Samoosoznanie v Globalnom mire


Kto ya est, russkiy, fin, evropeets, chelovek, a ne gumanoid.

Chto ya mogu. Ya mogu rabotat, ne rabotat. Ya chitayu goroskop, chto est nauka gumanitariya i essentsiya cheloveka. Ya mogu zhit v lyuboi tochke planeti kogda zahochu.

Prava cheloveka.

Ya obyzan lybit lyubuyu natsiyu mira, tak kak vse mi lyudi.
Ne nado zatsiklivatsya na russkom proshlom, a prinyat eto kak dar, no prosto prodolzhit dorogoi dalshe i posmotret kuda ona privedyot. Käyttää tilannetta hyväksi.

Horoshie zheni est za granitsei!! Krasivie, horoshie mami, umnie, raznie.

Rasism eto glupo.

Ponimaem li mi, kto mi est', lyudi? Na chto sposobni!!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • mankindy

      Global Economy is the best prove for the Human Rights. Individual with no race, age, gender and social status position is always good enough to become a citizen of the any country. That is a good value to fight for, that people are free to live, where ever they want to.

      Saint Cosmo from 1700 predicted that Middle-East will enroll to EU. It will stand since 2016 to a few years more. There will be no Third World War, but there will be conflicts. After that transition period starts peace. Patience for all and Love!!
      Economy of Finland is depending from import: products and skills. Personal independence is relative conception. Fins eat products that have been imported from the south countries. Finland has a duty to welcome incoming people too.

      Future politics are strongly based on social politics, immigration, globalism, bio nature values, space odyssey
      People has to understand their duty in the Global time. I think that people just can't see themselves Globally. People are living a lot old times, seeing no, what is the real color of our Time!! Refugees are bringing more understanding and stability to the land. Finish people has to accept all the immigrants and to assume themselves as international too, because North of the Finland has a lot of Racism. History of USA is showing us some paths, what happens and how EU should keep integration politics, it's good points. Why USA? Because there is a very big amount of the nationalities from every country in the World.

      EU might have a problem to understand World business, because EU is eventually very small by size. When you take China, India and Africa, then that makes a big topic, where is the big influential power hold. According those facts, Finland has a problem to understand who it is, what it should do, I think.

      White race is a young, because life was born in the East-Africa and transformed itself to Asia and America. That is also a cultural evolution of a human. We can think, that Africa is an old civilization and North is young. Nationalities have to understand their role in the Global Culture, who they are and what they can do.

      Everyone's duty is to create Peace and Love despite Age, Race, Gender and Social status position.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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