SMF 2006 Episode 1 Part 6





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • thesuperdingos
      • thesuperdingos

        a Classic Smackdown! episode made with Just Bring It in early 2002. it's one of the first storylines and i know it uses the old JBI game but who cares! in this era, stone cold is gay with christopher lowell. bill clinton comes to the ring and so does bush, but Right To Censor (Steven Richards, Bob Saget, and Mr. Wollenburg) stop a panties match between Clinton and Lowell.

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        a Classic Smackdown! episode made with Just Bring It in early 2002. it's one of the first storylines and i know it uses the old JBI game but who cares! in this era, stone cold is gay with christopher lowell. bill clinton comes to the ring and so does bush, but Right To Censor (Steven Richards, Bob Saget, and Mr. Wollenburg) stop a panties match between Clinton and Lowell.

        Classic Episode
        Jeff comes out and skateboards then Jay goes to the ring and makes fun of jeff. then the Rock goes to the ring.

      • thesuperdingos

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Classic Episode
        wollenburg watches tv while bob saget and steven richards get mad and go to their match against austin and lowell vs the US presidents, Bush and Clinton.

        Classic episode
        The Rock vs. Jay leno and Jeff in a handicap match. Brenton and Hulk Hogan randomly help out the Rock for some reason.

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Classic episode
        The Rock vs. Jay leno and Jeff in a handicap match. Brenton and Hulk Hogan randomly help out the Rock for some reason.

        CLASSIC A RAW episode made with SmackDown Just Bring It in 2002. It is after the SmackDown episode that ended with Hogan, Brenton, and Rock beating up Jeff. In this Brenton is mad about the name change but Jeff interrupts him so they have a match. Jay Leno interferes but The Rock saves Brenton.

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        CLASSIC A RAW episode made with SmackDown Just Bring It in 2002. It is after the SmackDown episode that ended with Hogan, Brenton, and Rock beating up Jeff. In this Brenton is mad about the name change but Jeff interrupts him so they have a match. Jay Leno interferes but The Rock saves Brenton.

        Classic Episode
        Right to Censor (Steven Richards, Mr. Wollenburg, and Bob Saget) censor more television shows but Drew Carey tries to show Whose Line is It Anyway and The Drew Carey Show. RTC attack but Ron Simmons(damn!) and Bradshaw (not JBL) save him. Austin and Lowell encounter HHH backstage

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Classic Episode
        Right to Censor (Steven Richards, Mr. Wollenburg, and Bob Saget) censor more television shows but Drew Carey tries to show Whose Line is It Anyway and The Drew Carey Show. RTC attack but Ron Simmons(damn!) and Bradshaw (not JBL) save him. Austin and Lowell encounter HHH backstage

        Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. HHH for the Title.

        (the commentary in this game still makes me chuckle and miss SvR2007 example: Stone Cold Steve Austin....has just drilled....Triple H)

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. HHH for the Title.

        (the commentary in this game still makes me chuckle and miss SvR2007 example: Stone Cold Steve Austin....has just drilled....Triple H)

        Episode 2
        The latest SmackDown episode made with SmackDown vs RAW 2007, Super Bin Laden(with Clark Kent's stolen powers) comes out to the ring and wants gay Cena's title. Then...Chuck Norris?

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Episode 2
        The latest SmackDown episode made with SmackDown vs RAW 2007, Super Bin Laden(with Clark Kent's stolen powers) comes out to the ring and wants gay Cena's title. Then...Chuck Norris?

        Chuck Norris, who has just made himself the commisioner of SMF because...he's Chuck Norris..makes Osama vs Cena for the SMF title with a shocking result. and then Ronald McDonald comes to wrestle but then gets the Burger King? WTF!! Table Match for the SMF tag team titles, The Super Dingos vs Right To Censor

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Chuck Norris, who has just made himself the commisioner of SMF because...he's Chuck Norris..makes Osama vs Cena for the SMF title with a shocking result. and then Ronald McDonald comes to wrestle but then gets the Burger King? WTF!! Table Match for the SMF tag team titles, The Super Dingos vs Right To Censor

        Right to Censor(Bob Saget and Mr. Wollenburg) take on The Super Dingos(Greg and Joey) Also, Commisioner Norris and Bin Laden have an encounter. and the Rock is here!

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Right to Censor(Bob Saget and Mr. Wollenburg) take on The Super Dingos(Greg and Joey) Also, Commisioner Norris and Bin Laden have an encounter. and the Rock is here!

        Big over the top battle royal to meet Cena for the number 1 contender for the SMF Championship. Captain America vs. Jeff vs. The Burger King vs. The Rock

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Big over the top battle royal to meet Cena for the number 1 contender for the SMF Championship. Captain America vs. Jeff vs. The Burger King vs. The Rock

        Episode 3
        SMF WAR episode made with SmackDown vs RAW 2007. It follows the last episode of SmackDown. Cena has a match tonight with Captain America for the #1 contender, but Cena and Lowell want to have gay sex in the ring. The Rock and Chuck Norris stop them

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Episode 3
        SMF WAR episode made with SmackDown vs RAW 2007. It follows the last episode of SmackDown. Cena has a match tonight with Captain America for the #1 contender, but Cena and Lowell want to have gay sex in the ring. The Rock and Chuck Norris stop them

        Jim Ross gets mad about the gay people in the SMF and Bob Saget vs. Ronald McDonald, but the Burger King interferes

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        Jim Ross gets mad about the gay people in the SMF and Bob Saget vs. Ronald McDonald, but the Burger King interferes

        (Watch the end of this part!)
        The Rock vs Christopher Lowell in a matchup, but JR gets mad too mad about Christopher Lowell that he goes backstage and talks to Commissioner Chuck Norris. But the commish gets mad and does something horrendous to JR because....he's Chuck Norris.

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        (Watch the end of this part!)
        The Rock vs Christopher Lowell in a matchup, but JR gets mad too mad about Christopher Lowell that he goes backstage and talks to Commissioner Chuck Norris. But the commish gets mad and does something horrendous to JR because....he's Chuck Norris.

        SMF Champion Osama Bin Laden(crappy commentary, who cares??) commentates the matchup between Cena and Captain America for the #1 contender for Bin Laden's SMF Championship. JR is okay, but he is really really hurt from the crash! Who will win?

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        SMF Champion Osama Bin Laden(crappy commentary, who cares??) commentates the matchup between Cena and Captain America for the #1 contender for Bin Laden's SMF Championship. JR is okay, but he is really really hurt from the crash! Who will win?

        George W. Bush comes out to tell how he became Captain America, and then the SMF Champion Osama Bin Laden interrupts. They will face eachother at the Great American Clash for the SMF Championship. Commisioner Norris makes a matchup.

      • thesuperdingos
        thesuperdingos kirjoitti:

        George W. Bush comes out to tell how he became Captain America, and then the SMF Champion Osama Bin Laden interrupts. They will face eachother at the Great American Clash for the SMF Championship. Commisioner Norris makes a matchup.

        Episode 4
        The Burger King comes out to say...nothing because he can't talk. Then Ronald McDonald attacks and Hamburglar comes out! Then, the subway guy, Jared randomly comes to the ring. The Super Dingos and Bob Saget have an encounter backstage.

    • thesuperdingos

      Episode 4
      Good ol' JR wants to face Chuck Norris at the Great American Clash! Lance Bass randomly shows up and Cena and Lowell come to greet him. The Rock shows up, and The Rock vs. John Cena is made at the Great American Clash!

      • thesuperdingos

        Episode 4
        Cena looks for Christopher Lowell. George W. Bush faces the Undertaker in a matchup, but the SMF Champ Bin Laden interferes in the matchup and DESTROYS Bush and hurts America! Dammit Bin Laden! Dammit to hell!!!!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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