Ihme kaksinaamaista touhua!
Miksi ette tee kuin saarnaatte?
- Vapaa-ajatus
Niin, älä tee kuten minä teen vaan tee niinkuin sanon :-DDDDDD
- qwgdfvd435
Somehow, people have gotten the impression that Christians claim to be perfect. They equate our condemnation of sin with a claim that we never sin. But the full picture of the gospel's work in our lives shows a multifaceted, progressive deliverance. We have been saved (past tense) from the penalty of sin. We are saved (present tense) from the power of sin. And someday we will be saved (future tense) from the presence of sin. Meanwhile, a mix of spiritual successes and failures remains more the norm than does total victory.
Portraying Christian experience as a progressive journey toward holiness rather than a present attaining of holiness can actually be liberating to questioners. The Christians' being on a progressive journey is, perhaps, why some of the "church people" whom our questioning friends encounter are jerks or just plain weird. Church is the one place where such people are welcomed. It could be said that the church is a haven for hypocrites; People who fail to perform according to the standards that they affirm.
Even some Christians fail to realize the progressive nature of salvation. As a result, some of us boast a level of sanctification to which we're not even close. Or we fall prey to a "hazard" of finding the truth; We take credit for it. Even as redeemed children of God, our flesh occasionally rebels against the notion of grace; Totally undeserved favor. We start to believe our own press releases and think that we are smart enough, good enough, or clever enough to deserve the Cross. Haluaisitko tarkentaa millaisesta julistuksesta ja sen kanssa ristiriidassa olevasta elämästä on nyt kysymys?
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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