Tosi vähillä tiedoilla yritän löytää biisin:
-hidas biisi
-lauletaan yhdessa säkeessä Pariisista mitä ei
hirveän monessa biisissä lauleta
-hyvä biisi joka jäänyt kaivelemaan
Tässä nämä vihjeet, olisiko lottopäivä mulle jos joku tietää..........
- kuukoira_
Marianne Faithfull - Ballad of Lucy Jordan.
The morning sun touched lightly on
the eyes of Lucy Jordan
In a white suburban bedroom
in a white suburban town
And she lay there neath the covers
dreaming of a thousand lovers
til the world turned to orange
and the room went spinning round
At the age of 37
she realized she'd never ride
through Paris in a sports car
with the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing
as she sat there softly singing
pretty nursery rhymes she'd memorized
in her Daddy's easy chair
Her husband he's off to work
and the kids are off to school
and there were oh so many ways
for her to spend her days
She could clean the house for hours
or rearrange the flowers
or run naked through the shady street
screaming all the way
At the age of 37
she realized she'd never ride
through Paris in a sports car
with the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing
as she sat there softly singing
pretty nursery rhymes she'd memorized
in her Daddy's easy chair
The evening sun touched gently on
the eyes of Lucy Jordan
on the rooftop where she climbed
when all the laughter grew too loud
And she bowed and curtsied to the man
who reached and offered her his hand
and he led her down to the long white car
that waited past the crowd
At the age of 37
she knew she'd found forever
as she rode along through Paris
with the warm wind in her hair- kiitos_kiitos
nimittäin kuulin tän biisin Kentuckyssä 90-alun alussa kerran,olin unohtanut jo biisin mutta selasin vanhoja kalentereita ja muistui mieleen, taidan lotota lauantaina....kiitos vielä kerran
- Anonyymi
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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