Jacksonien perhe väittää, että perikunnan asianajajat John Branca ja John McClain väärensivät Michael Jacksonin testamentin ennen tämän traagista kuolemaa.
7. syyskuuta 2002 Los Angelesissa allekirjoitettu testamentti, jossa Michael nimittää Brancan ja McClainin perikunnan johtoon, on perheen mukaan väärennös, sillä Michael ei tuona päivänä ollut LA:ssa.
Lisää aiheesta täällä: http://www.celebuzz.com/2012-07-17/michael-jacksons-family-demands-estates-executors-resignation-effective-immediately-fake-flawed-and-fraudulent-exclusive/
Perikunnan vastaus kohuun:
Recently, a letter was posted online from some of Michael Jackson's siblings, whom Michael chose not to name in his will, questioning the document’s validity and the naming of John Branca and John McClain as his Executors. Here is a statement from attorneys for the Estate in response to the online posting:
Any doubts about the validity of Michael’s will and his selection of Executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals and, finally, the California Supreme Court.
Under the supervision of Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff, Co-Executors John Branca and John McClain have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties as well as their obligation to Michael to make sure that his Estate benefits the only family members he named in his will – his mother and his three children.
We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael’s family, whom he chose to leave out of his will. We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate’s finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael’s fans, old and new, are enjoying his artistry through exciting new projects.
Michael Jacksonin testamentti on väärennös ?!
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