Kristinuskossa etiikka liittyy Jumalaan.
Lainaan tunnettua anglikaanikristittyä teologia Alister McGrathia:
In a recent radio discussion, a British journalist explored the nature of morality with well-known militant atheist Richard Dawkins. Justin Brierley (JB) asked Dawkins (RD) whether his Darwinian perspective on things offered a reliable foundation for ethical values. The following section of the interview was especially interesting from the standpoint of Christian apologetics:
JB: But when you make a value judgment, don’t you immediately step yourself outside of this evolutionary process and say the reason this is good is because it’s good, and you don’t have any way to stand on that statement?
RD: But my value judgment itself could come from my evolutionary past.
JB: So therefore it’s just as random in a sense as any product of evolution.
RD: Well, you could say that. But it doesn’t in any case—nothing about it makes it more probable that there is anything supernatural.
JB: Okay, but ultimately, your belief that rape is wrong is as arbitrary as the fact that we’ve evolved five fingers rather than six.
RD: You could say that, yeah.
The interview probed one of the most important questions that regularly arises in debate: is morality dependent upon a transcendent norm or ground—such as God? In debate, many atheists dismiss this question as ridiculous. How dare anyone suggest that atheists are immoral because they do not believe in God! But that is not the real issue. The big question is whether an objective morality can be sustained without belief in God. For Christians, God alone offers an objective foundation for moral values, which is not subject to the whims of the powerful or the changing moods of public opinion.
McGrath, A. E. (2012). Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith (pp. 104–105). Baker Books.
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Palstan tekoäly poistaa usein viestit automaattisesti jossa on paljon englanninkielistä tekstiä.
Miten moraalia perustellaan.
-se on luonnollista/säännöt löytyy luonnosta tai geeneistä.
- jumala sanoo
- pyhä kirja sanoo
- et itse haluaisi, että itsellesi tehtäisiin.(esim. älä siis kiduta muita)
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- mahdollisimman paljon hyvää mahdollisimman monelle.- Anonyymi
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evoluutio luo sellaista mistä on hyötyä siinä ajassa
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