Hi, I'm from denmark, and i can't receive finnish sports tv channels, But i'd like to watch the SM-liiga games, to get some knowledge about it, so i can use it when i'm betting.
I have tried to search, both using danish, english, and even danish translated into finnish. But no gain. :(
So, does anybody know where i can stream the majority of the SM-liiga games live, or at least some of them.? - it doesnt matter if it costs a little..
Regards from Jim. Denmark.
SM-Liiga Live stream.??
- Tanskalaisena
i dont understand finnish, and google translate is very bad at translating entire sites from finnish to danish, or for that matter finnish into english. It doesnt translate all the words on the page.
But if there is a live stream section at sm-liiga.fi would you then mind to find the exact link for me..? so that i just have to click play..
Cause if there is a language that i dont understand, its finnish.. ;)
Regards - Jens.
Tanskalaisena kirjoitti:
i dont understand finnish, and google translate is very bad at translating entire sites from finnish to danish, or for that matter finnish into english. It doesnt translate all the words on the page.
But if there is a live stream section at sm-liiga.fi would you then mind to find the exact link for me..? so that i just have to click play..
Cause if there is a language that i dont understand, its finnish.. ;)
Regardsdo right now. They update those results every now and then..
- Pekkaboy
Jens. kirjoitti:
do right now. They update those results every now and then..
There you will find upcoming tv games (tulevat ottelut). One game costs 5 euros, if you watch it straight from using the internet. If you pay it monthly it's about 14 euros, don't know for sure.
If you have any other questions (example about translating) please email [email protected] or add me to your msn messenger using this same email. ALSO what I'm using everyday is this http://www.nelonen.fi/ohjelmat/sm-liiga/kaikki-maalit-illan-erikoiset-haastattelut there you will see all latest goals and games. More clips from this site > scroll down and click "lisää klippejä". Hope this helps :) - Tanskalaisena
Pekkaboy kirjoitti:
There you will find upcoming tv games (tulevat ottelut). One game costs 5 euros, if you watch it straight from using the internet. If you pay it monthly it's about 14 euros, don't know for sure.
If you have any other questions (example about translating) please email [email protected] or add me to your msn messenger using this same email. ALSO what I'm using everyday is this http://www.nelonen.fi/ohjelmat/sm-liiga/kaikki-maalit-illan-erikoiset-haastattelut there you will see all latest goals and games. More clips from this site > scroll down and click "lisää klippejä". Hope this helps :)Thx.. i appreciate it.. and I'll write you if i'm totally lost.. :)
- 7
Use the www.urhotv.fi to see live games.
At this moment, there's no other way to see live games than that.
To help you on your future betting, just play Lukko and you'll win :)- You said it!
Play Lukko like last saturday against Tappara.
- we have
You said it! kirjoitti:
Play Lukko like last saturday against Tappara.
this thing called mustamakkara... it´s like... hmmm... it´s like... it´s like shit! And we love to eat it!!!
- I didnt say sh_iiitt
You said it! kirjoitti:
Play Lukko like last saturday against Tappara.
JEs! Play jokerit like last time against hifk täh! häh! Ohi meni ja kovaa!?
- patu54
- hämmästyttää kummast
urhotv KUSETTAA.. ja rankastì! Osta oman joukkueesi kausi "kaikki pelit" joulutarjous 99€. Missä vitussa meidän Jokerit-Kärpät peli.. huijausta markkinoinnisa.
- entinen smliigafani
ota urhotv ja maksa. sm-liigan finaalit näkyvätkin 4pro.lla .kusetus meininki .jos ei maksa menee perintään.pysykää erossa urpo teeveestä
- vesseli
a few match in the season .. www.veikkaus.fi
- Anonyymi
Oisko linkkiä
- Anonyymi
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