Vapaa kuvaus

Kotimaa: --- Koulutus: --- Ammatti: Muu Siviilisääty: --- Lapset: ---





  1. Pelastettujen+määrä+selviää+vasta+sitten+kun+kirjat+avataan,+mutta+veikkaampa+että+heitä+oli+lukuisa+joukko.
  2. Yritän kääntää viestisi englanniksi, jotta voin jakaa sitä ulkomaaneläville, joita tapaan usein. (Jos Luoja suo.)


    Rich are all those, who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ from all they heart, and who want to bend their will to his will, those are rich in Jesus.

    The Word will become clear, everybody has his own aeria. God is wise when dealing his tasks.
    No one is able to controll all aerias. We are working together here on earth. Nobody is perfect even in his own area.

    This is why we can be free from being perfect.
    Richness is that, that we are able to work together with sisters and brothers. Oh how many here are those, who think that they can do everything by themselves and who criticize and judge the others.

    They will forget LOVE, which is however the foundation for everything. Jesus will give his LOVE to all, so that we can LOVE our fellowman as much as we LOVE ourselves. Towards GOD our LOVE should be sincere, disinterested. We are not to command him or ask him to fullfill prayers, which are selfish and benefiting only ourselves.
    But let us ask all good things to our fellowmen.
    Doesn´t GOD know what we need??

    Sin will destroy us and our own flesh is tempting us to do things against our fellowmen and against GOD.

    But the more humble we are before GOD, the closer JESUS will get and take a place in the temple of our heart.

    Stop mourning the everyday life, because you´ll just waste your time by doing it. Just do your best and leave the rest to JESUS.

    How then can you become rich in JESUS ?
    By believing and having faith in him in every situation.
    How can we gain more faith ?
    By believing, that it will come to us from heaven as a gift by grace, and not by our good works.
    Why don´t people then bend their will ??
    Because there is this everyday battle against the subforces of the world.

    GOD can do everything, we can do nothing by ourselves. Be willing to be free by suffering, so that you would be able to carry the WORD forward fresh without fear.