Arrogant Ari?


Hi guys, it seems to me that Ari was accused of being too self-important. I don't understand Finnish so not sure why? Is he now still thought of as one? Thanks in advance for any replies.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • image

      I don´t know actually. The media made him look like that during the idols, so, it´s possible that the image, once created, has stayed amomg those who have not followed his career afterwards.
      ps. this forum is just to write in Finnish. I made an exception :)

      • JnL

        Oops...I've violated the rules then. Sorry. :) Thanks anyway, to me he does look really modest in many pictures and interviews (in English:D).

      • so modest
        JnL kirjoitti:

        Oops...I've violated the rules then. Sorry. :) Thanks anyway, to me he does look really modest in many pictures and interviews (in English:D).

        He is definitely one of the most modest singers I have ever followed.

      • with good reason!
        so modest kirjoitti:

        He is definitely one of the most modest singers I have ever followed.

        his career nerver really took off after idols. The last years have been desperate, singing acoustic gigs at small shitty bars (that charge no entrance fee).

      • JnL
        with good reason! kirjoitti:

        his career nerver really took off after idols. The last years have been desperate, singing acoustic gigs at small shitty bars (that charge no entrance fee).

        If that's the case then I'm disappointed :( He has a really good voice and good stage presence. I like the way he interprets old songs, too.

      • no reason
        JnL kirjoitti:

        If that's the case then I'm disappointed :( He has a really good voice and good stage presence. I like the way he interprets old songs, too.

        Ignore the troll above. There is no reason to be disappointed. Ari left the "idols career" to join the excellent metal band Amoral, and its his main job. Beside he is at a moment performing at Heavy Christmas tour with other great Finnish metal singers. Next spring, beside recording Amoral´s studio album, he is also the main star in a rock musical in Tampere. He does some duo shows with his musician friends now and then, when ever he has time.

      • The sad truth --->
        no reason kirjoitti:

        Ignore the troll above. There is no reason to be disappointed. Ari left the "idols career" to join the excellent metal band Amoral, and its his main job. Beside he is at a moment performing at Heavy Christmas tour with other great Finnish metal singers. Next spring, beside recording Amoral´s studio album, he is also the main star in a rock musical in Tampere. He does some duo shows with his musician friends now and then, when ever he has time.

        LOL who's trolling..?

        Ari's main job is doing those shitty dirty bars for acoustic gigs. He is travelling around the country, visiting small towns for this type of thing. This is the reality and it can be easily verified. Just check the threads in this forum, somebody (ari?) is announcing every single gig here.

      • just for fun ;)
        The sad truth ---> kirjoitti:

        LOL who's trolling..?

        Ari's main job is doing those shitty dirty bars for acoustic gigs. He is travelling around the country, visiting small towns for this type of thing. This is the reality and it can be easily verified. Just check the threads in this forum, somebody (ari?) is announcing every single gig here.

        yes, you are trolling, with a quick check you could find this same:
        2014 Ari had
        7 duo shows
        8 Heavy Christmas shows
        28 Amoral shows
        Tartu Mikkiin TV performance
        2015 Ari is already now announced to have
        2 duo shows
        2 shows featuring Eric Valkama band at Tampere University House
        19 musical performances
        Amoral´s studio work Amoral shows tba

      • Tell me about duo's!
        just for fun ;) kirjoitti:

        yes, you are trolling, with a quick check you could find this same:
        2014 Ari had
        7 duo shows
        8 Heavy Christmas shows
        28 Amoral shows
        Tartu Mikkiin TV performance
        2015 Ari is already now announced to have
        2 duo shows
        2 shows featuring Eric Valkama band at Tampere University House
        19 musical performances
        Amoral´s studio work Amoral shows tba

        are the "duo shows" so called erotic dance shows? with a man? or with a customer?

      • tell you me
        Tell me about duo's! kirjoitti:

        are the "duo shows" so called erotic dance shows? with a man? or with a customer?

        I think you better check yourself and tell about your experiences after to rest of us.

      • JnL
        just for fun ;) kirjoitti:

        yes, you are trolling, with a quick check you could find this same:
        2014 Ari had
        7 duo shows
        8 Heavy Christmas shows
        28 Amoral shows
        Tartu Mikkiin TV performance
        2015 Ari is already now announced to have
        2 duo shows
        2 shows featuring Eric Valkama band at Tampere University House
        19 musical performances
        Amoral´s studio work Amoral shows tba

        Sounds like he's got a busy/ good year and hope 2015 will be even better. Thanks for the info!

      • :) for the better
        JnL kirjoitti:

        Sounds like he's got a busy/ good year and hope 2015 will be even better. Thanks for the info!

        Thanks for asking. In Finland his position has not been easy when you add to the general image created by media the hate of the "true" metal men ;) ..but it seems as the attitude towards him would have grown better in all areas.

      • If he would be more
        :) for the better kirjoitti:

        Thanks for asking. In Finland his position has not been easy when you add to the general image created by media the hate of the "true" metal men ;) ..but it seems as the attitude towards him would have grown better in all areas.

        masculine maybe the media would like him

      • Ar was the "bad boy"
        If he would be more kirjoitti:

        masculine maybe the media would like him

        Masculinity has nothing to do with media´s liking ;) sure, not concerning Ari or anyone else. Yeah, but that´s the favorite topic of the troll of s24 ;)

    • too modest

      I think he could be less modest.

      • music job = bars

        Even many really famous singers do little acoustic bar gigs sometimes so nothing desperate about that!

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