Now, the mobile phone is an almost everyone the necessary communication tools, however replace a mobile phone, supporting the battery, charger often become the electronics garbage. To this, calling for new chu members arrived, the cell phone battery, charger should be unified standardized specification, so that, even if the replacement of a mobile phone, battery charger and still can continue to use, helps to reduce the electronic junk production.
Media reports, in May 2011, the mobile phone users around the world have as high as 5 billion, China has reached the 1 billion cell phone users, nearly 20% of the world total users. In 2010 China mobile phone manufacturing as high as 998 million department, in 2011, more than 1.3 billion department and the growth rate of 36.5%.
"The mobile phone is upgrading the fastest high-tech electronic products, the average user 2 to 4 years will replace a new phone, some trendy personage change every year even." Wong chu points out that a new, different brand of cell phone battery specifications, size, charger interface and specification is different also, and even the same brand of mobile phones, because of different models, the battery and charger interface is not the same. Therefore, once the replacement cell phones, the old cell phones and charger all scrap, easy to cause the waste of resources and environment pollution.
According to insiders, battery, charger unified standard in technology implementation is not problem, at present the implementation of the main obstacles from some mobile phone giant enterprise, for the battery is mobile phone manufacturer important profit part, big enterprise's opposition is also expected.
To this, wong chu suggest new, the cell phone battery, charger, the size of the contact pattern to have strict national standard, do the various import or domestic brands, different kinds of mobile phones can be used. Otherwise, it banned on the Chinese market. In addition, the handset sales can according to customer requirements, freedom of choice to buy it and battery charger. If you do not buy it, the battery and charger price is deducted from the total price.
The article comes from
Calls for the mobile phone battery, charger specifications stan
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