Seuraavaa pandemiaa ollaan jo valmistelemassa vaikka väkisin!
Suomi ostanut jo suuren rokotus erän lintuinfluenssa rokotteita lääketehtailta
vaikka taudin vaarallisuusaste on 0%
katsokaa haastattelu aiheesta kohdassa 55,57min eteenpäin.
seuraava pandemia
- Anonyymi
Sitä odotellessa. Elämään tarvitaan jännitystä.
Ja millaista onkaan lukea sekalaisten ihmisten sekalaisia kommentteja taudeista ja rokotteista, ym. - Anonyymi
Miksihän nämä maailman omistavat triljardöörit aina osaavat ennustaa tulevat kauheudet?
THAN COVID - Anonyymi
Kumppanenko parempi ois, teräs vai puumolopää.
- Anonyymi
On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the “efficiency and functionality” of the Bank of Russia’s central bank digital currency (“CBDC”) and instructed his government to prepare for the widespread introduction of the digital ruble.
That was on Friday. For anyone who still believes Russia is opposing the UN’s plan to take over and control the world, you need to read Slavsquat’s report on Friday. You can read the full article HERE.
Russia is not only going full steam ahead on ESG and Agenda 2030, but the country is also well advanced in implementing totalitarian digital control through the use of a CBDC. Yesterday Slavsquat reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for the full-scale implementation of the digital ruble, Russia’s CBDC.
The Truth about Putin - He Is Owned by Chabad Lubavitch (Johnny Gat)
Putin once again urged Russians to be vaccinated against coronavirus - Are you vaccinated? - Have you been vaccinated? - Not yet, I'll wait for you to get vaccinated. Putin asked Russians to show responsibility and once again stressed that Russia has a reliable and effective vaccine
In a speech to the WEF Davos Forum Jan 28, 2021, Putin affirmed his support for the covid hoax, the climate change hoax and mass vaccinations.
Want to skip the vaccine in Russia? You could be suspended from work.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday he had received a third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, as the country struggles with a fresh wave of the virus.
“I had it two hours ago,” Putin said on state television channel Rossiya 24, assuring viewers that his booster injection of the Sputnik vaccine had been painless.
Brandon Smith - Ukraine is Globalist Psy Op
February 24, 2022
"Ukraine is a Plan B attempt to conjure more smoke and mirrors where the covid pandemic failed to satisfy the Great Reset plan. If you look at the WEF and Gates Foundation simulation of a covid pandemic, Event 201 which was held only two months before the REAL THING happened, they clearly expected covid to do way more damage, predicting an initial death tally of 65 million. This never happened; it isn't even close."
Again, the Russian government is NOT anti-globalist. This claim is nonsense and always has been. I would attribute the fantasy of Russian opposition to a steady stream of propaganda and what I call the False East/West Paradigm - The fraudulent notion that the globalist agenda is a purely Western or American agenda and that countries like China and Russia are opposed to it. If you look at the close interactions between the east and the globalists, this idea completely falls apart.
It's important to understand that most conflicts between the East and the West are engineered conflicts and the leaders of BOTH SIDES are not really at odds with each other. Rather, these wars are Kabuki Theater; they are wars of convenience to achieve covert ends while mesmerizing the masses with moments of terror and calamity.
Russia’s president says he wants the “de-Nazification” of Ukraine. That actually means regime change.
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his version of an answer in his televised speech Wednesday night, announcing a “special military operation” whose “goal is to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years.” Ultimately: “We will strive for the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians.”
In a speech to the WEF Davos Forum Jan 28, 2021, Putin affirmed his support for the covid hoax, the climate change hoax and mass vaccinations. - Anonyymi
Ei sitä PANDEMIAA olla valmistelemassa. Tauti tulee jos tulee.
- Anonyymi
Media pelottelee sen minkä eliitti ja johtoportaat ovat päättäneet
näin syntyy koronan tapaiset höpö pandemiat jotka siirtävät miljardeja kansan rahoja
lääketehtaiden kautta eliitille.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
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