16 years old wants to date a 24 years old


Hi all,

is it illegal ? normal for a 16 years old to date / have a 24 years old bf ? will the guy have trouble with the law or my parents if they ever found out i was going out with a 24 years old ?





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • neititietäväinen

      Yes, unfortunatelly it is illegal here in finland. If You have sex, he will go to the jail. :( so wait 2 years when you are 18 y old, after that you can do anything you want.

      • Maija99

        he said he like me because when we met he thought i was 19 and i did not tell him i'm 16 until he already asked me out now he's freaking out and wants me to stop hanging out with him i don't want to lose him. isn't the consent age 16 in Finland ?

      • Stiilakid

        U can be a friend with him, no sex though or u both' ll be in BIG trouble.
        It is illegal in many countries to not let children be children ( child labor, child marriages, child prostitution etc)
        U are still a kid! U have plenty of time to have sex with whom ever u want once u are considered to be an adult, age 18. ( and u pay for ur own living: taxes, food, housing )

        So enjoy beeing a child and forget sex for the next 2 years.

      • s.k.hj

        Oletko JK?

      • s.k.hj

        Soittele taas joskus.

    • you.guys.are.wrong
      • Maija99


        the guy ran away scared shitless when he knew i was 16, he said he read the law and he will be considered an offender because of the age difference, he said 16 is legal to have any kind of relationship with unless the other person has some kind of power like a teacher or something or if the age difference is significant making him using my immaturity to abuse me.
        guess now we can only be friends maybe until i'm 18.

      • confused.now
        Maija99 kirjoitti:


        the guy ran away scared shitless when he knew i was 16, he said he read the law and he will be considered an offender because of the age difference, he said 16 is legal to have any kind of relationship with unless the other person has some kind of power like a teacher or something or if the age difference is significant making him using my immaturity to abuse me.
        guess now we can only be friends maybe until i'm 18.

        So is he a teacher by profession then? If that is the case then yes you cant have sex until you are 18.

      • Maija99
        confused.now kirjoitti:

        So is he a teacher by profession then? If that is the case then yes you cant have sex until you are 18.

        No he is not a teacher we met couple of months ago. what i mean by the other comment he said he read the law and found that some one like a teacher can't be with someone under 18 years old. and if the age difference is high between two persons they can't go out as well because the older will be accused of using the immaturity of the younger person (this is why he refused to hang out with me not because he has any power over me)

    • Maija99

      can we at least hang out together like friends go places or is it still illegal ? by places i mean movies, festivals ...

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