orry I will have to write in English, but my Finnish grammar is not perfect and maybe people would understand easier my English.
I am looking for a ''Sport Massage Therapy'' (Urheiluhieroja) school in English language. My Finnish are ok, but I do not know if it would be on the level of the Finnish schools they would need. One Finnish Academy told me I have to know perfect Finnish, that unfortunately, I do not. Maybe my level would be at best B 2.1. Unfortunately in all Finland, the only one I found in English language (and they wanted a reasonable level of Finnish, that I believe I have and probably will be better till the end of school for the Vocational Exams) was the ''Carl Wilhelm Akatemia''.
And now my questions:
1. Does anyone know any other ''Urheiluhieroja'' schools that are in English or do not need super good level of Finnish?
2. Does anyone have been studies in Carl Wilhelm Akatemia as a Massage Therapist? Does it worth? It is expensive so I would like to make sure on how and what.
Thank you all for your time!
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