusion that there was nothing I could do or say to end the abuse. Every time I got up off my knees, I would get knocked back down. They were not going to let me be the father I wanted to be to my children. People may think I am a coward for giving up on my children, but I didn’t see how I was going to heal from this. I have no money for an attorney, therapy or medication. I have lost four jobs because of this process. I was going to be at their mercy for the rest of my life and they had shown me none.

        Being alienated, legally abused, emotionally abused, isolated and financially ruined are all a recipe for suicide. I wish I were stronger to keep going, but the emotional pain and fear of going to court and jail [because of exorbitant child support] became overwhelming. I became paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t flee and I could not fight. I was never going to be allowed to heal or recover. I wish I were better at articulating the psychological and emotional trauma I experienced.

        I could fill a book with all the lies and mysterious rulings of the Court. Never have I experienced this kind of pain. I asked for help, but good men did nothing and evil prevailed. All I wanted was a Guardian Ad Litem for my children. Any third party would have been easily been able to confirm or refute all of my allegations, which is why none was ever appointed to protect the children or reduce the conflict.

        Abuse is about power and control. Stand up for the abused and speak out. If someone speaks out about abuse, believe them.

        Please teach my children empathy and about emotional invalidation and ‘gas-lighting’ or they may end up like me.

        God have mercy on my soul.

        Chris Mackney"

    • that's right
      • u44u5u45u454u5u45

        hävettäisi katsoa peiliin jos olisi feministi

      • u44u5u45u454u5u45 kirjoitti:

        hävettäisi katsoa peiliin jos olisi feministi

        Varsinkin se lilanvärinen siilitukka.

    • cvbnmkjhg

      Feministit ovat seuraavat natsit. Historia toistaa itseään. Se mitä ihmiset eivät tajua on, että historia ei toista itseään tismalleen samojen ihmisten toimesta, vaan tahot vaihtuvat, osat jaetaan uudestaan. Uusia hitlereitä on jonossa valmiina ottamaan paikkansa.

    • Tappouhkaukset

      Rauhaa rakastavat ja "miesliikettä" vastustavat feministit lähettävät aina tappouhkauksia näille naisille jotka ottavat kantaa feminismiä vastaan. Doris Lessing kertoi että niitä oli tullut niin monta että ei enää pystynyt laskemaan. Muutkin ovat tuon vihaliikkeen kynsissä. Ihan samaa vihaavaa mustavalkoista sakkia kuin muutkin ääriliikkeet.

      Nyt on olemassa facebook ryhmä jossa otetaan Suomessa pesäeroa suomalaisiin äärifeministeihin. Siihen raakaan moraalittomaan porukkaan siis on osa feministeistä tekemässä pesäeroa. Sama ääriporukka joka suomensi Scum manifeston.

    • tasa-arvoa!

      Hyvä nostaa tämä taas ylös, kun palstalle on tullut vilinää!

    • tasa-arvoa!
    • tasa-arvoa!

      Senator Anne Cools at Toronto Conference on Domestic Violence
      Kun nainen tappaa pienokaisen = Infanticide ("lapsenmurha")
      Kun mies tappaa pienokaisen = 1st degree murder ("ensimmäisen asteen murha")

      Lapsenmurhaa ei katsota yhtä pahalla kun sen tekee äiti/nainen kuin jos sen tekee mies. Jos viiden vastasyntyneen lapsensa taposta epäilty äiti olisikin isä, olisi Suomessakin ihan erilainen kohu kuin nyt. Joka muuta väittää, ei ole kovin kiinni tässä todellisuudessa. Lapsenmurhalle etsitään tekosyitä kun tekijä on äiti/nainen.

    • tasa-arvoa!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Voitasko leikkiä jotain tunnisteleikkiä?

      Tietäisi ketä täällä käy kaipaamassa.. kerro jotain mikä liittyy sinuun ja häneen eikä muut tiedä. Vastaan itsekin kohta
    2. Tietysti jokainen ansaitsee

      Hän varmasti ansaitsee vain parasta ja sopivinta tietenkin, suon sen onnen hänelle enemmän kuin mielelläni. Aika on nyt
    3. Millä voin

      Hyvittää kaiken?
    4. En voi sille mitään

      Tulen niin pahalle tuulelle tästä paikasta nykyisin. Nähnyt ja lukenut jo kaiken ja teidän juttu on samaa illasta toisee
    5. 50+ naiset kyl

      Lemottaa sillille mut myös niitte kaka lemottaa pahlle ku kävin naiste veskis nuuhiin
    6. Välitän sinusta mies

      Kaikki mitä yritin kertoa tänään ei mennyt ihan putkeen..Joka jäi jälkeenpäin ajateltuna suoraan sanottuna harmittaa aiv
    7. hieman diabetes...

      Kävin eilen kaverin kanssa keskusapteekissa kun on muutama kuukausi sitten tullut suomesta ja oli diabetes insuliinit lo
    8. Annetaanko olla vaan

      Siinä se, tavallaan kysymys ja toteamuskin. Niin turhaa, niin rikkovaa. On niin äärettömän tärkeä, ja rakas olo.. N
    9. Miten joku voi käyttää koko elämänsä

      siihen että nostelee täällä vanhoja ketjuja ja troIIaa niihin jotain linkkiä mitä kukaan ei avaa? Ihmisellä ei ole mitää
    10. Pakkoruotsi on leikkikieli, jota ei ole tarkoituskaan osata

      Pakkoruotsi on leikkikieli. Ennen leikkikieltä sanottiin siansaksaksi, sitten keksittiin tilalle pakkoruotsi. Pakkoruot