I was forced to start a new debate on these so-called. capitalist and how to control them. There's another debate, where someone offered fox irons and other things like that. It seemed that one writer had already loaf "began to slip straps" in this hot weather. I have a few years ago made a citizen initiative, in which it was hoped measures to facilitate the city's problem, but it looks seriously that even a little guidance for the citizens about capitalist can not be done.
But this emergency is not so bad as it looks like. In those real estates, where capitalists are not welcome I advice to get a theirs natural enemies, although made of plastic material. For example, half a meter plastic communist attached to the chimney is effective, almost all the capitalists will be out of the yard. And anyway, in the end of a long summer vacation is lot more pleasant to face a standing plastic communist on the chimney than fox-irons attached to the half rotten capitalist carcasses.
Please comment freely, and if anyone has any other factual tips, then they should talk.
The problem with the capitalists
- brainfuck
what a brainfuck......
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
Sai potkut Yleltä. https://yle.fi/a/74-201400003264801- 162266
- 1942109
- 1071486
- 811407
- 741002
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