Channeling is a form of speculation-not even teachers claim it to be the *Truth*
Past lives are therefore speculation only and very much past-no longer relevant.
You're looking at Christmas Past.
In fact it may attract all the wrong people in a persons life-not relevant people, that is. Nothing in common.
Be perfectionistic about your own life, not others.
Point of power-and choice-is now, a person's own call.
Face the facts- such a person may not be available to you-ever.
Nobody will speak for such a person-misrepresente!
To California
- Suorastaan outoa
Tässäkään ei ollut muita demonisoiva paranoidi "kristitty" aloittamassa sontaketjua. Laskujen tässä vaiheessa siis "vain" 4/7 "new age"-ketjusta on sellaisia. Siirrytäänpä seuraavaan ketjuun laskemaan lisää.
- inalienablerights
New Age thinking is not above the laws of society, karma is speculation only
My past lives may be distinctive but they are all gone, never to return
I don't want your attraction-I don't need it
New Age thinking is speculation only, nothing normative, just subjective
Your lessons mean nothing to me, you're just taking a difficult situation and complicating it further with lessons that mean nothing to me-fictitious lessons, that is
I don't want you in charge of anything-you never get it right
I'll never be there for you, I'm not available and you can't blackmail me into anything
If not on my map, forget it-keep on being played for your attraction-for more than a decade it's been the same stupid mistake from you-I'll never be there for you
You are not above the law-unless you want to promote criminal behaviour for your 'lessons' that mean nothing to me
I'm not part of the New Age scene-speculation only
Have a nice life- oonmäkinopiskellu
Hienosti puhut ruattia.
- notavailble
No interest in speculative New Age material nor celebrities of the past-all are gone along with their times.
No interest in living or working in Hwood-nothing there for me.
No ideal man with everybody-I pick my company, thank you.
No physical pointless relationships for me-not available.See the fine people around you and make yourselves available-have people you can actually get and want you.
Never set out to be an everybodyloving and fearless person-that's your preoccupation, not mine.
Hear this, finally.
No more blackmail from you.- goodriddance
I don't pick people from a distance-stupid stuff.
As a 50plus i'm no physical guy nor interested in people outside my map
See the fine people around, just for you.
Never told you you could go for me.
Hear me right, idiots.
My life is my call-so is my 'karma'-don't even think you can force your views on me.
You're such a negative influence in my life and you never learn-same stupid mistake year after year. - hearright
You're offering me roles I never wanted or sought for-incarnation of somebody famous is a folly.
I determine my fame, not you.
My life is my call-you don't get any say.
Trees are part of my life's work-how can you defeat it, idiots.
You're not-picking your Company makes you a winnner-you're understood right.
Sex is in the mind-nowhere else.
As a no-physical guy I don't see attraction in Hwood-of all places, you can't get sex?
Will you get this information right-so often you're played.
Some people want me out of the country-that's why you're played.
My life is my call, fears will go away in time, can I have good dream time, nothing fake, not personally relevant.
I'm not hot, forget it.
Never liked navelgazing people.
Nobody speaks for me.
- mycallmylife
My life and karma are for me to pick not for outsiders to define
Personally speaking I'dont care aboutt celebs of the past, nor do I idolize them They're not relevant neither personally nor culturally, historically gone for good, never to return.
I don't fancy those who do so to me-sexually smart people hear the word no.
False social hierarchies are precisely that-laugh at it-imagine me as a Catholic, Brit or Director, false views entirely.
New Age views can be unscientific-no way of improving your love life except for viagra
I have no heart for stupid people.
Your local psychics have variable views-Idon't believe in them nor do I need it.
No obfuscate that members of the intelligence of the yellow press.
That information does not excite me.
I don't fancy you in return. - jefft
to Tiny heterosexist minds-will never be there to you-you got the wrong guy
Are you sexually smart?
The wrong guy, that´s it.
Psychic sources are non-human, on the basis of it you can pick the wrong guy.
I don´t want you on any level-so forget it.
Hear the word, NO
I´m tired of false views-so hear it-I dont pick you ever, in my lifetime.
I pick my company and that's it, never you.
100 percent clear.
Why-it's complicated
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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