Country Helen
Country Helen.
Rides with cow.
Saddle uneven.
But hey....Anyhow.
It`s marvelous way.
To study the west.
Shoots and lay.
My chest and her nest.
Her master`s choice
Local seventeen.
Legal tender.
She is ready to lean.
To her big spender.
Mister master`s choice.
Picked his daughter`s friend.
Scared away all the boys.
Broken bikes around the bend.
She nearly made flesh to the T- bone.
Now is buried under anorexia stone.
Simon says
Simon says `` There must be 50 ways
to leave your Joker.``
But 52 cards to play her back.
I Didn`t know your relationship was poker.
Until I saw you carried my fortune away
in a sack.
Daydream vets
Lonely boys are crossing over runkergate.
Fantasy island has a port near the masturbay.
Stick is too thin to catch siren serenade.
It`s nice to smell fishy air anyway.
We are all daydream vets.
We should have running dry-medals
just for waiting.
Used to chase eat-out pets.
Caused too much useless dating.
Hotel bellboy`s hell.
Stands in the hill.
My suite is poetry room.
Explodes ideas like baby boom.
Camping site nearby ``Writer`s block.``
Put my head against solid rock.
Until river is running dry.
Muse`s nature is to fake and lie.
5 Darts
Vana Talli
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