Täydelliset ohjeet itsesi parantamiseen!


Cure for Common Health Issues

Commonly acidity is one reason for almost any disease. Also meat eating is risky, ripe old banana can replace meat. Yoga and meditation helps with any diseases. Half baths - splash water; face, nasal passage, eyes, behind ears, neck, lover arms and legs and genitals. Homeopathic medicines are helpful, sometimes better than chemicals. If eating acidic or sour fruits take them always with salt. Basil prevents many diseases and increases age. Nuts keeps young! Homeopathic medicines wary according individual, here only some examples, seek homeopath.

Acidity commonly, take coconut in any form with anis. Also lemon water with salt many times a day. Orange juice with water helps when feeling constantly hungry, take food only in regular intervals. Fast in certain days, ie full moon time.

Anemia, soak fenugreek over night, drink the water in the morning. Take fresh parsley juice, molasses, beet root, sesame seeds. Stick iron nails on apple, keep over night and eat the apple for breakfast. Homeopathic Ferrum phos 6 x together with Ferrum met 30, besides take some iron products.
Astma, local sweet or sour fruits. Leafy-vegetable soup, milk or yogurt water. Mainly alkaline foods. Evening meal early. A little lemon salt water several times a day. Eat little at time, clear constipation. Asthmatic spasms cannot occur when one is hungry. Enemas help occasionally. No intoxicants, not even tea. Mix raw cane sugar and pure mustard oil, lick in the morning for 21 days on an empty stomach. Take burned peacock feather ashes with honey. You can buy from India homeopathic mother tincture, blatta, which is made from cockroaches. Do acupressure. Avoid processed foods, preservatives. Homeopathic arsenicum, spongia, sulphur, antimum tart, hepar sulph, tuberculinum etc.

Brain function, tamarind and rice starch. Externally keep brain cool - put some oil or water on head. Take big cardamom with honey. Ginseng, ginkgo, soya lecithin, flax seed oil, nuts, oats. Homeopathic baryta carb, calcarea carb.
Blood pressure high, sleep enough. Eat less fat and protein foods and more alkaline vegetables and fruits. When better do more physical work. Small spoon of cardamom with a little honey twice a day. Use natural olive etc oils. Acupressure. Homeopathic, belladonna, nux vomica, glonoinum, lachesis. Low blood pressure almonds, basil. Homeopathic carbo veg, china, gelsemium, lycopodium, bartya carb, conium, natrum mur, etc

Blood toxicity, in the morning take 1 cm raw turmeric with honey to empty stomach for two weeks. Neem and brinjal fried together. Drink lots of water. Echinacea, honey, dandelion leaves, nettle. Homeopathic lachesis, arnica, bapt etc. Gangrene secale, arsenicum, lachesis, carbo veg, cantharis, can be very effective.

Bleeding externally, first aid bandage in serious cases. Juice of calendula leaf or flower, on wounds. Cayenne pepper, john’s worth, yarrow can help. Homeopathic millefolium, phosphorus, and for deeper wounds staphisagria, ledum, all in 30 potency. 
Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, some of these homeopathic; staphysagria, stramonium, belladonna, cuprum-met, hyoscyamus, nux-vomica, tuberculinum, tarentula, syphilinum, lachesis, arsenicum, coffea, platina, anacardium, aurum met, ignatia, natrum-mur, opium.

Bones, to make stronger. Gram flour with over ripe banana. Minerals. Milk, yoghurt, kale, swiss chard, almonds, avocados, flax seeds, vitamin D and Magnesium. Homeopathic, aurum, calcarea fluorica and calcarea phosporica, silicea, symphytum.

Cancer, homeopathic conium 200 etc, calcarea fluorica. Go to bed early, yoga posters 3 times a day, no sex. Alkaline food, lemon-salt water (similar effect than soda water), clear constipation. Milk, coconut or almond milk. Pineapple, banana, tomato. Drink lots of water. Sun and mud baths. Physical work if able. Avoid mobiles, wifis etc radiation, toxins. Cannabis oil and apricot pits.

Constipation, juices such as beet root, zucchini. Eat lots of vegetables and fibrous food. Dried plums. Homeopathic nux vomica, bryonia, alumen. No urge even alumina,  mother tincture chelidonium.

Colds, mustard oil, old molasses, raw papaya. Drink ginger, big cardamom and black pepper tea. Drink a lot lemon salt water. Homeopathic Aconite 30-200, if fever together with belladonna or gelsemium. Breath steam, gurgle with salt water. Take vitamin C and D. Boiled elderberries (sambucus nigra), echinacea, yarrow, peppermint.

Cough persistent, soak orange in hot water, take juice evening before sleep for 15 days. Take in the morning clove, thyme tea, lemon and honey. Homeopathy, bryonia, belladonna, phosphorus, Kali-bi, sulphur, hepar sulphur.

Dandruff or lice, grind raw turmeric and yoghurt mixed, put on scalp every 4 days before bath. Tea tree oil and olive oil to hair. Homeopathic staphysagria, apis, sulph, lycopodium. Falling hair, raw turmeric paste before bath. Eat pumpkin seeds, zink. Homeopathic for hair condition medorhinum, thuja, lycopodi




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      • pennin_jänis

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      • pennim_jänis
        vr.k81 kirjoitti:

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