Poor and Stupid

Tired for Finnish stupidness

Just cant understand Finnish people.

Why they let government and politicians treat them so poorly. Politicians and government have been telling these untrue facts for more than 30 years how well we live here in Finland.

Average Finnish people are poor ! they dont have even money to buy such a underwear clothing which other people have in the other european countries.

Today came out OECD:s research which clearly AGAIN shows how badly we people are paid. Doctors and nurses have about 20 % less salary in Finland than in any other country in OECD.

Finnish children feel worst in europe (article in finnish newspapers few months ago)

3 weeks ago was mentioned that number of suesides
have reduced dramatically in Finland. Hey ! in that same article was mentioned that this was done buy the right medical treatment... there must be something really wrong with the system.

The "Media" should take now widely strong and active role to give painfull pressure to the organization parts of power which these terms concern.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • poor Finn

      First of all the reason why an average Finn doesn't buy fancy underwears is because lack of buying those not because they don't have enough money doing so.

      However, it's true that certain jobs are underpaid, for instance, nurses and doctors. Their salaries should be raised as soon as possible. It's true that political system (strong foundations of social democrats) have caused the situation, where it's too hard to get rich by working so that the working class (supporters of Social Decrat Party) won't feel jealous. Thanks for the taxation!

      High rates of committing suicides doesn't correlate with political at all. The have been suicidal tendencies among the Finnish people for centuries. It's got something to do with the bad location of Finland and cross-fucking relatives hundreds of years.

      • poor Finn


    • otk

      Have you ever considered moving to Russia? Or somewhere as exotic. There you would get a refreshing (and obviously needed) update to your attitude.

      • quite a lot

        and its guaranteed that WE Finns are stupid cause we/they dont use the opportunity to live better which we/they obviously could do in our/their own country.

        Its no answer to say why dont you try some exotic alternatives !

      • otk
        quite a lot kirjoitti:

        and its guaranteed that WE Finns are stupid cause we/they dont use the opportunity to live better which we/they obviously could do in our/their own country.

        Its no answer to say why dont you try some exotic alternatives !

        Sorry, I obviously just don't understand your rant. But perhaps you wrote it 'cos you were bored too. If you honestly want to do something about things being bad and all -become a politician and start campaigning. I don't think this message board will change too much about anything.

      • You know
        otk kirjoitti:

        Sorry, I obviously just don't understand your rant. But perhaps you wrote it 'cos you were bored too. If you honestly want to do something about things being bad and all -become a politician and start campaigning. I don't think this message board will change too much about anything.

        as well as I, that being a politician in Finland you cant change things.

        Too long story to discuss, but my idea in first hand was that media should take active role.

        This forum was chosen cause I hope that some journalist would read this and start motivating media to act.

        Right now sun is shining and I can smell atlantic ocean. Next week back to Finland to share my income with taxation system : )

    • lökhvcöp

      "Average Finnish people are poor ! they dont have even money to buy such a underwear clothing which other people have in the other european countries."

      Yeah, I've always envied the fancy underwear the other europeans wear. I don't even get to wash my single pair (that I inherited from my grandfather) because the river is frozen most of the year.

      Yes, the purchasing power parity is a bitch.

    • the cook

      You are too young and unpolished to say anything about thing like the economickal arrangement in Finland, At first there is not sense at all of your poin of view, I booly wonder if you have ever been anywhere else. Could you be anything but the poorest finn as you call youself.

    • monaco welcomes you

      Feel free to move to some other country, you sound like Monaco is the place for you :)

      • read todays HS "nurses...

        You are right ! Monaco is right place : )

      • Anonyymi

        Poor, racist and stupid

    • Anonyymi

      The Finnish genetic heritage is so unique that in global genetic databases, we have been separated into our own category. Currently, the world's population in genetic databases is divided into nine categories: Africans, Amish, Latinos, excluding Finns, Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians, Finns, South Asians, and others.
      Helsingin Sanomat
      Lääketieteen säätiö

      The breakdown of the global population in genetic databases includes South Asians at 1.75 billion, East Asians at 1.7 billion, Africans at 1.4 billion, Latinos at 800 million, Europeans at 600 million, others at around two hundred million, Ashkenazi Jews at 11 million, Finns at 5 million (worldwide), and Amish at 300-500 thousand.

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