Feeling lonely in Helsinki ?
You do not have to ! There are a lot of open social groups in Helsinki which anybody can join. It does not cost anything to join these groups or attend meetups, you just pay your own expenses !:
Café Lingua:
Café Lingua on Facebook here:
IESAF in Helsinki arranges at least one meetup every week:
( Read the group description on that page ! )
Making new friends in Helsinki has never been easier !
How to enlarge your circle of friends in Helsinki.
- painkiller
IESAF arranges a Christmas Dinner Meet Up in Helsinki on Saturday December the 24th starting at 2:30pm:
( You can see the page without having to log in on Facebook ! Just click on the link ! )
The event is not only for IESAF members ! Everybody is welcome ! There is no participation fee but you must of course pay your own expenses !
Do not be alone on Christmas Eve ? It is much more fun to spend the evening in the company of other people. The event is not a drinking party ! So you do not have to drink anything that contains alcohol if you do not want to ! YOU decide what you drink ! - painkiller
The IESAF Christmas Dinner has only 4 confirmed guests so far ! That is fantastic news ! It means that very few expats in Helsinki are headed for a lonely Christmas ! Or does it ?
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Saako kantaa asetta
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todennäköisyys on sille, että kaksi tiettyä ihmistä yli viidestä miljoonasta sattuvat tulemaan samalle palstalle ikävöim43762Aavistan tai oikeastaan
tiedän, että olet hulluna minuun. Mutta ilman kommunikointia, tällaisenaan tilanne ja kaikki draama ovat mun näkökulmast31693Pieni vinkki miehelle
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