Its been more than too long since we've spoken? How is your life going? All is well with me. There's so much to update u on. Where do I start? Well, I just finished filming the new Tyler Perry movie, "Why Did I Get Married?" It was one of the best experiences I've ever had on a film. Its an ensemble cast that includes Richard T. Jones, Jill Scott, Malik Yoba, Tasha Smith, Michael Jai White, Sharon Leal and Tyler Perry - who wrote, produced and directed the movie. I play an educated author & psychologist who writes about love, marriage and relationships and counsels as well. Its a great departure 4 me from my other roles and I can't wait for u to see the movie when it opens later this year. Have u seen my Vibe Vixen cover? I LOVE it! The story was great and I love the photos the fabulous Ruven Afanador shot. I'm also on the cover of famed photographer Michel Haddi's new magazine, Sly & Chic. We shot it in the Hollywood Hills a few months ago - real classic Hollywood style - a totally different look. The magazine should be on stands in the states in a couple of weeks - I hope u like it. On the music side, I've been in crazy rehearsals preparing for my performance at the Atlantis - Phase III opening on May 11th. I'm performing a mini concert and planning to enjoy the Bahamas with the kids. Then I'm off to Europe to do an event in Cannes and London. I hope you are preparing to have a great summer and I promise to keep in better touch.
Miss u!
Luv, Janet
Janetin uusi viesti faneille
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