Halutaan Au Pair Englantiin


Dear Au pair

We are a half English and half Finnish family that have recently relocated to England.. We are in the process of moving house due to living in a less than desirable area and the mummy of the family (Eedit) has an interest to study to become a teacher at the local college. Daddy (Chadd) currently works about 35 min drive away and the baby (Elle) is turning 1 in February. The eldest Boy (Kai) is going to attend the local school at the end of the road.

We live in Illkeston in a Finglish family with a lot of understanding and traditions of both cultures. Currently The eldest Child (Kai - English) attends the local school from Monday - Friday and Usually goes to stay with his mother at the weekends. Elle our youngest daughter (Finnish) is currently in the process of learning how to walk and crawling everywhere.. She has an allergy to Milk and Soy so has different dietary requirements to your usual baby. Daddy goes to work 5 days out of 7 and mummy is currently looking to study at the local college but childcare has to be arranged first.

We are a very honest family and would expect the same in return. There are local learning centers and colleges offering ESOL courses to learn more English or other part time courses if you have an interest in these. There are many bus routes to the local cities (Derby - Nottingham - Leicester) and also the surrounding areas. Mummy's first language is Finnish but she is also very good at English and can offer to help improve English if you struggle at all..
The tasks would be taking Kai to school and collecting. And various activities in and around the home when required (Parks etc). A little cleaning - hoovering and dishes/simple tasks.
Elle just needs someone that is alert and conscious of how fast a baby can move and provide assistance in looking after her when mummy is at college and daddy is at work. sometimes babysitting in the evenings when the children are asleep (or just being in the home and listening out for them so they are safe).
When we take trips to other cities or shopping your more than welcome to be included as we have our own car and a spare seat. We are looking for someone to be a part of the family and not an outsider. We would include you in any family activities to make you feel welcome (children party's etc) We have a moped that you could have the use of if you have a licence (we could arrange to add you to the insurance) and last but not least be a friend to Eedit who is the only person currently speaking Finnish in the home.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Ni95

      When would you want the au pair to start (and how long you need it)? And, is there some email where I can send my application to?

    • Eedit95

      Hi .
      We are looking for someone to start between march and april but can be flexible depending on the applicant. We do not have an end date in mind yet. My email address is [email protected]
      I look forward to receiving your application.

    • ainimaarit

      Do you have already find Au Pair?

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Kuka maksaa Elokapinan töhrinnän?

      Vieläkö tukevat Elokapinan toimintaa mm. Aki Kaurismäki, Sofi Oksanen, Paleface, Koneen Säätiö ym. ? Kenen kukkarosta ot
      Maailman menoa
    2. Muuttaisiko viesti mitään

      Haluaisin laittaa viestin, mutta muuttaisiko se mitään. Oletko yhä yhtä ehdoton vai valmis kyseenalaistamaan asenteesi j
    3. Valpuri Nykänen elokapina

      Aikas kiihkomielinen nainen kun mtv:n uutiset haastatteli. Tuollaisiako ne kaikki on.
      Maailman menoa
    4. Jos sinulla kiinnostaisi

      Nyt, miten antaisit minun ymmärtää sen?
    5. Oon vähän ihastunut suhun nainen

      Vaikka toisin jokin aika sitten väitin mutta saat mut haluamaan olemaan parempi ihminen :)
    6. Jospa me nähtäisiin

      Sinne suuntaan menossa🤣
    7. Se että tavattiin

      Hyvin arkisissa olosuhteissa oli hyvä asia. Olimme molemmat lähestulkoon aina sitä mitä oikeasti olemme. Tietysti pieni
    8. Elämä jatkuu

      Onneksi ilman sinua
    9. Oot pala mun sielua

      Jos toivot, että lähden mä lähden. Jos toivot, että jään mä jään. Koen, että olet mun sielunkumppani, mutta lämmöllä my
    10. Hei T........

      Ajattelin kertoa että edelleen välillä käyt mielessä.... En ole unohtanut sinua, enkä varmasti ikinä... Vaikka on kulunu