i budesh schastliv
delai detei rano, do 25 let.
imei mnogo detei i ostavaisya molodim
puteshestvui i prosveschaisya
ne izmenyai zhene
ischi svobodu
lyubi mir
ne imey granits
bud vegetariantsom
Stop ALKO, kurenie, narkotu
- genoman
eko poseleniya vo vsem mire. projekt kotoriy podderzhivaet eu - genoman
Website: www.grishino.ecology.net.ru/
Contact: [email protected]
Contact address:
Vasudeva Vladislav Kirbiatiev Ecovillage Grishino P.O. Box 32, d. So
Podporozhskiy rayon,
d. Soginitsy
< none >
Cell phone: 79219285560
In the northwest of Russia, in the historical village of Grishino (300 km North East of St. Petersburg), at the confluence of two rivers for a number of years we are living and building an ecological village and a center for spiritual and educational programs.
We are followers of different spiritual traditions united by the aspiration to live in harmony with Mother Nature and with each other. We believe that all inner paths lead to the One Source and that the divine light dwells in the heart of every being. We seek that light through prayers, meditations, chanting and dances, as well as in our daily work, creating a space of love for ourselves and our children.
Seven of us are living in Grishino all year round now. We have two community houses in traditional Russian style, and some of us are building their own log houses. We have several vegetable gardens, and large wild flower field. Our ecovillage is surrounded by natural forests, where we gather lots of herbs, berries, and mushrooms. There live many kinds of wild birds and animals, like beavers, moose, bears, hares, foxes, wolves, wild cats, and many others. We are starting a project on ecological forest management.
We aim to continue the cultural traditions of our ancestors, restore the folk arts, their songs and dances, woodworking, ceramics, village architecture, and build a school of joy for our children.
Each summer we hold seminars for adults and children where one can
participate in the spiritual life and work of our community and to merge with the spirit of Russian nature. - Bodberezhye
Membership: http://www.poselenia.ru/poselenie/3059
Contact: [email protected]
Contact address:
village Podberezie
Yaroslavl region
Cell phone: 79104755411
It is a new project near with small russian village Podberezie in the north-east from Moscow (about 150 km), 28 km from town Pereslavl-zalessky, Yaroslavl region.
Our ecovillage Podberezie only starts being formed, namely since spring of 2013.
We invite good neighbors who want to live in peace and a consent.
We should build independently nice future in a consent with the neighboring villages and the Russian legislation.
This place is famous for ancient history and the beautiful nature. Welcome! - GENOMANHIPUET
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