portimaossa pannaan homma aisoihin
ulkosuomalaisten algarve suomi amerikka seuraan ASA valitaan vapun aattona toiminnanjohtaja . uudet haastajat tervetuloa. Vaaliin voi osallistua etana flapparilla tai Portimaon praya rocha rannalla suomi talon lahella .
kaantakaa tata viestia suomeksi ja levitys laajasti FB ssa ja suomi24. Olemme tekemassa elokuvaa teemalla mina olen tie, haussa Jeesus ja 12 apostolia. who speaks finnish,english a bit. Antikristus Seppo Myllis kauhajoelta kutsutaan pitoihin, hanet grillataan portimaon rannalla
-: culture association los Amarillos Keltaiset ry algarve suomi america association wants several 30-35 old men who has outlook as Jesus. Who like good music and travel with motorcycles BMW r800 paris Dakar. You not must be able to play, but sweng must be
send your demos to [email protected] , [email protected],[email protected]
they shall choose new media Jesus who opens the road to real one
algarve suomi america ASA los Amarillos produce the road movie exhibition of american culture , its best parts..its builded from good music and surroundings on the around Portugal
because this cinema is based to the Bible we have done serious question to archbishop of Finland and Lennart Koskinen in Sweden.
Can we do this without hurting the Holy Spirit ?
meaning is to TRAIN with massamedia people to be ready to REAL day of Lord without going to mass psychosa, when we offer them spirit of Truth and joy a bit in advance.
in fictive screenplay exodus today rahala ibn batouta tottajumalauta Nysse Tuloo,we show what happens when Poland gets new president , elected by previous polish pope and 55 % majority of population . We do all as its written in the Bible
big lightening of thunder has been seen everywhere
after court of Crimson King in Haag Strasbourg FARO KLODZKO JYVASKYLA
peace of 1000 years starts with
[email protected] ( ? )
in beginning big lights makes people confused , everything has changed, many fall to mass psychosas , jesus should be here but they not know who is him of those half million motor cycle travellers from usa russia and europa. He shows himself first time as normal man , in music group from Missisippi . We take original music and mix role persons Jesus Christ and 7 apostoles.
Exhibition of American culture goes on the road from Agadir beach sidi TUAL 3th day every month to marrakech new highway over atlantis mountains to Tanger Spain tarifa villa verde ficalho portugal mertola loyle portimao praya rocha mega party . All motorcycles scooters and cars model 1969 or older. Shipping to ports of Agadir or Sidi IFNI. Flight to Agadir. 25 km to beach sidi Tual
Heavenly master start play blues first time in sidi TUAL ... and people have very big fun .Is this hurting the Holy Spirit ? If you answer nothing , it means , do so.Ok. But if not , tell it at least 24.4.2012 to [email protected],[email protected], [email protected] . He has promised carry all my sins .
here comes Jesus first time in form of man, be need stuntman actor
What you think about the plan to use churches to such purposes, when all christian churches shall be finished as its written in the Bible .
Actor who plays role of Jesus, shall be mixed instead of this polish bass master.Music original.
Our cinema jesus plays many instruments
[email protected] quarantee peace to festival of american B class people artists intelligentsia, who do not accept crimes of federatio usa...Those people want peace also with Russians
Here nysse comes from Georgia
in next group Jesus plays bass quitar in front of half million in Portimao praya praying beach
THE COURT OF THE CRIMSON KING tells about the last judgements in haag for war criminals poland and usa
klodzko jyvaskyla
the road goes on ..
please read letter to King of Maroc
valtavasti epapuhtaita huumeita !!!
Hietikon ruikkupaskat vuosi housuista ulos
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Vakava rikosepäily Seinäjoella
Ilkka ei taaskaan tiedä mitään mutta hesalaiset kertoo: https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000010959325.html422836Olet saanut kyllä tunnisteita
Itsestäsi ja meistä. Mutta mikä siinä on, ettet kirjoita etkä anna itsestäsi merkkejä. Ellei ole kysymys siitä, mikä ens292409Mitä on woketus?
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Kerro mulle miksi juuri me
Kohdattiin? Tässä elämässä. Vaikka ollaan edelleen tutut tuntemattomat. Se on omituinen tunne.671007