Crazy Finland

scared to move there

I am supposed to visit Finland soon for about a year be and exchange student. After hearing from the shooting I got very scared, and I don't want to go there any more. I want to live and not get shot by any lunatic Peka-Eric or Matti or just get beheaded by a death-metal Satanist. Eeek, the more I think about it the more I panic! Please folks, tell me that everything is going to be all right and tell me lots of positive facts about Finland now, PLEASE!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • gyr7t8y90u87tr
      • active in Finland

        The two Finnish school massacres have their roots in the U.S.A. Auvinen, the Finnish ringleader, spent his life in the U.S.A. and after moving to Finland was isolated at school for his neocon&nazi opinions. Then he formed a local terrorist ring which kept contact to US-accomplices related to Columbine and Virginia Tech. The second murderer, Saari, is aquaintance of Auvinen and customer of same gun shop. Police has stated that more incident are to be expected..,,

    • finskibarbarian

      We are drunks.
      We beat wives, babys and outlanders.
      We hate. A lot.
      Our winters are 6 month darkness, cold and hangovers.
      Wellcome to hell.

      • forearmdick

        An accurate description. They really should rename this city Hellsinki.

    • says Bob Marley

      Do not ever let the media change your mind! That's my advice. How do you think it was before the media was like this? Do you think some one thought twice of going to let's say Thailand? No, because you couln't know. You were not brainwashed. Of course things happen every where. And do you think that the media tells you all facts and nothing but facts? I don't. I know what media tells us is what they want us to believe. Think about it! They brainwash us. That's for sure. I don't go into details. But think about it. I would think twice of going to Moscow in the night time, because there is extreme poverty there. Some people are millioners and some people don't have food to eat. But that's not how it is in Finland. So Finland is a very safe place. The hidden dark forces are every where, but Finland is pretty safe.

    • charge

      You go to school after Columbine and Virginia Tech, right? You are not worried about flying to Finland after 9/11, right? These things can happen any day any where.

      The chances of being hit by lightning are greater than being a victim of a terrorist act (I include school shootings in that). You can only worry about so many things and these are things you have no control over.

      When I send my kids to school every day or when we fly some where I'm aware what might happen but I'm not going to let the actions of crazy people control what I want to do in my life - if I did, the crazies would have won. Say a prayer and keep enjoying life.

    • nice to foreigners!

      These kids only shoot other finns, you will be safe.

    • Imp of the perverse

      It's crazy alright and another crybaby pussy is the last thing this nation of stalwart vikings needs. It's dog-eat-dog here and you, buddy-o, would be chewed up and spit out. Do yourself a favor and stay the fuck out.

    • The Katya

      Oh, I see clearly. I won't go but stay at home in Russia. It's safe and comfortable here, no dog-eating rude vikings xD

      • Imp of the perverse

        Congratulations on a choice well made. Just in case you were to change your mind, know this: all russian women are considered prostitutes by the finnish, and they are dealt with accordingly.

      • So much

        I pray to God that all russians should get out of Finland and leave us alone. The sooner the better. You´re really not wanted here!

      • do you like it?
        So much kirjoitti:

        I pray to God that all russians should get out of Finland and leave us alone. The sooner the better. You´re really not wanted here!

        Russians bring billions of euro's to the poor Finland these days. Russians have brought you up and made you an educated nation. Under the Russian rule 1809 - 1917 Finland developed from a pact of forest animals into a civilized nation. Just remember Jean Sibelius, Juhani Aho, Eino Leino. All of those were living in Russian Finland. So without Russians you Finns wouldn't be anything and you simply can't live without Russia. God knows that and won't listen to your prayers.

      • A Real FINN
        do you like it? kirjoitti:

        Russians bring billions of euro's to the poor Finland these days. Russians have brought you up and made you an educated nation. Under the Russian rule 1809 - 1917 Finland developed from a pact of forest animals into a civilized nation. Just remember Jean Sibelius, Juhani Aho, Eino Leino. All of those were living in Russian Finland. So without Russians you Finns wouldn't be anything and you simply can't live without Russia. God knows that and won't listen to your prayers.

        Russians use finnish infrastructure without paying a dime for it. This has been going on since decades. Russians stole a large part of finnish territory in a war they deviously had started by Shootings in Mainila. Even today they use the same tactics, last time it was against Georgia.

        Any russian billions won´t ever be enough to compensate the stealing of Karelia. Russian olgarks are living with lended money and ever since the world´s economical situation has become more unstable, they are having big troubles to pay their billion loans to the west.

        Finland may have been poor in the past, when we had to live under Russian rule, but those days are now history. We have created a stable and admirable society with our own hard work after the WW2.

        Russia is still not a democratic society, it´s a dictatorship. Boris Jeltsin may have been a drunk, but he understood what the people of Russia needed; they needed to be free. After 70 dark years of communism and all the shit, he wanted to adapt Russia to western style of marketeconomy and in his mind he was dreaming that russians would no more live under opression.
        But russian people are so stupid. They always have to have someone who is telling them what they may and may not do or say. Russians are slaves deep in their hearts. That´s why they love Putin so much, while we in the west can see directly through him. He could not fool us the way he´s doing with the russians.

        Russians has nothing that we finns wouldn´t have for ourselves. You can not use the kind of extortion to us that you´re using against Ukraine, Georgia and a bunch of other B-nations.
        Finland is a real, independent country and we would live very good without Russia on earth.
        God knows this and that´s why He let´s russians to know what is going to happend in the future.
        Read the Bibel, Eze. 38 and you´ll know.

      • olen suomalainen
        do you like it? kirjoitti:

        Russians bring billions of euro's to the poor Finland these days. Russians have brought you up and made you an educated nation. Under the Russian rule 1809 - 1917 Finland developed from a pact of forest animals into a civilized nation. Just remember Jean Sibelius, Juhani Aho, Eino Leino. All of those were living in Russian Finland. So without Russians you Finns wouldn't be anything and you simply can't live without Russia. God knows that and won't listen to your prayers.

        When it really counts, Finland has always showed it´s big heart. Even if we´ve lost we´ve done it dignity and big heart.
        Sometimes we´ve even won...
        Remember this:

    • among others

      The school massacre that took place here a few days ago, is not so different from all other murders that happen every day all over the world.

      The latest massacre just happened in Finland this time. Next may happen in your school. You can´t live your life, beeing afraid in advance. Most probably you will die for old age, regardless where you live.

      Finland is actually a nice country and most likely you would like it here. Welcome!

    • A Real Finn

      People like you shouldn´t come to Finland. We are fucking grazy everyone here and we´ll eat pussies like you to breakfast!
      If you´re freakin out only by thinking that you´re going to spent a year here, then you ain´t got no balls to survive here. Trust me!
      The best for you would be to stay at home and ask you mom hold your hand.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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