Nigerialaisten tyttöystävät

nigerialaiseen rakastunut

Seurustelen nigerialaisen kanssa ja haluaisin oppia tuntemaan muitakin - tunteakseni ja ymmärtääkseni poikaystäväni kulttuuria paremmin !
Asumme nyt Tukholmassa, ja olemme olleet vajaan vuoden yhdessä. Opiskelut edessä ja elämä ! Lapsi tulossa, mieheni halusi niin, eikä minullakaan ole mitään sitä vastaan. Hänelle suku on rakas.Ja kai on parempi tehdä lapset nuorena.
Suunnitteilla Nigerian matka ennenkuin lapsi syntyy. Mitähän se maksaa ...? Oletteko olleet, millaista on?




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • tietoa

      Tässä linkki tyypilliseen nigerialaiseen käytökseen.

      Ei sulle sitten sulava, komea ruotsalainen mies kelvannut? Vai olisko ollut toisinpäin...

      • ehkä olen sokea

        En pysty ainakaan mitään linkkiä kirjoituksesta löytämään.

    • liizi

      Hei!! Minä olen ollut thdessä nigerialaisen kanssa kolme vuotta ja meillä yksi lapsi 10kk ja toinen tulossa kesäkuussa..olisi kiva tutustua sinuun. Mailaa!!
      [email protected]

      • T.J:ltä

        Hei! Laitoin pari päivää sitten viestiä sähköpostiisi. Toivottavasti tuli perille. :) Kannattaa ehkä varmuuden vuoksi tarkistaa myös roskapostikansio.

      • ...
        T.J:ltä kirjoitti:

        Hei! Laitoin pari päivää sitten viestiä sähköpostiisi. Toivottavasti tuli perille. :) Kannattaa ehkä varmuuden vuoksi tarkistaa myös roskapostikansio.

        Viestinsä kirjoittamisestahan on jo liki 4 vuotta.

    • Kalima

      Nigerialainen hiv turvapaikanhakija puri poliisia Hgissä, kun oli saanut kielteisen turvapaikkapäätöksen. Miten voit olla ja tehdä lapsia tuollaisten ihmisten kanssa, joilla ei ole mitään käsitystä suomen laista ja hyvistä tavoista?

      • ,.,.

        Jos yksi nigerialainen on rikkonut lakia, tuskin se koko kansa on samanlaista sakkia.

        Vai yleistätkö myös sen kun suomalaismies tappoi lapsensa ja muijansa niin kaikki muutkin suomalaiset tekevät niin. Voi jessus....

      • huh...
        ,.,. kirjoitti:

        Jos yksi nigerialainen on rikkonut lakia, tuskin se koko kansa on samanlaista sakkia.

        Vai yleistätkö myös sen kun suomalaismies tappoi lapsensa ja muijansa niin kaikki muutkin suomalaiset tekevät niin. Voi jessus....

        Jos 5 % suomalaisista on idiootteja, niin vähintään 50 % Suomessa asuvista nigerilaisista (ainakin miehistä) on samaa kastia.

      • ???????????????
        huh... kirjoitti:

        Jos 5 % suomalaisista on idiootteja, niin vähintään 50 % Suomessa asuvista nigerilaisista (ainakin miehistä) on samaa kastia.

        faktoja, faktoja?

      • käyttö auttaa
        ??????????????? kirjoitti:

        faktoja, faktoja?

        Ota ne mokulasit päästäs ja katsele kuuntele hetki perusnigerin touhuja, niin jo on kumma jos et tuskastu. Paitsi tietenkin jos oot samalla tasolla.

      • ????????????
        käyttö auttaa kirjoitti:

        Ota ne mokulasit päästäs ja katsele kuuntele hetki perusnigerin touhuja, niin jo on kumma jos et tuskastu. Paitsi tietenkin jos oot samalla tasolla.

        jos jotain lukuja esität, perustele samalla mistä ne kaivat. muutenhan ovat vain hatustasi temmattuja.

      • Nigerian vaimo

        Tiesitkö ettei ne kaikki Nigerialaiset ole samanlaisia? Vai olemmeko me Suomalaisetkin samanlaisia?

    • Nikke nikke

      Tarkoitatko, että ne kaikki jotka seurustelevat juuri sinun miehesi kanssa ilmoittautuisivat? Kantsii muuten tehdä HIV-testi kun kerran niitä nigerialaisia harrastat!

      • ????????????

        eihän mies ole thaimaalainen. sieltähän suurin osa suomalaisten tartunnoista tulee. tietysti aina kannattaa katsoa ennenkuin katuu, mutta tuo vitsi, jota sinä jankutat, on aika kulunut...

      • noin...
        ???????????? kirjoitti:

        eihän mies ole thaimaalainen. sieltähän suurin osa suomalaisten tartunnoista tulee. tietysti aina kannattaa katsoa ennenkuin katuu, mutta tuo vitsi, jota sinä jankutat, on aika kulunut...

        Suurin osa suomalaisten heteroiden seksitartunnoista tulee kyllä nimen omaan Afrikan sankareilta... Näitähän on ollut lehdissäkin, George Kingsiä ja S. Thomasia jne. Onkohan Thaimaasta tullut yhtään tartuntaa...

      • ...
        noin... kirjoitti:

        Suurin osa suomalaisten heteroiden seksitartunnoista tulee kyllä nimen omaan Afrikan sankareilta... Näitähän on ollut lehdissäkin, George Kingsiä ja S. Thomasia jne. Onkohan Thaimaasta tullut yhtään tartuntaa...

        ...kuinkahan moni nyt saikaan näilt herroilt tartunnan....Thomas on amerikkalainen.. ;)
        Ap! Jos olet ihan tosissasi, älä välitä tän palstan hulluista kommenteista!
        T: nigerialaisen tyttöystävä myös

      • Niin no
        ... kirjoitti:

        ...kuinkahan moni nyt saikaan näilt herroilt tartunnan....Thomas on amerikkalainen.. ;)
        Ap! Jos olet ihan tosissasi, älä välitä tän palstan hulluista kommenteista!
        T: nigerialaisen tyttöystävä myös

        Oliko Thomasin uhreista seitsemän ja Kingsin kuusi jotka sai tartunnan. Afrikkalaiset ylipäätään on riskiryhmä, eikös nigerialaisistakin ole joku 20 % HI-positiivisia?

        Ylipäätään joskus herää vähän kysymys että mitä nämä savannin sankarit oikein Suomesta hakevat... On täällä elätettäviä omastakin takaa, ei niitä tarttis 10 000 km päästä tänne tuoda vaikka joku ylipainoinen blondi saiskin heistä seuraelämäänsä vipinää...

      • ??????????
        noin... kirjoitti:

        Suurin osa suomalaisten heteroiden seksitartunnoista tulee kyllä nimen omaan Afrikan sankareilta... Näitähän on ollut lehdissäkin, George Kingsiä ja S. Thomasia jne. Onkohan Thaimaasta tullut yhtään tartuntaa...

        lukaisepa (esim. kolmas kappale ylhäältä, viimeinen lause) täältä:

        kerro sitten mihin tilastoihin omat päätelmäsi perustat. mielenkiinnolla odottelen...

      • ?????????????
        Niin no kirjoitti:

        Oliko Thomasin uhreista seitsemän ja Kingsin kuusi jotka sai tartunnan. Afrikkalaiset ylipäätään on riskiryhmä, eikös nigerialaisistakin ole joku 20 % HI-positiivisia?

        Ylipäätään joskus herää vähän kysymys että mitä nämä savannin sankarit oikein Suomesta hakevat... On täällä elätettäviä omastakin takaa, ei niitä tarttis 10 000 km päästä tänne tuoda vaikka joku ylipainoinen blondi saiskin heistä seuraelämäänsä vipinää...

        nigerialaisista 5,4% on hiv-positiivisia. kannattaisi perehtyä faktoihin, ennenkuin lähtee julkisesti huutelemaan. jos olet joskus vaivautunut opettelemaan luetun ymmärtämistä, voit tarkistaa asian esim. unaids:n sivuilta.

      • aikaa
        Niin no kirjoitti:

        Oliko Thomasin uhreista seitsemän ja Kingsin kuusi jotka sai tartunnan. Afrikkalaiset ylipäätään on riskiryhmä, eikös nigerialaisistakin ole joku 20 % HI-positiivisia?

        Ylipäätään joskus herää vähän kysymys että mitä nämä savannin sankarit oikein Suomesta hakevat... On täällä elätettäviä omastakin takaa, ei niitä tarttis 10 000 km päästä tänne tuoda vaikka joku ylipainoinen blondi saiskin heistä seuraelämäänsä vipinää...

        sitten oli hesarissa tilastoa ja valitettavasti eniten tartuntoja oli suomalaisilla heteromiehillä.mistä lie saavat ja useasti tartuttavat vaimonsa tuliaisina...tietty nämä kyseiset miehet tartuttivat myös.eiköhän se ole niin että nykyään pitää olla huolellinen kaikkien kanssa..tää jankuttaminen on niiiin turhauttavaa

      • Niinpä niin
        aikaa kirjoitti:

        sitten oli hesarissa tilastoa ja valitettavasti eniten tartuntoja oli suomalaisilla heteromiehillä.mistä lie saavat ja useasti tartuttavat vaimonsa tuliaisina...tietty nämä kyseiset miehet tartuttivat myös.eiköhän se ole niin että nykyään pitää olla huolellinen kaikkien kanssa..tää jankuttaminen on niiiin turhauttavaa

        "valitettavasti eniten tartuntoja oli suomalaisilla heteromiehillä"

        Ei yksinkertaisesti pidä paikkaansa. Sori nyt vaan.

      • noin...

      • ??????????
        noin... kirjoitti:

        Niin tuossahan oli kyse matkailun seurauksena saaduista HIV-tartunnoista. Nämä Afrikan sankarit ovat tartuttaneet kymmeniä naisia ihan Suomessa.

        siis mihin olettamuksesi pohjautuu?

      • ?????????????
        Niinpä niin kirjoitti:

        "valitettavasti eniten tartuntoja oli suomalaisilla heteromiehillä"

        Ei yksinkertaisesti pidä paikkaansa. Sori nyt vaan.

        tutkipa tilastosi äläkä hutki täällä olettamuksillasi

      • Aids-tukikeskus
        ?????????? kirjoitti:

        siis mihin olettamuksesi pohjautuu?

        Ihan kuule on AIDS-tukikeskus ilmoittanut, että vuonna 2005 ilmitulleista tartunnoista 40 % oli maahanmuuttajilla, seuraavaksi suurin ryhmä huumeenkäyttäjät ja sitten homoseksuaalit. Suomalaisille tavallisille heteromiehille ei juuri tartuntoja ole tullut (paitsi ne huumeenkäyttäjät).

      • ???????????????
        Aids-tukikeskus kirjoitti:

        Ihan kuule on AIDS-tukikeskus ilmoittanut, että vuonna 2005 ilmitulleista tartunnoista 40 % oli maahanmuuttajilla, seuraavaksi suurin ryhmä huumeenkäyttäjät ja sitten homoseksuaalit. Suomalaisille tavallisille heteromiehille ei juuri tartuntoja ole tullut (paitsi ne huumeenkäyttäjät).


      • ******
        ????????????? kirjoitti:

        tutkipa tilastosi äläkä hutki täällä olettamuksillasi

        No joo - tottahan toi että suomalaisilla on enemmän HIV tartuntoja kuin täällä asuvilla ulkomaalaisilla, mutta otappa huomioon että suomalaisia on täällä moninkertainen määrä ulkomaalaisiin verrattuna joten prosenttuaalisesti suomalaisilla on huomattavasti vähemmän HIViä kuin ulkomaalaisilla.

        1600:lla 20 - 40 vuotialla suomessa asuvilla on HIV mutta tuosta määrästä 1200 on ulkomaan kansalaisia!
        Eli lähes puolet on ulkomaalaisia vaikka heitä on Suomessa vain n. 2,5% !!

      • ...
        ****** kirjoitti:

        No joo - tottahan toi että suomalaisilla on enemmän HIV tartuntoja kuin täällä asuvilla ulkomaalaisilla, mutta otappa huomioon että suomalaisia on täällä moninkertainen määrä ulkomaalaisiin verrattuna joten prosenttuaalisesti suomalaisilla on huomattavasti vähemmän HIViä kuin ulkomaalaisilla.

        1600:lla 20 - 40 vuotialla suomessa asuvilla on HIV mutta tuosta määrästä 1200 on ulkomaan kansalaisia!
        Eli lähes puolet on ulkomaalaisia vaikka heitä on Suomessa vain n. 2,5% !!

        täällä lukee jotain aivan muuta...

    • Sarah

      I am a White English lady, who has been living in Finland with my lovely Finnish husband for 3 years now. We have 3 lovely children, Paul (4 years), Malcom (2&1/2 years), and Sanna (4 months). After living in London, England for all my life, I can assure you I have seen the worst of what "multiculturism" can do to ones country. It is against the laws of nature for Black and White couples to "race mix", and I can assure you that your soon to be child will have a very mixed up and confused life in relation to this subject. Ask yourself about your childs heritage. Is He/She "Finnish" or "Nigerian"??? Well you tell me!!!
      You have made a big mistake in mixing your gene's, but that is your own problem, and only time will tell. Have a good life with your mixed up family, you disgusting lady.

      • ????????????

        A representative of the group called "the white trash" (as the Americans so nicely put it ;) ), who calls herself a "lady", is hardly the right person to reveal the inner thoughts of mixed and/or black people ;)

        To answer your question with a question: are your children going to be Finnish or British? You might not mix their colour, but if thinking your way, you, as a mother, have caused their confusion by mixing their cultural heritage for sure. As I myself have had the opportunity to live in both, UK and Finland, and though I'm white, I can tell you that the two countries are not the same at all. So, how are you going to answer to your children?

        Grow up!

      • difference
        ???????????? kirjoitti:

        A representative of the group called "the white trash" (as the Americans so nicely put it ;) ), who calls herself a "lady", is hardly the right person to reveal the inner thoughts of mixed and/or black people ;)

        To answer your question with a question: are your children going to be Finnish or British? You might not mix their colour, but if thinking your way, you, as a mother, have caused their confusion by mixing their cultural heritage for sure. As I myself have had the opportunity to live in both, UK and Finland, and though I'm white, I can tell you that the two countries are not the same at all. So, how are you going to answer to your children?

        Grow up!

        I'm not Sarah, but I'd say there's a pretty big difference between protestant, Northern European Anglo-Saxon culture and some primitive African tribes. If you can't figure out which of these is closer to Finnish culture, you'll probably run into big problems in your relationships with the darkies...

      • Mother of One
        difference kirjoitti:

        I'm not Sarah, but I'd say there's a pretty big difference between protestant, Northern European Anglo-Saxon culture and some primitive African tribes. If you can't figure out which of these is closer to Finnish culture, you'll probably run into big problems in your relationships with the darkies...

        that "lady" has here, but pls do go ahead with you sorry thoughs as the only thing you reveal is your ignorance.

        As being a mother of half nigerian and I do not give a damn about your thoughts. Just keep on ramping about racial purity in these pages. Like I'd give a damn about you're opinion. Just glad that all my british frends aren't like you.

      • sarah
        ???????????? kirjoitti:

        A representative of the group called "the white trash" (as the Americans so nicely put it ;) ), who calls herself a "lady", is hardly the right person to reveal the inner thoughts of mixed and/or black people ;)

        To answer your question with a question: are your children going to be Finnish or British? You might not mix their colour, but if thinking your way, you, as a mother, have caused their confusion by mixing their cultural heritage for sure. As I myself have had the opportunity to live in both, UK and Finland, and though I'm white, I can tell you that the two countries are not the same at all. So, how are you going to answer to your children?

        Grow up!

        In reply to your question are my children Finnish or British??? Well the main issue here is Racemixing. You should be aware that ALL white folk who originally descend from Europeans, are the SAME. There never has, and never will be any similaritys between Europeans and Africans. The common traits we Europeans have shared for thousands of years, such as race, culture, ancestory, heritage, religon,etc, have never been associated with black African history. If you look at the history of this world we live in, it does not take a genius to work this out. As another correspondant previously wrote, the history and cultures of, (in this particular case) Finland and England, are alot closer than the history and cultures of Finland, and the primitive cultures of tribal Africa.
        My childrens cultural heritage has not at all been mixed, and can definatly assure you they will not be confused!!!

      • ????????????
        difference kirjoitti:

        I'm not Sarah, but I'd say there's a pretty big difference between protestant, Northern European Anglo-Saxon culture and some primitive African tribes. If you can't figure out which of these is closer to Finnish culture, you'll probably run into big problems in your relationships with the darkies...

        to seriously worry about us who are capable of getting along with anybody else except idiotic, narrow-minded, brainless racial fanatics? how good of you :) but don't you worry, we'll get along with the rest of the world just fine :) and even you, whether you like it or not, don't have the (white)power to rule our lives.

      • ??????????
        sarah kirjoitti:

        In reply to your question are my children Finnish or British??? Well the main issue here is Racemixing. You should be aware that ALL white folk who originally descend from Europeans, are the SAME. There never has, and never will be any similaritys between Europeans and Africans. The common traits we Europeans have shared for thousands of years, such as race, culture, ancestory, heritage, religon,etc, have never been associated with black African history. If you look at the history of this world we live in, it does not take a genius to work this out. As another correspondant previously wrote, the history and cultures of, (in this particular case) Finland and England, are alot closer than the history and cultures of Finland, and the primitive cultures of tribal Africa.
        My childrens cultural heritage has not at all been mixed, and can definatly assure you they will not be confused!!!

        as you so nicely put it ;)
        so little you know about different "races", though you very eagerly use the word "race" in those your statements. i recommend you start to do some serious history reading... it'll help you to understand the difference between your hubby and yourself for example. as from there you can check the facts about your "racial" beliefs; all the "whities" aren't the same at all either.

        i seriously hope your children are getting the best from their father, i hope he's intelligent enough (which i doubt when having you as his wife) and has a strong genotype so that he can pass his excellent Finnish qualities to your children, instead of them getting most of your own second class British type.

        most of the Britons are good and intelligent people, unfortunately you're from a totally different bunch.

        "My childrens cultural heritage has not at all been mixed, and can definatly assure you they will not be confused!!!"

        That i seriously doubt... and well... i suppose they're quite confused already just for having you as their mom ...

      • Yup...
        ???????????? kirjoitti:

        to seriously worry about us who are capable of getting along with anybody else except idiotic, narrow-minded, brainless racial fanatics? how good of you :) but don't you worry, we'll get along with the rest of the world just fine :) and even you, whether you like it or not, don't have the (white)power to rule our lives.

        It's interesting to notice how you multicultis always lose your tempers if someone says the slightest things you disagree with. :)

        Just to make sure, you ARE seriously denying that the British culture is closer to the Finnish culture than the African cultures?

        Narrow-minded, brainless, racial, white power fanatic (did I leave something out?) :-D

      • chrissakes...
        ?????????? kirjoitti:

        as you so nicely put it ;)
        so little you know about different "races", though you very eagerly use the word "race" in those your statements. i recommend you start to do some serious history reading... it'll help you to understand the difference between your hubby and yourself for example. as from there you can check the facts about your "racial" beliefs; all the "whities" aren't the same at all either.

        i seriously hope your children are getting the best from their father, i hope he's intelligent enough (which i doubt when having you as his wife) and has a strong genotype so that he can pass his excellent Finnish qualities to your children, instead of them getting most of your own second class British type.

        most of the Britons are good and intelligent people, unfortunately you're from a totally different bunch.

        "My childrens cultural heritage has not at all been mixed, and can definatly assure you they will not be confused!!!"

        That i seriously doubt... and well... i suppose they're quite confused already just for having you as their mom ...

        Gee, you seem to be a brilliant and well-mannered lady! :-D

        Why is it that you afro-enthuasiasts can't write one single sentence without getting personal and offensive? Not to mention plain wrong? Is it something in your diet? Or do you forget to take your medications, now and then? ;)

      • Keep Finland pure

        You are foreigner to us. Go back to England. We do not want your kind here. Finland is for finnish!!!

      • Mother of one
        Yup... kirjoitti:

        It's interesting to notice how you multicultis always lose your tempers if someone says the slightest things you disagree with. :)

        Just to make sure, you ARE seriously denying that the British culture is closer to the Finnish culture than the African cultures?

        Narrow-minded, brainless, racial, white power fanatic (did I leave something out?) :-D

        Aren't you just reading thinks to your liking or actually reading them as they are written? I for one, didn't agree nor disagree with your statement about african culture versus english culture. Why? as long as you keep on refering people as darkies you've got no point in your writing. you'll be hanging on to your rights to abuse people despicably and I just can't think that you'd actually would have anything inportant to say. Nor do I give a damn about your white power emanation, that's youre right after all.

      • me...
        Mother of one kirjoitti:

        Aren't you just reading thinks to your liking or actually reading them as they are written? I for one, didn't agree nor disagree with your statement about african culture versus english culture. Why? as long as you keep on refering people as darkies you've got no point in your writing. you'll be hanging on to your rights to abuse people despicably and I just can't think that you'd actually would have anything inportant to say. Nor do I give a damn about your white power emanation, that's youre right after all.

        Was I answering to you, fatso? Nope, I don't think I was.

      • ??????????????
        chrissakes... kirjoitti:

        Gee, you seem to be a brilliant and well-mannered lady! :-D

        Why is it that you afro-enthuasiasts can't write one single sentence without getting personal and offensive? Not to mention plain wrong? Is it something in your diet? Or do you forget to take your medications, now and then? ;)

        If i don't agree with you, what's your problem? Are you so depended on my opinions, waiting for my approval, that your life's absolutely ruined when i don't do what you expect? Well, just try to cope, it's not the end of the world ;)

        What you give is what you get. "Lady" Sarah started with such expressions as "you disgusting lady", "against the laws of nature" and so on. I personally happen to be non-religious, therefore i don't believe in turning the other cheek when the other's been slapped already. As the meaning of this discussion site is to change the thoughts between the multicultural families, and the original writer on her topic wanted to discuss with Nigerian's girlfriends... i wonder what you racist lot know about the subject... and why the hell do you think you have something wise to add to it? So if, after all, your opinions aren't accepted, go and cry about that somewhere else.

      • ??????????????
        Yup... kirjoitti:

        It's interesting to notice how you multicultis always lose your tempers if someone says the slightest things you disagree with. :)

        Just to make sure, you ARE seriously denying that the British culture is closer to the Finnish culture than the African cultures?

        Narrow-minded, brainless, racial, white power fanatic (did I leave something out?) :-D

        The same answer works perfectly here too:

      • ?????????????
        me... kirjoitti:

        Was I answering to you, fatso? Nope, I don't think I was.

        How come you idiots come here to insult multicultural families, but when we defend ourselves, you cry "Why is it that you afro-enthuasiasts can't write one single sentence without getting personal and offensive?" while you have started the whole "verbal slaughtering"? Or is it that you're so confused you can't actually remember what you've done 5 mins. ago... not to mention on the previous day...

        Mmmnnnn... nice... You think "fatso" is general and non-offensive?

      • :-D
        ?????????????? kirjoitti:

        If i don't agree with you, what's your problem? Are you so depended on my opinions, waiting for my approval, that your life's absolutely ruined when i don't do what you expect? Well, just try to cope, it's not the end of the world ;)

        What you give is what you get. "Lady" Sarah started with such expressions as "you disgusting lady", "against the laws of nature" and so on. I personally happen to be non-religious, therefore i don't believe in turning the other cheek when the other's been slapped already. As the meaning of this discussion site is to change the thoughts between the multicultural families, and the original writer on her topic wanted to discuss with Nigerian's girlfriends... i wonder what you racist lot know about the subject... and why the hell do you think you have something wise to add to it? So if, after all, your opinions aren't accepted, go and cry about that somewhere else.

        "Nigerians' girlfriends." Yep, that seems to be a good description for you bunch of slags. :-D Aren't you ever ashamed of yourselves? I mean, it's not exactly winning the lottery, landing a Nigerian boyfriend... What's the matter, weren't good enough for good men?

      • Mother of one
        me... kirjoitti:

        Was I answering to you, fatso? Nope, I don't think I was.

        Whatever ticks your fancy. Have to say, that I haven't read such an intelligence text for ages! You are doing a world to your kind!! Smart people, I can tell.....

      • ??????????????
        :-D kirjoitti:

        "Nigerians' girlfriends." Yep, that seems to be a good description for you bunch of slags. :-D Aren't you ever ashamed of yourselves? I mean, it's not exactly winning the lottery, landing a Nigerian boyfriend... What's the matter, weren't good enough for good men?

        Had to go all the way to Nigeria to find a good, honest, reliable, clean etc. man, instead of these rotten deceiving drunks with no self esteem, who can be found from your home country.

        I had a free choice, could have taken any of you lot as well if i wanted to. Well, i wanted my mr Right, who just didn't happen to be a Finn... But i don't understand your point, as how do you think my personal choice has got anything to do with you? Bitter? No girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband? Oh dear... but you know what? Hanging around this site doesn't remove your problem... unless you secretly deep down (day)dream about a handsome Nigerian spouse... ;)

        I won the lottery :) i wish you luck too!

        Have a very nice day dear ;)

      • Translator
        Mother of one kirjoitti:

        Whatever ticks your fancy. Have to say, that I haven't read such an intelligence text for ages! You are doing a world to your kind!! Smart people, I can tell.....

        And the same in English:

        "Whatever tickles your fancy. I have to say that I haven't read such intelligent text for ages! You are doing a world of good to your kind!! Smart people, I can tell....."

        Drop a few pounds, then shoot your mouth off. ;)

      • "Lottery"
        ?????????????? kirjoitti:

        Had to go all the way to Nigeria to find a good, honest, reliable, clean etc. man, instead of these rotten deceiving drunks with no self esteem, who can be found from your home country.

        I had a free choice, could have taken any of you lot as well if i wanted to. Well, i wanted my mr Right, who just didn't happen to be a Finn... But i don't understand your point, as how do you think my personal choice has got anything to do with you? Bitter? No girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband? Oh dear... but you know what? Hanging around this site doesn't remove your problem... unless you secretly deep down (day)dream about a handsome Nigerian spouse... ;)

        I won the lottery :) i wish you luck too!

        Have a very nice day dear ;)

        You "won the lottery" by landing a Nigerian husband... :-D That's the best laughs I've had all week, thanks! We all know that the Nigerians are the best hubby material, sure. ;) As long as your fat pale ass has some money to offer. ;)

      • Taxpayer
        "Lottery" kirjoitti:

        You "won the lottery" by landing a Nigerian husband... :-D That's the best laughs I've had all week, thanks! We all know that the Nigerians are the best hubby material, sure. ;) As long as your fat pale ass has some money to offer. ;)

        Nah, she doesn't need any money, the Finnish taxpayers take care of that.

      • Curious...
        ?????????????? kirjoitti:

        Had to go all the way to Nigeria to find a good, honest, reliable, clean etc. man, instead of these rotten deceiving drunks with no self esteem, who can be found from your home country.

        I had a free choice, could have taken any of you lot as well if i wanted to. Well, i wanted my mr Right, who just didn't happen to be a Finn... But i don't understand your point, as how do you think my personal choice has got anything to do with you? Bitter? No girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband? Oh dear... but you know what? Hanging around this site doesn't remove your problem... unless you secretly deep down (day)dream about a handsome Nigerian spouse... ;)

        I won the lottery :) i wish you luck too!

        Have a very nice day dear ;)

        If you had free choice in picking men (congratulations, few of us do), why did you pick a shiftless, poor dumbass of an immigrant?

        Not that I doubt you, it's just that all the Finnish chicks I've seen around Africans so far are dumb and fat, with not much of a chance of grabbing a good man.

      • ???????????
        Curious... kirjoitti:

        If you had free choice in picking men (congratulations, few of us do), why did you pick a shiftless, poor dumbass of an immigrant?

        Not that I doubt you, it's just that all the Finnish chicks I've seen around Africans so far are dumb and fat, with not much of a chance of grabbing a good man.

        You mean i should've picked a shiftless, poor dumbass of a Finn instead? Added with drinking problem and no respect for anything?

        Unfortunately my man is not like you described... should i go and find another one? You mean that only losers are the proper choice? Naaaah... just the best for me :) That's why i picked a man who's tall and dark, with brain and heart, who has a great sense of humour, who has manners and respects me & other people... and who respects himself. Never found anybody with all those qualities among the so called good Finnish men...

      • ????????????
        "Lottery" kirjoitti:

        You "won the lottery" by landing a Nigerian husband... :-D That's the best laughs I've had all week, thanks! We all know that the Nigerians are the best hubby material, sure. ;) As long as your fat pale ass has some money to offer. ;)

        "We all know that the Nigerians are the best hubby material, sure. ;)"

        Yes, we do :) How did you know? As i assume none of the good ones wanted your arse ;)

        "As long as your fat pale arse has some money to offer. ;)"

        Oh dear... i've got no fat arse... and he's got more money than me... now, there's a dilemma... and by the way... i quite enjoy my life :)

        Yeah... we're tax payers... you've got a problem with that? Well, feel free to use our tax money as well the next time you're queueing to your local social office (while you're waiting for your lottery winning). I don't mind, and neither does my man, he's always willing to help the poor people :)

      • ;-)
        ???????????? kirjoitti:

        "We all know that the Nigerians are the best hubby material, sure. ;)"

        Yes, we do :) How did you know? As i assume none of the good ones wanted your arse ;)

        "As long as your fat pale arse has some money to offer. ;)"

        Oh dear... i've got no fat arse... and he's got more money than me... now, there's a dilemma... and by the way... i quite enjoy my life :)

        Yeah... we're tax payers... you've got a problem with that? Well, feel free to use our tax money as well the next time you're queueing to your local social office (while you're waiting for your lottery winning). I don't mind, and neither does my man, he's always willing to help the poor people :)

        "Oh dear... i've got no fat arse... and he's got more money than me... now, there's a dilemma... and by the way... i quite enjoy my life :)"

        Two blatant lies in such a short text, you should be ashamed of yourself. ;-D

        I'm suuuuuure your Nigerian loser husband contributes reallllly much to the Finnish society. Too bad his countrymen aren't as active, more than 80 % of the Nigerians living in Finland are unemployed. Oh well, it's the white man's burden I suppose. :)

      • ;-)
        ??????????? kirjoitti:

        You mean i should've picked a shiftless, poor dumbass of a Finn instead? Added with drinking problem and no respect for anything?

        Unfortunately my man is not like you described... should i go and find another one? You mean that only losers are the proper choice? Naaaah... just the best for me :) That's why i picked a man who's tall and dark, with brain and heart, who has a great sense of humour, who has manners and respects me & other people... and who respects himself. Never found anybody with all those qualities among the so called good Finnish men...

        I'm sure you really the choice of the field when picking men. ;) If a Finn wasn't good enough for you, why didn't you go for oh let's say English, French, American or German men? You do know that everywhere in Europe the most desperate women hang out with black guys?

        Perhaps the choice wasn't really yours, hm? ;) Your hubby is the best for you because that's all you could get. It isn't as if there are a lot of choices for dumb, undereducated fat blondes, is there...

        Is your hubby involved in those hilarious Nigerian e-mail scams, by the way? They really crack me up!

      • we are better than this :)
        ;-) kirjoitti:

        I'm sure you really the choice of the field when picking men. ;) If a Finn wasn't good enough for you, why didn't you go for oh let's say English, French, American or German men? You do know that everywhere in Europe the most desperate women hang out with black guys?

        Perhaps the choice wasn't really yours, hm? ;) Your hubby is the best for you because that's all you could get. It isn't as if there are a lot of choices for dumb, undereducated fat blondes, is there...

        Is your hubby involved in those hilarious Nigerian e-mail scams, by the way? They really crack me up!

        Lame messages. Think about who started the dating/marrying/making child with/having sex with people from other race/culture/ thing...hmmm.
        Flash back...remember the 1800's my people? Britain...Oh Britain!!!

    • asiakysymys

      Näin äkkipäätä lukien näyttää tulevan kummia vastauksia ja kommentteja sinänsä ihan asialliseen kysymykseen - yksi "oikea", asiallinen vastaus vain joukossa ....
      No, asia kiehuttaa tunteita, mutta kuitenkin !
      En haluaisi olla ko. tytön kamppeissa odottamassa lasta noin epävarmaan yritykseen, mutta tätähän tapahtuu koko ajan. Tummassa lie vetoa ja äidintunteet tulevat ilm. pintaan herkästi, kun on oleskeluluvasta ja viisumistakin kyse. MUTTA : ei kotimaisuuskaan takaa ihan kaikkea, joten ...
      Ei kai meidän tarvi piruilla ihan koko aikaa toisillemme ! Tyttökin kyllä törmää ongelmiin, ihan varmasti, ja niin meistä kaikki.

    • mauzoh

      my name is mauzoh i am´ nigerian woman from shinkafi, and i live in helsinki. i have lot of nigerian freind here and i think you finnish womans are´ being bad to say that finnish womans is not alowed to make baby to nigerian mans. it is not bad for black mans and white womans to make baby, i think finland peoples are´ bad and rude and lot of white peoples are' not nice. i want to go back to live in nigeria but am' scare so now i have to live in finland, but i dont like finland. so you stop saying bad words to nigerian peoples.

      • saying

        mitä haluan omassa maassani, jossa on sananvapaus !
        Sanonko, että älä pelkää - mene kotiisi sinäkin !

      • ???????????????
        saying kirjoitti:

        mitä haluan omassa maassani, jossa on sananvapaus !
        Sanonko, että älä pelkää - mene kotiisi sinäkin !

        ja sinulle "saying" sanon, että etsi hiekkalaatikkoseurasi jostain muualta kuin monikulttuuristen perheiden palstalta. siellä omalla hiekkiksellä saatte sitten läiskiä toisianne lapioilla yllin kyllin... jospa sen jälkeen korvienne välissä esiintyisi teille ennen tuntematonta aivotoimintaakin.

    • MissusMrs.

      Huolimatta tästä rasistisesta väestöstä, jotka lukevat ja kommentoivat tätä palstaa mielipiteillään elämän tehtävänään: ei Suomessa ole ihan kauheeta asua värillisen miehen kera. Paljon on noita vaan paljon on muitakin.

      • oikeassa olet

        Onneksi meillä on hurjasti myös suomalaisia ystäviä, joista löytyy loistavia, avarakatseisia ja suvitsevaisia miehiä ja naisia, jotka eivät välitä toisen ihonväristä!

        Ja ainakin minun lapseni ovat kauniita kuin kiiltokuvat!!!

        Näille rasistisille jutuille sanon, että turhaa lässytystä! Nämäkin tyypit voisivat tutustua ihmisiin ja opetella käyttäytymään!

    • ......
    • jokunen

      täällä myös yksi nigerialaisen kanssa seurusteleva ja lapsi tulossa noin 3kk päästä :) espoossa asustellaan :) [email protected]

    Ketjusta on poistettu 8 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Nesteen bensapumput pois, tilalle latausasemat

      Näin se maailma muuttuu, kun Suomessakin liikenneasemat lopettavat polttoaineiden myynnin ja tarjoavat enää sähköä autoi
      Maailman menoa
    2. Mietin sinua nainen

      Ikävöin sinua enemmän kuin voin myntää. Ajattelin et laitan sinulle viestriä (kirjoitin jo puhelimeen viestin) Sitten
    3. Härsilällä jännät paikat, saako hän 30 päiväsakkoa Rasmuksen tapauksesta

      Syyttäjä vaatii peräti kolmekymmentä päiväsakkoa Härsilälle, vaikka todistajan mukaan Rasmus aloitti nuhjaamisen, jossa
    4. Kyllä suoraan

      Sanottua vi.tu.taa. Miksi en toiminut silloin. Sama kun olisi heittänyt smagardin menemään.
    5. Nainen, viime aikoina olen itkenyt sinua yhä useammin

      Niin kuin juuri äsken. Aamulla näin myös unta sinusta. Koskin unessa hiuksia päälaellasi, ja pyytelin sitä heti anteeksi
    6. Voisitko nainen kertoa mulle

      Tykkäätkö sä musta, vai unohdanko koko jutun? Mä en viitti tulla sinne enää, ettei mua pidetä jonain vainoajana, ku sun
    7. Ne alkaa aina yhdeltä

      jos mies et ole sattunut huomaamaan!
    8. Haluan sinua mies

      Saat minut kuumaksi.
    9. Voitaisiinko harjoitella rakas

      Näiden tekoa? 👶👶👶👶👶👶
    10. Täällä iImenee vihamielisyys kristinuskoa kohtaan

      Ei taida sielunvaellus-/jälleensyntymisväellä olla omasta asiastaan mielekästä sanottavaa, kun pitää kiivaasti hyökätä e