A woman was caught shoplifting in a supermarket on Miami Beach and was arrested and hauled off by police car to appear in night court, where she had been joined by her long-suffering husband.
They had been in this very courtroom, before the same judge, earlier in the week, squabbling over marital spousal support in their on-going divorce trial.
The prosecutor had the store's TV security tape, which proved the theft by the woman had taken place so the judge said, considering her previous record for similar offenses, he was forced to impose a jail term.
"This time you stole a can of tomatoes. I am going to guess that there were six tomatoes in the can. Do you agree?"
The woman agreed.
"Then I sentence you to six nights in jail."
The husband jumped to his feet addressing the judge, "Your honor, may I approach the bench?"
"Well," said the judge, this is a bit unusual but I'll make an exception in this case. You may approach the bench."
The husband wasted no time getting up to the judge's podium and leaning forward, he said in a low voice,
"She also stole a can of peas, your honor."
- F.B.I :
Haluatko kenties antaa fiksun vaikutelman ?
- ollenkaan
Must se halus kertoo hyvän vitsin
- rörörö
ollenkaan kirjoitti:
Must se halus kertoo hyvän vitsin
Harmi ettei siinä onnistunu..:P
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Nurmossa kuoli 2 Lasta..
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