Hienoi punk-lyriikoita


Mix vitussa ne on niin tyhmii, hä??! Iha ku ois vammasii niinq!!!1

Mulle on jäänyt kuva punk-biisien verbaalisesta tasosta nykypäivänä perin aneemisena taiteenlajina, vai oonks väärässä?

Toki kun lyriikat ei pyöri rakkausteeman tai on kiva fiilis tekstien ympärillä löytyy paljon omaperäistäkin ja oivaltavaa, mutta liian usein sitä kuunnellessa jotain bändiä syntyy itsessä vähän myötähäpeän tuntua, että olikos toi nyt ton biisin idea, ja silleen.

Ja sitten toisaalta tuo Pistolssien aliarvostaminen kyrsii, sillä tuo bändi loi tuohon kontekstiin, yksinkertaisista punk-iskulauseista pirun älykästä lyriikkaa, vähän kuin sarjakuvapohjalta, ja ymmärsin Rottenin vitutuksen kun sitä pidettiin pelkkänä pellenä ja tyystin sivutettiin miehen terävä kieli ja kyky tehdä suoranaista poptaidetta.

Haluaisin, että ne jotka jaksavat kertoisivat oikeesti vittu älykkäitä lyriikan pätkiä punkista, vaikka sitten linkittämällä, prkl.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvxrYm4nxXY
Tai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1-fveh6oc8 juu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrsSFBDyod4&feature=related jep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrwI1gKE4jI joo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp9Rz3L9124 ja tää http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QhDZHHQSGI ja viimine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qldezbn_wk juu, toi ol vitsi, vielä yx hyvvä http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6RqcEuxY_Q

No toi viiminen ol coveri mun 60-luvun yheltä lempibändiltä Lovelta.
Äs ku tyhmä topic, varsinki kun ei nyt polla säteile iltasella jotta tulis mieleen loistolyriikoita, äh vitut.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • ?

      Constant State of Terror(UK):Born To Be Abused

      This song is based upon the recent exposure of facts concerning the recent terrorist attacks in London July 2005. It has recently been revealed that the families of the dead from these incidents will receive compensation in the form of £11,000.00 per person. This really opens up the debate on how one can put a cost on lives. Again it looks like we’re all fucking pawns. OK if £11,000.00 is the price for a life, is this only for civilians of certain western countries? or is this a worldwide costing? If so what is the cost of bombing a school or hospital in Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever next is on the menu? People in certain western countries get more in compensation for tripping over the pavement. Is it a fuckin’ wonder that some of us get regularly confused about some peoples viewpoint on life and freedom. There is so much more, fuck‘em. Live life, experience, learn, love, change, enjoy.

      They say that life is no illusion
      Hard work and debt and nothing but confusion

      Born to be abused x 4

      Birth, school, work, death
      Freedom seems so far away it’s nothing but illusion

      More of the same, Left Right, Left Right x3

      Illusion, Confusion, Frustration
      There’s more than this.

      This frail world filled with misery
      Things that will come to pass
      What’s the use? break it down, tear it down.

      • ?

        Plasmatics - 12 Noon

        As of 12 noon tomorrow, say good-bye to the world as you know it
        Say good-bye too...

        Neutron bombs, and chemical food
        Cowboy politics, and man on the moon
        Murder, and rape, and chemical waste
        Pollution and death, home of the brave
        Racism television, corporate God
        Polyurethane breakfast, Formica lunch
        Insipid ideas, and conformative rules
        Collapsing cities, archaic schools

        As of 12 noon tomorrow, say good-bye to the world as you know it
        Say good-bye too...

        Small minded people, they know it all
        Big brother is watching the KKK ball
        BHA, BHT, prothenal gallant, MSG
        Dried corn syrup, TBHQ
        Dipotasium phosphate (wholesome products for you)
        Gum acacia, hydrogenated oil
        Potato starch, bring to a boil

        As of 12 noon tomorrow, say good-bye to the world as you know it
        Say good-bye too...

        Small minded people, they know it all
        Big brother is watching the KKK ball
        BHA, BHT, prothenal gallant, MSG
        Dried corn syrup, TBHQ
        Dipotasium phosphate (wholesome products for you)
        Gum acacia, hydrogenated oil
        Potato starch, bring to a boil

        As of 12 noon tomorrow, say good-bye to the world as you know it
        Say good-bye too...

        "Hello? Hello? Hello?"

    • ........

      THE CASUALTIES - Made In N.Y.C.

      give me my fucking beer!

      sniffing glue
      drinking beer
      don't give a fuck how the hippies feel
      this is for you, joey
      your memory fucking lives
      your three chord wonders made in n.y.c.

      gabba gabba hey!
      punk is here to stay!
      hey ho lets go!
      sniffing glue all day!

      blitzkrieg bop
      punk is born
      on the street corner of my hometown
      they called you dumb
      the punks heard the noise
      the scene you created
      street punks born

      gabba gabba hey!
      punk is here to stay!
      hey ho lets go!
      sniffing glue all day!

      teen lobotomy
      we're the pin heads
      made in n.y.c. where the true punks live
      fuck hippie Hendrix
      fat Elvis in his grave
      pet cemetery won't be your burying place!

      gabba gabba hey!
      punk is here to stay!
      hey ho lets go!
      sniffing glue all day!

      one two three four!

      sniffing glue
      drinking beer
      don't give a fuck how the hippies feel
      this is for you, joey
      your memory fucking lives
      your three chord wonders made in n.y.c.

      blitzkrieg bop
      punk is born
      on the street corner of my hometown
      they called you dumb
      the punks heard the noise
      the scene you created
      street punks born

      gabba gabba hey!
      punk is here to stay!
      hey ho fucking lets go!
      and sniffing glue all day!

      sniffing glue
      drinking beer
      don't give a fuck how the hippies feel
      this is for you, joey
      your memory fucking lives
      your three chord wonders made in n.y.c.

      blitzkrieg bop
      punk is born
      on the street corner of my hometown
      they called you dumb
      the punks heard the noise
      the scene you created
      street punks born

      gabba gabba hey!
      punk is here to stay!
      hey ho fucking lets go!
      sniffing glue all day!

      gabba gabba hey!
      punk is here to stay!
      hey ho fucking lets go!
      we got your way!

      • homekorwa

        Terveet Kädet - Mul on liian lyhyt sänky kappale menee näin.

        "Mul on liian lyhyt sänky!"

    • ***

      The Exploited~Fuck The USA"

      There really is nothing nice about USA
      You go to the hospital you have to pay
      The dollar is the language that they all speak
      they don't really bother about the radiation leak


      They keep their secrets undercover
      the rich don't bother about those that suffer
      this ain't the land of milk and honey
      cause all they want is money money money


      Nuclear bombs are fuck all new
      you'd better start running when they drop on you
      run into a shelter, play hide and seek
      cause when you die your body reeks


      There really is nothing nice about USA
      You go to the hospital you have to pay
      The dollar is the language that they all speak
      they don't really bother about the radiation leak


    • Norsk punk rulez

      De store folkan sir at vi e førr små
      De får alle fargan, mens vi må vær grå
      De har førsteretten, vi må vent te etterpå
      Når de har spist sæ mette, resten kan vi få

      Motemafian, de trur de e kul
      De har rute-bukse, og boblejakke-vest
      Det e så kult å briefe rundt i pappas nye bil
      Coke is life sa reklamen med et smil

      Jos haluutte voin suomentaa ton.. =)

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Mitä sinä näet

      kun katsot peiliin?
    2. Se helpottaisi oloa jos

      Se toinen tietäisi että molemmat tykkäämme toisistamme. Se on asia mikä vaivaa ja ahdistaa minua vaikka tilanne olisikin
    3. Palsta kysely..

      Mikä on mielestäsi hyvä ikäero parisuhteessa? Tulevassa/kuvitteellisessa tulevaisuuden suhteessa, voisitko harkita ”ott
    4. Missä väleissä ollaan

      Jatkossa? Vai ollaanko missään? Koetko ikäväksi näkemisen)
    5. aivan mieletön ikävä

      paha olo 😥🫣 kaipaan sua 😔💔
    6. Riittääkö vielä

      Pelkät kuvat? 😉
    7. Haluatko naimisiin kaivattusi kanssa?

      Alttarille astelette
    8. Haluaisin nainen vain välillä heilutella peittoa sinun kanssa

      Mutta kuitenkin oltaisiin uskollisia toisillemme.
    9. Mitä toivot

      Välienne olevan?
    10. Ihmeellistä millaisissa tilanteissa ajatukset kulkuun sinuun

      Eilen seurasin kun ihmiset ajoivat kaupan parkkipaikalle ja menivät yhdessä kauppaan. Iski jotenkin ikävä. Mietin että