The West, especially the western alliance which is stuck in the anti-terrorist war, fears that Russia as an old ally of Iran starts to come closer and even enter into alliance with the countries, which against the US lead coalition fights. Russia has been recently rather peaceful country in proportion to the terrorism which could lead to the increasing support of Russia to the Islamic world. This possibility that Russia and Arabs join their forces will not be allowed by the West, if possible.
The train sabotage was probably framed as a terrorist attack by the same quarters which were behind the murders of journalist Politskovaja and other Russians, with the intention to defame President Putin at the front of the European meetings. Not the Chechens.
For it was not a coincident that for instance the National Museum of Finland was exploded few times ago. That was a demonstration of certain well-known intelligence service, as the Finnish security sources were suspected of leaking agent information to the FSB. And the consequences were considerable. In the blow of concerned Finnish Museum was first made sure that any casualties will not cause, as it is believed that same was in the plan of the train blow.
- But every one of the readers of this report has to decide whether this report is bullshit or not ?
Chechens not behind the blow...
European Intelligence
- the siperia
learn your homework, what you wait us do with it?
Don't you see, there is not room for the finish teenage speculator
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