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    • wolfdog

      Interspecies Conflict/livestock guarding breeds


      Expert: Jim Wilson - 2/15/2011

      QUESTION: In one of your answers, you stated that though Great Pyrenees are big strong dogs
      they are not good fighters. I own a Great Pyrenees (a little 70 pound female
      I like to call a "Lesser" Pyrenees) and, if she is any indication, you are absolutely right.
      She was however, when she was younger, a surprisingly fast runner; she
      kept up with our car at 30 mph. We always had to watch her because
      she chased cars, but was safe in this case because a fence separated her from our car.
      Anyway, fighter or not, I love her to death, and she loves to pretend she's guarding.
      Still, they are supposed to be effective-second only to Akbash dogs- according
      to a Colorado State University study, if I recall correctly.
      Before I bought my Pyr as a puppy, I adopted- briefly-an adult 75 pound female
      Akbash dog who was very aggressive. I actually returned her after two days because
      she was, in my opinion, dangerous.

      Please ranking the flock guardians in fighting capability:

      Kangal Dog, Anatolian Shepherd, Akbash Dog, Great Pyrenees, Kuvasz,
      Spanish Mastiff, Sarplaninac, Caucasian Ovcharka, Maremma Sheepdog,
      Tibetian Mastiff (not really a flock guardian). Probably the Bouvier Des Flandres, and
      maybe the Rottweiler could be marginally counted in this category.
      Am I missing any?

      Also- Which of these is the best match for a predator, particularly a Wolf
      or Cougar? I realize none of these is a match for a Cougar, and probably
      not for a Wolf either one on one, but which of these
      would be the most likely to survive, or be least injured by, an encounter?

      ANSWER: Hey again Michael.

      That's pretty strange that your dog chases cars as it's not something you'd expect from a LGD. But yeah, they are excellent guard dogs. They are extremely loyal and reliable and will put on a hell of a front when confronted with danger. It is when things get serious, and this is true to varying extents for all LGD, they become extremely uncomfortable.

      As for ranking them, well it's very subjective. None of them are fighting dogs despite them all being used in the practise. Turks will tell you Kangals and Akbash Dogs are the best, Serbs will go with Sarplaninacs, Russians would say one you didn't mention- Central Asian Ovcharkas, and everyone else would probably say it's the Caucasian Ovcharka. I don't actually watch dog fight videos because it's a disgusting practice, but I am interested in which breeds do well and which don't so I've done a lot of research. This is the general consensus I've got but remember you'll find thousands of people that would place them in completely different order. Also remember that none of these breeds are particularly great fighters and against real fighting dogs it's their size that brings them victory, if indeed it does.

      1. Caucasian Ovcharka
      2. Kangal
      3. Spanish Mastiff
      4. Sarplaninac
      5. Rottweiler
      6. Tibetan Mastiff
      7. Anatolian Shepherd
      8. Akbash Dog
      9. Spanish Mastiff
      10. Bouvier des Flandres
      11. Kuvasv
      12. Maremma Sheepdog
      13. Great Pyranees

      Besides the CAO, which I would probably put somewhere between #2 and #4, Tornjaks would be the other well-known LGD. They're not great fighters either though, probably equal with Great Pyranees.

      To be honest I think a lot of these LDGs would be a handful for a wolf just on size alone. I doubt any of the big white LDGs could, nor the Rottweiler or Bouvier, but the rest could beat a wolf. If it's a large wolf who can survive the initial onslaught and launch a counter attack, I doubt any of these breeds are going to be able to survive. The same thing happens against fighting dogs. These big dogs just monster them from the start but if that doesn't work they are completely lost as to how to handle a fighting-bred attack. Wolves are nearly as good at fighting as fighting dogs and if of comparable size or able to withstand the initial assault they will beat all these dogs.

      Against a cougar you're going to need the biggest you have to offer and even then it won't be of any use. An adult male cougar will beat any dog handily. A Caucasian Ovcharka would have the best chance of surviving being so large and covered in thick fur, but if the cougar wants it dead, it's dead.

      Hope that helps Michael.

    • wolfdog

      Wolves kill Oregon sheep, injure protection dogs
      Eric Mortenson

      Capital Press
      September 19, 2014 3:29PM
      Last changed:
      September 24, 2014 9:44AM
      John and Karen Hollingsworth/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service A gray wolf is seen in this file photo.
      Oregon officials have recorded the first reported attack on livestock protection dogs.

      Wolves killed several sheep and injured flock protection dogs in consecutive night attacks in Northeast Oregon.

      A news release from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said it was first time protection dogs have been injured by wolves. The livestock producer said three of the five dogs he had on guard were injured and a fourth is missing. “He was the most aggressive one; more than likely he’s dead, he hasn’t turned up anywhere,” the producer said.

      The producer, an Idaho resident, asked not to be identified because he doesn’t want to be harassed by people who believe wolves deserve protection and who oppose livestock grazing on public land. ODFW confirmed his identity to the Capital Press.

      The producer said he has about 1,000 sheep grazing in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. He said the grazing allotment has been active for many years and that he purchased it from the original holder.

      The producer said an armed herder was camped on site when the wolves attacked. He heard noise but in the darkness was unable to make out what was going on, the producer said. He said 10 sheep were killed, including two bucks. ODFW originally reported eight ewes were killed.

      The producer said the cost of the attack could run up to $18,000 to $20,000 if the loss of future lambs is considered. The bucks that were killed would have capable of producing hundreds of lambs over the course of their lives, he said.

      The guard dogs were an Anatolian-Akbash-Pyrenees cross the producer breeds himself. He said the dogs probably were no match for a wolf. The injured dogs will recover physically, but may be mentally beat down.

      “Wolves are just bigger and meaner and smarter,” he said.

      The Sept. 15 and 16 attacks were blamed on the Mt. Emily pack, one of eight documented packs in Oregon. They were the first attributed to the Mt. Emily pack, which at the end of 2013 was known to have at least four members.

      The attacks happened on public land in a grazing allotment. ODFW is working with the sheep producer to increase deterrent measures and will coordinate with other livestock owners and landowners in the area, according to the news release.

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