Tässä hieman tietoa norjalaisesta julistajasta, joka on hyvin suosittu helluntalaisten piireissä.
Hän on tunnettu kaatamis-toiminnastaan;
In the 70's when it was popular to collapse uncontrollably on the ground while under the influence of the Holy Ghost, my whole family went from Tingsryd in Småland to Olofström in Blekinge. Here there was a series of meetings being held by the Norwegian preacher, Terje Berntzen, who at that time received a lot of attention. He was an expert at praying for people so that they collapsed. At the end of every meeting, those present approached the stage to receive a blessing. One stood in line on the podium and Terje Berntzen approached and put his hand on your forehead. He prayed and talked in tongues and with a slight push of the forehead, one fell to the floor. Not everyone collapsed. Some stood and swayed about for several minutes. My tall brother-in-law, Anders, never fell.
It wasn't everyone who could talk in tongues but I had the ability to for five years. When you talk in tongues you leave conventional spoken language and follow one's own string of words, like surrealism's automatism. Formally, the Holy Ghost, 'the helper' aids people to communicate with God. I remember that the feeling of departing from conventional language was like falling uncontrollably.
It is fifteen years now since I lost the ability to talk in tongues. As an artistic experiment I have tried again recently. I went into deep concentration, put on the tape recorder and started speaking in tongues. But it didn't work at all. The speech was flat and constructed, so called 'false tongues.'
The Free Church movement in Sweden was unique in its size, respective to the population, up to 13% of the population had some form of connection to Free Churches in the early 40's. The movement was parallel with the labour movement and the building up of the welfare state.
Terje Berntzen
- huulenheittäjä
terje b on suomalaisten helluntailaisten suosima, jopa siirtolaisten parissa. monille tuttu huulenheittäjäpappi veikko manninen on useasti toiminut terjen voitelun jakamana tulkkina norjan kielen taidottomille.
tuli pakostakin ajatus, että taas on yksi valittukin? mennyt eksyksiin, tai on aina sitä ollut, ja nyt se vasta tuli julki.- Saku K
Veikko Manninen on vaan isänsä Einon maineella ratsastava.Kielitaito on Vekalla hyvä, mutta uskonasiat taitaa olla omassa järjestyksessä.
- Anonyymi
Saku K kirjoitti:
Veikko Manninen on vaan isänsä Einon maineella ratsastava.Kielitaito on Vekalla hyvä, mutta uskonasiat taitaa olla omassa järjestyksessä.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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