I present to you my apologies this email without you knowing but I fear have no choice other than this, that makes three weeks that I sent mail to an association that takes care of destitute children and so far no response on their part, indeed, I my name is Florencia Fournier, consultant and performer residing in 75008e, Paris avenue Matignon and not far from the champs Elysee in France but currently under medical London observation. I had to contact you in this way because I want to share and free me of a burden that is the heart. Indeed, there are about 7 yrs that during a health check it me is announced that I am suffering from acute leukemia at a level considered chronic, 04 April past my doctor informed me that in view of the degree of disease progression that my chances of surviving are very thin and only a miracle is possible. According Dr., the clot that settled in the spinal cord caused a serious infection of the brain fiber that any surgery would be a failure in advance, being aware of this assertion, I have therefore taken the decision to stop the medical treatment given everything I've already invested as expenditure for this treatment. I suffer greatly. If you read this message it is thanks to my caregiver. I live almost elongated since 3 years in this hospital bed. A week ago it was the anniversary of my 71. Everything happened in the garden of the hospital surrounded by other patients. No next of kin. Incidentally I more got since I am affected by this disease. I am a widow without children and anyway I am aware that I leave this hospital inside a coffin. All I want with all my heart is to carry out a humanitarian work before dying. I get up every day begging the sky put me in contact with a person who I'm willing to do inheritance of my assets to my Bank. I am convinced that this money could better serve the indigenous and other people who are the most in need rather than remain in the heritage of the Bank after my death. I had money in the Bank for a project to build a factory of clothes for children from 0 to 12 years. It is estimated at 820.000euros. I wrote to the Bank Manager to let him know my intention to dispossess me of all the money that I have in their bank to take advantage of a person that I would recommend them at the appropriate time. I believe you're the ideal person. I ask you to accept this money as generosity. I would like to especially since you answered me and give me hope that you exist because I know that you will have trouble believing my so-called. In anticipation of read you and all my most sincere greetings to all your family.
Here is my personal email address: [email protected]




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

      Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

      Luetuimmat keskustelut

      1. Sä et pääse yli, mä en pääse yli

        Jäädäänkö kuinka pitkäksi aikaa kärvistelemään omissa kuplissa näihin tunteisiin vai aletaanko puskemaan jo tätä läpi. V
      2. Hirvittävä onnettomuus.

        Voimia ja lohdutusta suuressa surussanne🙏🙏.
      3. Missä väleissä ollaan

        Jatkossa? Vai ollaanko missään? Koetko ikäväksi näkemisen)
      4. Hei sinä nainen

        Haluan olla rehellinen – olet hämmentänyt minua todella paljon. En ota sinusta mitään selvää, ja ehkä juuri siksi huomaa
      5. Riittääkö vielä

        Pelkät kuvat? 😉
      6. Mitäs te venäjän puolustajat tekisitte, jos venäjä todella hyökkäisi tänne?

        Tää on se mielenkiintoinen kysymys. Tehän olette lähinnä vasemmistolaisia, eikä armeijaa ole käyty, eikä rintamalle mi
        Maailman menoa
      7. Kelan perkeleellinen käytäntö

        Kun äiti joutuu hakemaan Kelalta tukia vähien tulojen tähden, niin aina otetaan huomioon lapsen tilillä olevat rahat. Ei
        Maailman menoa
      8. Mitä toivot

        Välienne olevan?
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        Ellen Jokikunnas ja Jari Rask toteuttivat oman unelmansa Italiassa. He ostivat kakkoskodin Italian Pugliasta. Lue lisää
        Suomalaiset julkkikset
      10. Miksi kaikki jauhaa KAJ:sta

        Se bastulauluhan on todella huono, vanhanaikainen ja oikea junttilaulu. Oikein ällöttää, kun idiootit hehkuttaa sitä ps
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