Chaos moba is a free to play 3D action MMORPG from Joyfun. Players can create their own legendary hero and join forces with other players to either save or destroy the world. New players now have free access to the base game content in Chaos. Free Access provides players with the ability to create two characters, join a League and many other benefits. Free level players can also purchase packs, additional character slots, and more in-game.
Instant competitive yystem engage your fellow warriors in free-for-all, team-based or objective-based Peer vs. Peer modes. Earn badges to display your prowess in the ring, and earn exclusive gear by redeeming combat points. For veteran players , take on a rival guild in the massive Guild-on-Guild Emporia War! All in a few clicks. Train Your Pet or ride your trusty steed into battle. Choose from a variety of pet types and watch your new best friend grow as you both evolve into heroes.
Chaos transports players into the mystical realm where dangerous dungeons abound. Gamers battle monsters as an individual explorer or team up to journey through exclusive multiplayer dungeons. Players can choose from five distinct character classes, each featuring a unique set of abilities and powerful attack combinations. Each class further specializes into four sub-classes, which opens up further skills and customization. Chaos also allows players to challenge each other in a player-versus-player arena where players can sharpen the ability to customize their fighter for endless matchups with other warriors.
The Chaos aren’t peaceful places; they are filled with hundreds of dangerous traps and there are some impressive and bizarre creatures wandering around. These critters make no distinction between the teams and will act as fierce guardians of the treasure! Killing the creatures will reward you with bonus experience points, vital for purchasing new spells. The bosses and mini-bosses will offer you a great challenge, but they also reward you with an even higher number of bonus experience points and, more importantly, will give you the favors of the chest.
Chaos Official Site:
Chaos Online Magic Game
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