
As with magicians, not all stage hypnosis shows are alike. There is the caliber of magician who performs for kids at birthday parties and then there are the 'David Copperfields' of magic whose talent and expertise give a memorable performance. Today's tools make it simple for us to travel across vast resources of information and knowledge; but just how do you know from a web page that what you see is actually what you'll get? Anyone can make claims and a little creative writing can make anyone sound great! Any individual with a computer can claim they are the world's best, fastest, funniest, etc. hypnotist, but in reality they could have as little as three days of training and yours could be their very first performance! So how do you know you are getting a professional to perform for your company? Book SZELES and take the guess work out of the equation. Below you can view videos and photos from some of the hundreds of shows SZELES has performed in the last twenty years. Booking a seasoned, professional stage hypnotist will make you shine in the eyes of your peers for there is nothing funnier than a tastefully executed stage hypnosis show, while your co-workers will be thrilled and delighted you receive the accolade of having the forethought of booking such a unique and memorable entertainment. The entertainment for a any event can be a great career booster for the entertainment director, or it can turn out to be a disaster with your name written across it like a cheap suit on a wet day!

When you think of Hypnosis, what does your mind's eye conjure up? If I asked you to let me hypnotize you, would you ponder the question for a second and answer "O.K."? The majority of people randomly asked this question answered "NO!" right away without giving it a second thought. Why? Fear of mind control; or what they have been misled to believe is mind control through superstition, unscrupulous hypnotists and bad media. Hollywood movie makers and side-show hypnotists have given hypnosis a bad rap; they have portrayed people clucking like chickens, barking like dogs and performing all kinds of embarrassing and sometimes humiliating acts - even going to the extreme in the movie Telefon, where the hypnotist had such a great control over his subject's minds that he could will them to perform murder by a mere phone call!! If this were so, the times in which we live would be vastly different. Therefore, it's little wonder that a great deal of people are skeptical when it comes to hypnosis. Hypnosis works only if you allow it to. This statement raises eyebrows, but it is true. Only you have the power to control your thoughts, actions and words. A good hypnotist is merely the skilled instrument through which you can learn this invaluable art and improve the quality of your life.
History reveals that hypnosis has always existed. Ancients used hypnosis for meditation and pain control. The Hawaiian tribesmen would use self-hypnosis as a form of pain control when they walked across hot coals bare foot. Indeed hypnosis is the Greek word for sleep. Today, hypnosis is fast regaining repute and is used in such diverse industries as psychiatry, medicine, sports, police work and of course, entertainment..

SZELES has been performing stage hypnosis throughout the United States for the past twenty years, developing one of the most sought after one-man shows today. His performances are unique, hilarious, enlightening and always tasteful; earning SZELES an outstanding reputation for bringing a fresh, fun and purely entertaining approach to hypnotism while dispelling the mysterious and degrading myths that surround this fascinating state of mind. SZELES' stage presentation features a completely open and observable process during which the audience becomes witness to a remarkable transformation; that of the participant's journey from a conscious to a subconscious state of mind. It is with his participants in this hypnotized state, that SZELES builds his enormously entertaining performance, enjoining participants and audience members alike together with his fast-paced comedic wit in a superb, unforgettable one of a kind performance. Each participant will react differently to the suggestions offered, so no two shows are ever alike! Because of this unique factor, SZELES is able to personalize the performance to fit any event or corporate function. The performance is 60 - 90 minutes of pure enlightening fun!! Using his California Certification in Hypnosis to entertain, come explore with SZELES the creativity and imagination within the subconscious minds of his participants. During any performance you will be thrilled as SZELES introduces you to James Bond, watch as participants forget their names, greet long lost family members in the audience; listen as Martians converse through a translator, be spellbound as you watch the paranormal goings on in the haunted house, laugh uncontrollably as the mimes fly kites, watch adults act like third graders and much, much more. This is the only show that is as much fun for the audience as it is for the participants!.

SZELES' interest in performing began at the age of 16 when he would drive his younger cousin to magic shops around the Detroit area, and he started performing magic tricks for birthday parties here and there. It wasn't until SZELES moved to Los Angeles in 1974 that his talent took off. Getting a job in a second floor magic shop on Hollywood Boulevard, SZELES doubled the owner's business in just two weeks performing and then selling the tricks he had demonstrated. After a little more than a year SZELES was home sick for Detroit and moved back, giving up magic and began to study metaphysics. It was this studying that would lead SZELES into the world of Hypnosis. Feeling the need to travel again, SZELES once again found himself back in California; this time in San Francisco. About the same time a new tourist attraction opened up on Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39, it was there that SZELES made a name for himself as the Rainmaker. Performing on a specialized vehicle which he claimed could make rain! SZELES would draw large crowds and make them laugh with his witty patter only to soak them with a heavy dose of rain (really a hidden sprinkler system) , and pass the hat for donations. In-between shows SZELES would read books. It was in the book Psyscocybernetics, that would lead him to hypnosis.

First trying self-hypnosis and liking the sense of being well rested, relaxed and the euphoric feeling it brought to him, he bought a book on hypnosis and within days was hypnotizing his friends. SZELES studied clinical Hypnosis and holds State certification. Missing the fun and excitement he had experienced as a street performer on the wharf, SZELES decided, after several months of private practice, to return to what he loved most - performing to crowds for good-humored fun! Thus began the birth of his new career - stage hypnotism.

Performing stage hypnosis now for over twenty years, SZELES has performed for a wide variety of clients from colleges, the USO, to corporate parties and private functions. He holds the distinct honor of being the first person to perform a live show at San Jose's Winchester Mystery House on what other date but Friday the Thirteenth!! He recently returned from the United Kingdom where he performed several shows for a quaint local pub located in Nottingham, England reputed to be the oldest pub in the county - known as "The Trip To Jerusalem" founded in 1189AD




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Kev

      Kevin Stone is a Master Hypnotist and
      a Board-Certified Hypnotherapist. Kevin's
      world-famous hypnotherapy clinic in Los
      Angeles helps hundreds of people daily to improve their lifestyles for the better.
      Kevin Stone travels worldwide presenting
      the funniest full-audience participation live
      comedy stage hypnosis show in America
      today. He performs at major theme parks,
      fairs, conventions, colleges and corporate
      events. He offers top-notch quality, value,
      and showmanship in entertainment.
      Kevin Stone is available to entertain you
      at your next event as well as help you to
      change and improve your lifestyle through
      hypnotherapy. Call Kevin Stone now

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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