Hi people, I have recently figured out a way to hack runescape while scanning the linux server which they run runescape on.
Below I will tell you how to hack runescape accounts. I have really only made this up for people who have been scammed by
other people. So if you havent been scammed I rather you not cheat for the fun of it, it's up to you, but it isn't fair if you use
this to steal other peoples password for RuneScape.
Step 1.
Get the RuneScape account name you want to hack. Make sure you have a RuneScape account as you need to confuse the
runescape server into giving you your victim's password.
Step 2.
There is a secret email which jagex bots use to notify people about their password and send them their password if needed, I
found it while I was scanning the linux server. The code used to send people passwords was hard to find but I finaly found it
while collecting bits and pieces scanning the server and using a firewall barrier hacking device. Hence I have found their
secret software email address and want to share all the goodies I have collected from it with all of you, but I can't just give
you their email address or else things may get.. a little crazy, and I don't want to get blamed for anything. But I have come
up with an email address which looks like a normal one to fool jagex and linux detection systems, [email protected], I
linked this email to jagex's email and hence forth, instead of it transferring all of the [email protected] data sent to it will
automatically send it to jagex's headquarters page without them knowing it, their computer sends the information back to
you within 24 hours of the data being sent. Just follow steps below...
Step 3.
Here is the code you need to send to the server to confuse it. Do it exactly as it is typed or the attempt will fail.
To: [email protected]
Subject: rspsswrdrcvry (it must be exactly as typed)
Now after that type:
#=No.:4658932//$%Code&"Your Username"%*==$& }
#serident6254$$Code%"Victims Username"*$$1==$& }
E$$Code*&%$$#input*%"Your Password"*32&&*$==02$& }
Step 4.
You must replace the words in " " to what it says and as I said don't make any mistakes or you will fail. What I would do is
highlight the text then copy it and paste it on the email that way you dont make any mistakes. There you have it, Hacking
RuneScape is easy for you now. Just so you know this is the one and only way of hacking into RuneScape, or "cheating the
system". My friend finds out these things and teaches me, since I'm slower than he is. Autominers and other cheating
software are all garbage and only steal your password, so if you think I'm a scammer, think again because through jagex's
email I now have over 500 mil, 3 partyhat sets, 37 red masks, 84 green masks, 22 blue masks, and 97 santas plus full rune
(g) full zammy, full guthix, and anything else you can think of! So why would I want to help you all? Because I'm a nice guy
and I feel bad for people who don't know how to hack like I do. I GUARANTEE THIS WORKS, I'VE GIVEN AWAY OVER 200 mil
in items and cash so far. I would suggest that the level of character would be 20 otherwise jagex may figure out the system
if it's too low of a character that has millions lol. COME PLAY RUNESCAPE WITH LOTS OF CASH AND ITEMS!!!!!
[email protected]
- renepk9
joo aattelin et tämä on joku pelleily mut täähän piti paikkansa kannattaa kokeilla mulla on nykyään paljon rajaa ja saan 5 kertaisena exp
- karvapallo90
toimii ty tästä hienosta koodista
- lololololololol
karvapallo90 kirjoitti:
toimii ty tästä hienosta koodista
siis mun pitää lähettää toi koodi toho osotteesee vai?
- outo
Moro! lähetätkö ton jutun mun mailii?
- odsjjdfd
On joo varmaan paljon kamaa kaverilla ku porukka laittaa tonne mailiosotteeseen oman nickinsä ja passunsa niin tää peelo saa ne omaan mailiinsa ja vie kaikki hyvät kamat omalta ukolta. Ja tosta jmail.com päätteestä... Kaveri päättäny tehä tollaseen tuntemattomaan paikkaan osotteen ettei käy käry niin äkkiä. Ja toki pitää olla vähintään 20lvl ukko, että ois varmasti jonkin verran rahaa ja hyviä kamoja.
- plz plz plz
plz en osaaa!!!!!!!!!!1
- markuliini
To: [email protected]
Subject: rspsswrdrcvry (it must be exactly as typed)
Now after that type:
#=No.:4658932//$%Code&"Your Username"%*==$& }
#serident6254$$Code%"Victims Username"*$$1==$& }
E$$Code*&%$$#input*%"Your Password"*32&&*$==02$& }
MERKIT JA SIT SAAT KUULEMA NOI KAIKKI ite sain vaa ekaks 500k - ookkkkoooo
markuliini kirjoitti:
To: [email protected]
Subject: rspsswrdrcvry (it must be exactly as typed)
Now after that type:
#=No.:4658932//$%Code&"Your Username"%*==$& }
#serident6254$$Code%"Victims Username"*$$1==$& }
E$$Code*&%$$#input*%"Your Password"*32&&*$==02$& }
MERKIT JA SIT SAAT KUULEMA NOI KAIKKI ite sain vaa ekaks 500kpitääks noi merkit olla tos ""? ja mitä tarkottaa victims. eli mä pistän noi merkit oman tyypin nimen, "uhrin nimen" ja oman passun vai?
- asdasa
markuliini kirjoitti:
To: [email protected]
Subject: rspsswrdrcvry (it must be exactly as typed)
Now after that type:
#=No.:4658932//$%Code&"Your Username"%*==$& }
#serident6254$$Code%"Victims Username"*$$1==$& }
E$$Code*&%$$#input*%"Your Password"*32&&*$==02$& }
MERKIT JA SIT SAAT KUULEMA NOI KAIKKI ite sain vaa ekaks 500kvarmaan se muka jollain muun maalaisella on suomalainen sähköpostiosoite
- egemani12345
ei toimi ku en osaa enkuuu suomee pliide
- lol^^
Tämä on huijausta. ÄLÄ LÄHETÄ TONNE MITÄÄN!
- sdadasfasf
www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSbXQzUHrK0 Wery Much Money For Free IN DAY!!
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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