Strategic management



Voiko missään suomen kauppakorkeakouluissa lukea Strategista johtamista pääaineena? En siis tarkoita sitä tavallista johtamista jota lähes jokaisessa yliopistossa opetetaan vaan ihan yritysstrategiaa (Corporate Strategy). Ainakin TKK:n Tuotantotalouden osastolla pystyy lukea sitä pääaineena mutta entä muissa suomen yliopistoissa??




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • jeps1

      Aallossa on Strategisen johtamisen maisteriohjelma, joka on Tutan ja kauppiksen yhteinen ohjelma.

    • Lakikylteri

      Vaasassa on myös tällainen maisteriohjelma englanniksi:
      "Master's Programme in Strategic Management

      About the Programme

      What will you learn on the programme?

      The Master's Program in Strategic Management provides you with knowledge that allows you to tackle the leadership and management of strategic processes by offering courses focused on three key areas of strategic management: Strategic analysis, Strategic choice and Strategy implementation. By the end of the programme,

      You will understand the strategic process, and learn to develop corporate strategies, as well as industry positioning and resource configurations to ensure company success.
      You will gain knowledge of how to implement strategies effectively in a complex and changing business environment, which includes key actions such as change management, project management, resource allocation, and organization and systems management.
      You will learn how to integrate knowledge based on the combination of generalist and specialist expertise, and you will also be able to choose and apply both traditional and novel strategic frameworks to manage the entire strategic process.

      Why study Strategic Management?

      The Master’s programme in Strategic Management offers research-based education and practical applications in strategic business development. Graduates of the programme will possess the skills required at middle and upper management level in many businesses. You will study in a learning environment, which is:

      International, which means entirely taught in English by teachers with international experience, and sharing the experience with classmates from around the world.
      Challenging but rewarding, supported by novel teaching methods to ensure a high-quality, student-centred learning process.
      A platform on which to stimulate and help you develop analytical and critical thinking, and an innovative, strategic mindset.

      Our cooperation with companies is active, and business leaders are guest speakers in all our courses. Many of our students have been doing their Master's thesis in cooperation with companies, not only facing challenging and interesting tasks but also approaching and solving real-life problems. We are constantly developing our course syllabuses together with companies to better meet the current and future needs of business managers. This way, we also strive to ensure our students' employability. Some examples of career prospects which our programme offers are: managing director, business developer, business consultant, project manager, sales manager, business analyst, business controller, and entrepreneur.

      After completing your studies in the programme, you will be awarded the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Economics and Business Administration. The programme also offers excellent opportunities to pursue an academic career, particularly in the fields of Marketing and Management."

    • by the way

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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