I'm writing to inform everyone that the recent tragedy in Halong Bay is not an isolated incident. My girlfriend and I took a 2 night, 3 day cruise of Halong Bay on Feb. 5, 2011 with a company called Sapphire Sails. We had no problems with the big boat that we slept on, but during the day we and one other passenger were taken on a smaller boat for a day trip. While the three of us relaxed on the top deck, three Vietnamese employees (one driver, one guide, and another guy) piloted the ship on the main deck. On calm, empty water with clear visibility they somehow managed to crash the boat into a rock island the size of a house. The force of the impact broke off a chunk of rock about the size of a truck which fell into the water next to our boat. Luckily no one was hurt and while the boat was badly damaged, it didn't take on water or sink.
The day before this happened we and dozens of other people were kayaking as part of the tour. Again in calm water and clear visibility, one of the big sleeper boats managed to run over a bright orange kayak and capsize it; luckily the people in the kayak survived unharmed.
The many boats plying the waters of Halong Bay show just how much demand fort his sort of tour is booming. At the same time, regulations and safety standards are nonexistent. This is a dangerous combination. If you must go on a tour of Halong Bay, be very, very careful when choosing your operator and keep a watchful eye at all times.
Safe travels!
Halong Bay, nukkukaa sikeästi
bon voyage...
- minä tiiän kaiken
Onnea matkaan: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/thread.jspa?threadID=1433645
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