Does the formal looks of Russians follow from the fact that Russia is a large country: what at one side of Russia is a good course of action well suited for masses of different kinds of people and giving lots of room for good life, is at some other side of Russia just a rule without proper reason why one should behave just that way, so it is just a rigid rule very cumbersome. Russia is just too vast to be under one media and one single set of rules.
Like with EU bureaucracy, one should have instead of rigid laws that are the same to all in that vast area, one should instead have a philosophy, a set of values and a social (and other) picture of the world that would be interpreted to the local cultures with varying degrees of obligation, moral, literally interpreted rules, enforcing etc. and with varying law text that would take into account the differencie3s in national character and ways, staying true to the common values and to the3 common wisdom of how to arrange a society and the wider world.
Russia is a large country, like EU
I am Finnish
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