- a day to remember -

- lonely cowboy -

Finally, the aircraft landed into a smooth slide on the black runway. The journey from my home had taken almost five long hours on a sweaty Friday afternoon. “Welcome to…” - the rest of the air hostess’s voice disappeared as I was already urging for my luggage during the taxi. The aircraft’s isle was already packed up with sweaty businessmen holding their suitcases with white fingers, desperately seeking for their cell phones to hear the latest financial developments. I was on vacation; a 4 day weekend was still ahead. In this airport, the “cattle tube” for passengers is well planned and organised; you immediately sense you’re in an organised country when following the clear, well visible signs through the baggage claim and customs.

Where is she? Has something happened – why can’t I find her? – Questions began to roll through my mind as I was desperately trying to locate the familiar pair of blue eyes from the crowd. All of a sudden – just like the first time I met her couple of months ago - I encountered her smashing smile and the most beautiful, glittering eyes – there she was in a short, pastel yellow summer dress. As always when meeting her, a smooth feeling struck me from tip to toe making my heart to beat faster. A few quick kisses on her soft lips and some greeting hugs before finding the car from the parking lot. The summer evening was warm - you know – kind of evening when you could still feel the warmth of the day reflecting from the pavement.

She started up the engine of her black GTi with a few, fast movements. I took the opportunity to lean back, relax and have a good look on her while she was backing the car out from the parking space. She had got well tanned since we last met; her long legs looked as thrilling as always. “What?”- she softly asked, smiling– “what are you looking at? Filled with joy, I was not able to respond, the words were stuck in my throat while catching the moment.

The drive from the City to the coast of the Sea is surprisingly short, some 150 kilometres. The traffic was low in the darkening, humid evening filled with overwhelming odour from the freshly greened fields. It felt like a magical dream – almost silently flying through the night, the rhythm of white stripes reflecting the headlights. Little by little the rest of the world began to disappear and the night became ours.

“Harbour” - the street sign posted that we’re closing the wee coastal town on a journey I wanted to go on and on, forever. The few lamps on the peer gave just about enough light to safely move our weekend luggage and food to a 32 footer sailing yacht swinging slowly in the light night breeze. The rig had its typical sounds eventually disappearing in the calming wind.

I saw love in her eyes when she kissed me; I felt heat in her touch when her slim fingers slowly discovered their way on me. Her tall body shivered from the longing as we lying on the bed onboard. “I’ve missed you so much, I want you so much” - she whispered. I slowly took her clothes and slip off revealing her slim, tall body with intense tanning everywhere. Small, white areas on her bottom revealed the size of the strings she’d been wearing. Her breasts were firm, with hardened dark reddish nipples facing upwards. I saw her closing her eyes and biting her lips when I penetrated into her, slowly, teasing. The rhythm was so easy to find, the real woman in her was so easily uncovered, revealed, and truly present. The remaining waves still swayed the yacht when two became one, intensely. “I never knew it could be like this” – she repeated when the waves of pleasure hit her again and again, turning her face to me, some black hair caught onto her sweaty cheek.

Saturday morning the dunes were glittering white in the sunlight when she steered the steel yacht out from the harbour. The fair wind was 5-8 m/s from the east, tunnelling from the strait between the mainland and the island. We laughed together, joking while we approached our destination with all sails up. A quick lunch with a good discussion, laughter, jokes flying around. She liked to lye on the deck, watching the yacht splicing its way through the sea leaving a white stripe of bubbles behind us, soundlessly.

In the fall of the night we peered to a harbour of a small fishing village. The sea was still, the sunset gave the best colours you can imagine. The most wonderful, amazing day of my life came to an end as much as I yearned to stretch the experience and childishly, wanted to return to yesterday. “I never knew it could be like this”.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

      Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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