Matkustan toukokuussa Lissaponiin ja sieltä olisi tarkoitus käydä Portossa.
1. Mitä asemalta juna lähtee Portoon?
2. Mikä asema Portossa?
3. Onko junaan mitään alennuksia? ryhmä, seniori?
Kiitos etukäteen!
Juna Lissabonista Portoon
- Sra Comboio
1. Lissabonista joko keskustan liepeiltä Santa Apolonia -asemalta tai Expo-alueen Oriente -asemalta.
2. Portossa Campanha -asema
3. Eläkeläisalennus voi osoittautua hankalaksi hankittavaksi:
"Retiree/Pensioner Golden Card
The Golden Card gives a 50% discount in the trips operated by CP. This card can be requested by retired or pensioner costumers, regardless the age, whose family members’ monthly income (total income of the members who share the household) is less than the minimum national salary.
The card can be requested at any CP station with a manned ticket office, where the Costumer must fill the form and present the documents confirming the number of members of the family and respective income.
In the moment of request, the Costumer must present the following original documents: the declaration from the local council authorities duly filled confirming the number of elements composing the family; an identification document (ID, Citizen Card or Passport); document confirming the amount received as a pension from the proper authorities and a declaration from the tax office or your most recent tax return form stating the income of the family. Besides showing the original documents, the Costumer must also deliver a copy of these.
The request of the card has a fixed price of €3,00."
Ja vielä aikataulut Sra Comboio
Ai niin, yli 65 vuotiaat saavat alen:
Service: Alfa Pendular
When: All day
Conditions: Discount for senior citizens of over 65 on Alfa Pendular and Intercidades trains,
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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